[Public Beta] PROFILER OS

  • Analog stomps have been mythologized way beyond their actual necessity in the musical voices of most of the iconic instrumentalists who inspire me. And you'll notice, with the internet icons whose records don't really matter so much, like Carlton, Ford, Landau, Landreth, etc, for most of their greatest tones, and yes I dis but I also love their playing, those pedals aren't even engaged.

    Pedals—lining them up, bragging about them, thinking that they matter so much—it's a silly fetish. There are plenty of musical compressors. There are plenty of musical od's. I've always stuck close to the fairy-dust overdrives, but only because I've used them since before they were polemic devices at the center of endless internet debates. Just like I've used Valco amp circuits, silver 70's Fenders (vintage I could afford at the time) and later clones of Dumbles. Most great amps need little or nothing more than a nudge.

    The KD does that. Versatility starts and ends in the hands of the guitarist, at least from my perspective. And from what I see among Kemper guitarists, most find their sound and aren't endlessly surfing profiles. Sometimes a new pedal is inspiring, but more often than not, when I return to analog, pulling something out of the drawer because I'm remembering how great it is, its greatness underwhelms, and the hassle of the cabling, the scratchy pots, etc .. well I don't need it. I'm just looking for my tone.


  • Lastly, I recommend to all that you don't lose sight of the real goal: being a better musician.

    Probably that is your goal. But mine is to have fun. And some times I have more fun just searching for tones or tweaking than just playing and playing to improve my skills as a musician.

    And also, knowing how to get different sounds makes you a better musician. Not only playing your instrument.

  • This is a distortion pedal ... Kemper Drive is an overdrive pedal. See the difference?

    Yeah. I never said it is an overdrive?!

    Read the context. This was an example that not everthing is in the Kemper yet and why people want PEDALS. The HM-2 is a pedal.

    A few days ago I could have said load a Klon in Kemper, it is not there ;)

  • Over the years, I managed to amass a lot of pedals. Including drives. Then, I realised that I just wasn’t using most of them and pretty much stopped buying drives altogether.

    So, things like the Klon and others are quite interesting to me to hear why so many people like and use them.

    Most of my recordings throughout my career have been through high gain amps that never needed them.

    As I a get older, I am much more interested in the textures that some of these drives might have for certain parts of songs or to have something a little different.

    Saying that, when I used to experiment with drive pedals, I actually liked their simplicity and that there was nothing complex to dialling a tone in.
    That is why I have quite an interest in this particular beta thread. It’s got my interest in drives going again. Even bought my first TS808 since owning the Kempers as I liked what the Green Scream was doing. Tried one years ago and didn’t like it but the one I bought, I think it’s great especially for profiling older Marshall’s.

    Here are some of the pedals I had. Sold a lot of them now. Much prefer to have them all inside the green toaster . ?

  • Here are some of the pedals I had. Sold a lot of them now. Much prefer to have them all inside the green toaster . ?

    Beautiful collection, If money is not an issue, I would have them in a nice crystal stand, peddals are kind of a collectible piece for guitar players nowadays, I would drool seeing all that in person.

    The answer is 42

  • Probably that is your goal. But mine is to have fun. And some times I have more fun just searching for tones or tweaking than just playing and playing to improve my skills as a musician.

    And also, knowing how to get different sounds makes you a better musician. Not only playing your instrument.

    Atlantic  flyingheelhook

    Yes different goals :)

    What shall I say. I play primitive Black and Death Metal. I could already play all the riffs at 16. Many years later I still suck at playing guitar, but I am way to good (and overthinking) for true Black Metal and simple Rock'n Roll ^^ When something really is to difficult I just play it ultra slow and call it Doom.

    So I don't need to become a better musician, I just need more voodoo from pedals.

    Seriously: Of course it is a danger of getting lost in possibilities. But I think the overdrives / pedals could be presented in very easy to use form: As we already know them - separate pedals. And for the heavy tweakers the KD as a bonus.

  • Beautiful collection, If money is not an issue, I would have them in a nice crystal stand, peddals are kind of a collectible piece for guitar players nowadays, I would drool seeing all that in person.

    Have sold most of them them now but kept some of the rarer ones and some of my favourites and also the ones that just have a sentimental attachment. . ?

  • A few days ago I could have said load a Klon in Kemper, it is not there

    Yep ... but now it is (at least close enough for me) through the Kemper Drive. I still have a few things to get my head around after testing all kinds of things with the Kemper Drive and the Loop mono (for my actual pedal). But I will not write about these things here in this thread. Will create a new thread once I'm ready to do so.

    But what I tried to say with my previous post: Nobody ruled out the possibility of something along the lines of a Kemper Distortion at some point. Or a limited amount of distortion pedal types. It's a very smart move by Christoph to NOT start modelling specific pedal stomps beyond the ones we had right from the start. It's a huge rabbit hole and it would take only a few days for 200 "urgent" user requests for specific pedal models to show up.

