losing date and time when turning on Kemper Stage

  • I saw this for the first time maybe 1 week ago on my Toaster that is 7 or 8 years old. I feared the worst.

    I searched the forum for time and date issues. One of the mods wrote back and said that, if this only happens when connected to rig manger, I should go into the setup menu and check the clock was actually running - if it is then 'no problem'. In my case it was running.

    I am hoping for luck here and will curse it now but, so far, no repeat of this.

    Sorry, I just searched for the thread again but can't see it.... Hope yours turns out well.

  • Same issue with a brand new kemper stage. Happened on day one.

    Updated the software, but issue wasn’t fixed.

    I set up the date manually, but I get the same error after turning off/on

    Even if the date/date is synced and updated when connecting to rig manager, the error continued to occur after turning the unit off/on.

  • I have seen the Clock setup error before, but it was only when I booted my toaster with the USB Plugged in. I am just now upgrading to 8.2.2. I will report and see if I see this Clock issue. I always upgrade off of my USB Stick and never upgrade from Rig manager. I just don't trust upgrading from RM.

  • Ok I just upgraded my Toaster to 8.2.2 have had no Clock Issues. I guess it is kind of good news, and I did power cycle my toaster a few times. I am not hooked via USB to Rig Manager. I highly recommend not to be connected to USB when booting your Kemper up, or you will from time to time see this Clock error.

  • (Edit) - Removing my previous observations, as this Stage unit is still functionally broken (getting time clock error messages shown in this thread) - however the troubleshooting variables I listed are now showing completely different outcomes hours later and do not help with clarification for a forum reader or Moderator. Its all over the place - Kemper Support ticket submitted.

    Edited once, last by rrandreas: System time clock still broken - Kemper Ticket Submitted. (June 1, 2021 at 2:42 AM).

  • Just opened a ticket. Only happens if I power down, remove the power cable, then power back up.

    If I power down/up with power cable in it doesn't happen.

    dmatthews - mine was doing as yours is at first, but now its doing it both ways variably. No rhyme or reason, just one constant now, its returning 100% of the time. I submitted two tickets, no response yet. Thank you for contributing in with this one. RA

  • dmatthews - mine was doing as yours is at first, but now its doing it both ways variably. No rhyme or reason, just one constant now, its returning 100% of the time. I submitted two tickets, no response yet. Thank you for contributing in with this one. RA

    I have great confidence that this will be resolved in the next release or beta.

  • I just receive my profiler Stage from Kemper and what a disappointment !!!

    The machine is on an older version of operating system but it's not a problem. At first I put on the profiler alone and when I put it on I have this beautiful window :

    So I have same thing than before !!!

    I open an older version of Rig manager (3.0.145) and I put on the profiler and same thing.

    It's not serious ! Please stop the geeks ...

    Just a piece of shit ...

  • Did some experiments

    This happens to me only if I disengage the power cable and reboot.

    Doesn't matter if USB or Midi is plugged in.

    I am being told that I'll need to send my toaster for repair, and that others having this issue is a coincidence.

    Could be... I bought mine used locally. Just seems well... interestingly coincidental. I've been on this forum for years now and not seen this issue until now.