Public Beta

  • Regarding the flats/sharps tuner, im guessing the original logic behind this is that the most commonly used keys in “guitar” music are G,C,D,A,E (probably in that order) hence the CAGED approach, therefore using keys that employ sharps rather than flats so, dealing “musically correct” with these keys, there are no flats in these keys only sharps.

    However, as for tuning, more often than not, we tune the instrument down and think in terms of “flats”

    Thought for the day- do you “tune up” your guitar or “tune down”.

    One is a common phrase and the other is a common choice....

    Ps. Happy Christmas and No complaints with the latest implementation

    For me, I think of it like this, On a 6 string guitar what's the fat string called? Answer: E. when I bring up the tuner & hit that string I call E, I don't want it to read D, I want it to read E. Same with A,D,G etc. Has nothing to do with keys, just quick tuner reference.

    I have and will knock my guitar WAY out of tune and when seconds count between songs I don't want to have to think "OK my G string should read A#" I want my known string letter name shown.

  • Hi, ckemper,


    While the AMP volume compensation for low gain settings is still in place, it is defeated for the volume knobs in effects placed before the AMP.

    This allows for a familiar volume and boost/attenuation setting for distortion pedals.

    Tell me what you think!

    I don't think I'm experiencing the change in volume and boost/attenuation setting for distortion pedals.

    I've set up slots 1 and 2 in a Performance.

    Settings are identical except for Kemper Drive Volume.

    Rig: JW LoneStar Cln1 DI-1 (from Rig Exchange)

    Effect in B (before the AMP) is the Kemper Drive

    - Drive 5.3

    - Tone 5.0

    - Definition 6.5

    - Slim Down 0.0

    - Mix 100%

    - Volume 0 (slot 1) / 4.5 (slot 2)

    The Profiles in the slots are identical except I have the Kemper Drive set up - one with volume zero, the other with volume +4.5.

    When I switch between slots 1 and 2, I can hear the difference in the tone, but there's no difference in the volume (looking at the meters on my mixer).

    Should I do something differently to hear the difference?

    General question: Is there a switch to enable/disable this new volume/boost/compensation feature?

    Suppose I had set up Profiles to work with a FOH or DAW settings - will the new feature require changes to the FOH/DAW?



    Kemper Profiling Amplifier (unpowered) [2014], Remote [2016], Stage [2020], PowerRack, Remote & Kab[2021]
    Twitter | LinkedIn | My Blog | My Kemper Notes

    Edited 3 times, last by ST (December 26, 2020 at 4:18 AM).

  • Is this "feature" a toggle? It's the dumbest thing I've heard, if it's not.

    What feature are you talking about?

    Anyways I think that calling it "dumb" is not the most constructive way to suggest a change on anything.

    I do think that for any of the features we are talking about it could be useful a toggle to let users decide, but your post is very disrespectful.

  • Is this "feature" a toggle? It's the dumbest thing I've heard, if it's not.

    I think it became a majority decision. Like being mad because you can't choose between VHS and DVD. Very few would want the VHS, so it goes by the wayside. When using your tuner tuned down a half step, and hit an A string, why in the world would you want it to read G#? It's the A string. Ab makes more sense. That's why all popular tuners do it this way. It makes sense to most. You can't look at it like dominant/sub dominate keys, its a tuner. Very few people tune UP from concert pitch. Logically, if you drop a note lower, it becomes flat, not sharp.

  • Pardon me if I'm not understanding something, but can't you just dial it it to a minimum setting and save your own preset??? Aren't all presets just a user modifiable subset of the default preset?

    Well, he was talking about the factory presets that Kemper made with the new Kemper Drive stomp. You could only "tone match" a minimun setting for a TS 808 if you had a real one. But the point was to be able to sound like one just trusting the work from Kemper on their presets. Also in the 8.0 Addendum there are some graphics to understand where the pots would be in the real pedal for all the presets made by them.

  • When your amp is already distorting, then you hear a change in distortion, not in volume boost.

  • When your amp is already distorting, then you hear a change in distortion, not in volume boost.

    Thanks for the explanation - I still need a little help to understand this if possible please :)

    If I understand you correctly, once an amp is already distorting then hitting it with a hotter signal simply results in more distortion / compression and not a volume boost.

    I've just installed the beta and have chosen a profile that, in Rig Manager shows as zero gain bars (it's a Tone Junkie AC10). I then put the Kemper drive in front of the amp stack.

    With volume in Kemper drive at zero, I check out the meters in my DAW for a particular chord progression. If I turn up the volume in Kemper drive, I can absolutely hear a difference in distortion (and I like it) but it is not influencing the volume - the meters peak at the same point so it seems like it is not getting a volume boost. If I turn Kemper Drive below zero it for sure affects volume - with it at -5 the volume level is much quieter.

