T Shirts, T Shirts, when are you going to make us a f@#king T Shirt?!?!?

  • e1614e36a3b051571d61cb8fdc50c4becad982a2 Brilliant!!

    My Liverpool story....

    I had not been to Liverpool 5 years ago, been 4 times since. One time was for a friends birthday and she is a big Beatles fan...personally I don;t like them...

    Anyway...went to the Cavern and the house band were offering people to to get up and play along with them....put my name down to play guitar but they didn;t know the song I wanted to do. Then then said do you know any Beatles songs. To which I said erm.... no. After much to-ing and fro-ing, ( on stage whilst the crowd was waiting), the only common song we knew was teenage kicks.

    Great I thought...song just about to start in front of packed crowd, I turn to the guitarist/singer and say " You play this in C yeah"...he says "yeah and you are singing it right?"....erm, I don't sing.....song starts and I have to sing the damn song as well! So I actually have relatively good memories as I had lots of compliments afterwards...mainly because everyone was fed up of hearing the The Beatles all night!

  • Great I thought...song just about to start in front of packed crowd, I turn to the guitarist/singer and say " You play this in C yeah"...he says "yeah and you are singing it right?"....erm, I don't sing.....song starts and I have to sing the damn song as well! So I actually have relatively good memories as I had lots of compliments afterwards...mainly because everyone was fed up of hearing the The Beatles all night

    Walking around the city centre all you hear is the Beatles, and sometimes for variety you may hear the Beatles.

    The thing with Liverpool is the people are really friendly, will help you if you need it, are very accommodating and always up for a laugh. Ita a city where you can't take yourself too serious. The downside like all cities is there is a minority of morons who just look for trouble, unfortunately they tend to congregate near the Cavern.

    I have had some great nights out on that street though. If you go again look across from the Cavern and go to Ericks, always a decent night in there. If you do look for the Mens toilets and walk past them, you will always find another band on, usually a German band singing bad 80s music with people dancing on tables......I prefer there.

    Edited once, last by Audiopilot (December 17, 2020 at 12:33 PM).

  • I'm well beyond the looking cool years or the caring about looking cool years (not that I ever really cared about looking cool or ever looked cool). I wear my band shirts and music gear shirts because I like them. Everyone else can get off my lawn =)

  • I'm sure this will happen eventually. I mean what company wouldn't want to make a few extra bucks doing nothing but saying OK and letting someone else funnel money in to them? Unless Kemper is so filthy rich already that piddly T shirt sales aren't worth spending 10 min a year on.