    As it turns out, it might have even been a mistake to name the (beta) presets after a few popular overdrive models. I confess it got me excited and made me start messing around with it. But the presets didn't do it for me, I had to use my ears and come up with my own settings anyway to get "there". The fact that it didn't do it for me right from the start made me start measuring stuff to understand what's going on under the hood of the Kemper Drive.

    If someone (you?) needs to be that specific, just buy the pedal and use it ... or look for an effects unit that provides all the choice and detailed control and name-dropping you need. Kemper has not limited your choices. ;)

  • A little late in the game I suppose, but the folder I created under the My Profiler/Local Library folder in RM is called "8.0 Drives".

    I seems to work just fine and I could have called it anything I wanted, correct?

    Just didn't want any surprises later... ;)

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • If someone (you?) needs to be that specific, just buy the pedal and use it ... or look for an effects unit that provides all the choice and detailed control and name-dropping you need. Kemper has not limited your choices. ;)

    I know that wasn’t directed at me but I will say that for me personally, I don’t want anything but the Kemper and the Mission expression pedal on my pedalboard live. Pedals bring power supplies. Power supplies bring more mains sockets. And on and on.

    The way things are for me now, it’s stereo XLR’s to FOH/Monitors and one mains cable. Having everything ‘in the box’ is so much better.

  • Years later I keep wondering why people are complaining about the new stuff added, instead of helping to improve what is presented. I did not buy the kemper expecting they would add a Klon stomp in the future, or an acoustic simulator, or more delays, or anything really. Kemper is literally the gift that keeps on giving, and I dont have to shelve a ton of money for the new version each 2 years. ¿We dont have a KoT or Timmy emulation? I for one dont care, anybody are on their right to do so, but thats not why you would normally bought this ticket for. And if you did, well, bad purchase desicion, maybe an axe fx would suit you better, they do their best to replicate stomps, component chains and FXs.

    I am glad that with my simple kemper, I can just go and invest in, for example, a couple of kones, or if I feel like it, sell the old one and get the stage. You gotta LOVE German companies like this one. These longevity in equipment is rare nowadays.

    The answer is 42

  • Yes, we probably overestimate the skills of our users.

    You might have noticed (as mentioned), that in all KD presets the Tone control is always at noon.

    Thus we should have even more presets called "KlonPushMediumBright" and "KlonPushHardMuffled"

    For me the great thing about the KPA is that I can "browse" through presets which have been created by users way more into the details than I am. To describe my user behavior, I am more "selecting" than I am "dialing in" tones.

    Thus, the more well thought-out factory presets and content I have, the better.

    I remember when we got the new delays. There were lots of presets which have shown various edge-cases and special things that could be done with the delays (which is great!), but I'd really appreciate some more of the "bread and butter sound" presets, especially since the Rig Exchange does not support presets (yet?).

    Why not come up with some "Preset Packs" as you did with the "Rig Packs" in Rig Manager? Maybe a "Preset Pack" for each stomp that you used to let yourself inspire you? You know best how the parameters are implemented, so some more content on this side of things would be great in my humble opinion.

    Anyway, thank you for the new stuff! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::)

  • Quote

    Analog stomps have been mythologized way beyond their actual necessity

    Oh yes..like super heroes in all these mythologized comics and their supposed meaning and relevance for modern society..

    Funny enough that for me and "my generation"(80s kids) OD pedals were a PITA and had nothing to do with "mojo"..the only thing we wanted was a good tube amp with enough gain and half the price of the MESA MKs..Mojo were modded marshalls..

    Today OD pedals are funny,colourful and indeed have supposed "mythological super abilities"..mojo..

    For me personally pedals are directly behind floyd rose (locked trems in general) the next thing in line with the worst mojo gearwise.

  • ...

    It's a very smart move by Christoph to NOT start modelling specific pedal stomps beyond the ones we had right from the start. It's a huge rabbit hole and it would take only a few days for 200 "urgent" user requests for specific pedal models to show up....

    I don't think so. There has been only a couple of pedals requested all the time and people would be totally happy with that.

    Spring reverb, Editor, a few better overdrives - this is what many wanted from day one. Noone expects every pedal available.

    I already have my real pedals available. So I am happy already. But it would be MUCH more convenient to have them all in the Kemper.

    And it feels just not right, when the settings of a preset doesn't match with the original pedal. Again the Klon (preset) as an example: It seems NOT possible to just change the drive setting (and still be in Klone-modus) without HAVING to use the slim down parameter also! Or am I missing something??? This feels like a missed chance! Why not give us an easy too use Klon - when I understand CK right, this should be an easy task, because everything is there already.

  • Analog stomps have been mythologized way beyond their actual necessity in the musical voices of most of the iconic instrumentalists who inspire me. And you'll notice, with the internet icons whose records don't really matter so much, like Carlton, Ford, Landau, Landreth, etc, for most of their greatest tones, and yes I dis but I also love their playing, those pedals aren't even engaged.

    Landau and Landreth both use always-on pedals most of the time, and Ford's used a pedal for his overdrive tone since the 2000's... if you're going to dis people at least get it right.