    I'm very pleased with the Drive - just trying to fully understand it and I believed the latest change caused an actual volume boost in certain situations. In my case, it doesn't so I'm keen to understand if I'm using it correctly?

  • Thanks for the explanation - I still need a little help to understand this if possible please :)

    If I understand you correctly, once an amp is already distorting then hitting it with a hotter signal simply results in more distortion / compression and not a volume boost.

    I've just installed the beta and have chosen a profile that, in Rig Manager shows as zero gain bars (it's a Tone Junkie AC10). I then put the Kemper drive in front of the amp stack.

    With volume in Kemper drive at zero, I check out the meters in my DAW for a particular chord progression. If I turn up the volume in Kemper drive, I can absolutely hear a difference in distortion (and I like it) but it is not influencing the volume - the meters peak at the same point so it seems like it is not getting a volume boost. If I turn Kemper Drive below zero it for sure affects volume - with it at -5 the volume level is much quieter.

    I'm very pleased with the Drive - just trying to fully understand it and I believed the latest change caused an actual volume boost in certain situations. In my case, it doesn't so I'm keen to understand if I'm using it correctly?

    I think it was a question of the volume being levelled after the Kemper Drive but before the Stack, meaning that increasing the volume didn’t affect the drive or tone in the same way as it would in the real world.

  • - Volume 0 (slot 1) / 4.5 (slot 2)

    When I switch between slots 1 and 2, I can hear the difference in the tone, but there's no difference in the volume (looking at the meters on my mixer).

    Should I do something differently to hear the difference?

    I think that you would need to test something like Volume -5 (slot 1) / 0 (slot 2)

    The fix was about getting rid of the automatic volume compensation effect. And in relese notes it has sais to be implemented below zero region "changed: automatic amp volume compensation in combination with distortion effects, which have volume set below zero".

    Here was was older demo musicmad did where the problem is visible. Instead of the rig cleaning up and getting lower in the volume with sub-zero volume settings it instead put out pretty much even output due to leveling automation that was compensating the drive pedal as well.

    [Public Beta] PROFILER OS

  • Hi JuLai,

    I think that you would need to test something like Volume -5 (slot 1) / 0 (slot 2)

    The fix was about getting rid of the automatic volume compensation effect. And in relese notes it has sais to be implemented below zero region "changed: automatic amp volume compensation in combination with distortion effects, which have volume set below zero".

    Here was was older demo musicmad did where the problem is visible. Instead of the rig cleaning up and getting lower in the volume with sub-zero volume settings it instead put out pretty much even output due to leveling automation that was compensating the drive pedal as well.

    [Public Beta] PROFILER OS

    Thanks for your reply.

    I tried setting the Kemper Drive distortion below zero - and yes, that does reduce the overall signal level. However, I can't imagine a situation where I would do this because when I turn off the distortion, the (clean) volume jumps up.

  • Hi, ckemper,

    When your amp is already distorting, then you hear a change in distortion, not in volume boost.

    Thanks for your reply.

    Beta8KDrive - 2020-12-27 18-04-23.zip

    I'm sorry, I don't understand what is supposed to be happening and if it's happening for me.

    I have attached a Performance with three slots. All use the AC30 Clean - SM57 Profile from the Kemper Factory Content 8.0 Rig pack. I have the Kemper Drive in FX Slot A with the same values except volume based on the Preset BBreaker Max

    - Drive 8.2

    - Tone 5.0

    - Definition 6.0

    - Slim Down 0.0

    - Mix 100%

    - Volume (see below)

    I have calibrated Input | Clean Sens so the AC30 Clean - SM57 Profile and AC Normal Drive Profiles are the same volume.

    Settings and results

    Slot 1

    Kemper Drive Volume -5.0 (testing the premise about volume below 0)

    When I turn on the OverDrive, the volume drops significantly compared to the clean tone. I can't imagine an application for this. The volume is also lower than when use Slot 2 (below). I guess the OverDrive Volume setting is overriding the volume compensation. However, I thought the change in the Beta was to turn up the volume when using the OverDrive.

    Slot 2

    Kemper Drive Volume 0.0 (baseline)

    When I turn on the OverDrive things sound great, as expected.

    Slot 3

    Kemper Drive Volume 5.0

    When I keep the OverDrive on for both Slots 2 and 3 and switch between them, the volume is definitely lower for slot three.

    If I'm missing something, please suggest some settings or better yet a Performance I can use for testing.



  • Hi JuLai,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I tried setting the Kemper Drive distortion below zero - and yes, that does reduce the overall signal level. However, I can't imagine a situation where I would do this because when I turn off the distortion, the (clean) volume jumps up.

    I believe this is what people refer to as an "underdrive". It's a thing :)

    One example.

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