[Public Beta] PROFILER OS

  • The new OS is beta, right?
    Can I change the Green Scream I already use to the new Drive?
    Does this sound better

    Post #136 has a video demo, in it the guy compares the two, I’d say yes.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • So what I’m being told by you guys is - why try and have something sound like something else? You do realize that’s the point of a kemper right? Why release a OCD drive then? Cause it’s internals work differently or something I don’t understand, well who cares? Use generic distortion and just be happy. Bye bye green scream, mouse and big muff stomps, don’t need you anymore. Tweaking 4 knobs will give you every overdrive sound you could ever want. How dare you ask for more.

    Can you imagine how quick this community would tear fractal apart if they took away 4 of their drive pedals and replaced it with ‘Generic Drive’ “No, no you just turn this knob to 4 and set this to off and then spin round 3 times and it kind sounds like a tube screamer at gain 1... but that’s it... and only on Wednesdays...” “oh you want a tube screamer sound at gain 2? Uh, well that’s basically just a klon at 4, they’re basically all the same...”

    They would be crucified.

    and why would kemper owners, who clearly can never be satifsfied by 1 amp, (this absolutely includes me!) cause again the whole point is to have multiple amps / every amp known to man available in an easy to access and carry box not want every pedal ever made either? Amps? Got a thousand! Pedals? Yeah 1 or 2...

    anyway this all comes from a productive place, and I know it’s dripping with sarcasm but I believe it’s a valid point. If you personally just want one pedal then great, but don’t try and tell me that I’m asking too much or that you don’t think what I’d like is needed.

  • So what I’m being told by you guys is - why try and have something sound like something else? You do realize that’s the point of a kemper right? Why release a OCD drive then? Cause it’s internals work differently or something I don’t understand, well who cares? Use generic distortion and just be happy. Bye bye green scream, mouse and big muff stomps, don’t need you anymore. Tweaking 4 knobs will give you every overdrive sound you could ever want. How dare you ask for more.

    Can you imagine how quick this community would tear fractal apart if they took away 4 of their drive pedals and replaced it with ‘Generic Drive’ “No, no you just turn this knob to 4 and set this to off and then spin round 3 times and it kind sounds like a tube screamer at gain 1... but that’s it... and only on Wednesdays...” “oh you want a tube screamer sound at gain 2? Uh, well that’s basically just a klon at 4, they’re basically all the same...”

    They would be crucified.

    and why would kemper owners, who clearly can never be satifsfied by 1 amp, (this absolutely includes me!) cause again the whole point is to have multiple amps / every amp known to man available in an easy to access and carry box not want every pedal ever made either? Amps? Got a thousand! Pedals? Yeah 1 or 2...

    anyway this all comes from a productive place, and I know it’s dripping with sarcasm but I believe it’s a valid point. If you personally just want one pedal then great, but don’t try and tell me that I’m asking too much or that you don’t think what I’d like is needed.

    Yeah, go buy your new yearly fractal offering, for us, the kemper was a complete package since day one, everything that is comming afterwards has been just the cherry on the cake. We did not bought the kemper for infinite pedals, most people buy the kemper for reasons related to its ability to sound darn good.

    We have a system which is a decade old still bringing us tools to shape our tone, if you dont like that, you can always put your own pedals or buy HX effects or any fractal unit. One pedal whichs covers al lot of sounds is a great idea, if you dont like it its fine, but clearly you dont know this comunity, we do not praise kemper for its sheer amount of content (which it has) but the quality of it.

    So go cry to fractal forums that kemper keeps updating his old hardware to death, there you might receive more support.

    The answer is 42

  • So what I’m being told by you guys is - why try and have something sound like something else? You do realize that’s the point of a kemper right? Why release a OCD drive then? Cause it’s internals work differently or something I don’t understand, well who cares? Use generic distortion and just be happy. Bye bye green scream, mouse and big muff stomps, don’t need you anymore. Tweaking 4 knobs will give you every overdrive sound you could ever want. How dare you ask for more.

    Can you imagine how quick this community would tear fractal apart if they took away 4 of their drive pedals and replaced it with ‘Generic Drive’ “No, no you just turn this knob to 4 and set this to off and then spin round 3 times and it kind sounds like a tube screamer at gain 1... but that’s it... and only on Wednesdays...” “oh you want a tube screamer sound at gain 2? Uh, well that’s basically just a klon at 4, they’re basically all the same...”

    They would be crucified.

    and why would kemper owners, who clearly can never be satifsfied by 1 amp, (this absolutely includes me!) cause again the whole point is to have multiple amps / every amp known to man available in an easy to access and carry box not want every pedal ever made either? Amps? Got a thousand! Pedals? Yeah 1 or 2...

    anyway this all comes from a productive place, and I know it’s dripping with sarcasm but I believe it’s a valid point. If you personally just want one pedal then great, but don’t try and tell me that I’m asking too much or that you don’t think what I’d like is needed.

    I believe that the majority of this community couldn't give two hoots what Fractal do at all, unless they also own a Fractal product. I'm not sure I follow your logic here; Kemper didn't remove any of the existing stomps, they added two new ones. One drive contains 4 controls and has presets that emulate the OCD. The other has 6 controls and comes with presets that emulate different pedals, included by popular demand.

    Are you disappointed that Kemper didn't release more presets? Are you disappointed that the update didn't add separate drive stomps that accurately clone the chosen pedals over their entire settings ranges? Is there a particular sound you were expecting that can't be achieved by the new update? If so, why not just say so?

  • Uh huh, my initial post was simply a request / question about why not offer different stomps for the pedals they’re trying to emulate instead of rolling them into one mixed pedal. Then presets wouldn’t matter and you could emulate these pedals over their entire ranges. That was exactly what I want. And half the people in this thread couldn’t find the presets anyway. But no, apparently we’re not trying to emulate things here... with a kemper...

    And apparently it’s a complete package, and everything you needed since day 1? Wow buddy, that’s great. I’m glad you’re happy. But I wouldn’t try speaking for everyone, cause if you haven’t noticed, I’m one of the people here and you don’t speak for me. Why do you have to try and tell me I’m wrong if I think there’s something I feel is amiss? Who does that help? I didn’t just get on here and say ‘oh kemper suckz you lolz’ Just say “yeah, this guy has a different idea and maybe it’s valid to want to emulate the pedals that way, I don’t need it personally, but who am I to say you shouldn’t be able to do something?”

  • Uh huh, my initial post was simply a request / question about why not offer different stomps for the pedals they’re trying to emulate instead of rolling them into one mixed pedal. Then presets wouldn’t matter and you could emulate these pedals over their entire ranges. That was exactly what I want. And half the people in this thread couldn’t find the presets anyway. But no, apparently we’re not trying to emulate things here... with a kemper...

    And apparently it’s a complete package, and everything you needed since day 1? Wow buddy, that’s great. I’m glad you’re happy. But I wouldn’t try speaking for everyone, cause if you haven’t noticed, I’m one of the people here and you don’t speak for me. Why do you have to try and tell me I’m wrong if I think there’s something I feel is amiss? Who does that help? I didn’t just get on here and say ‘oh kemper suckz you lolz’ Just say “yeah, this guy has a different idea and maybe it’s valid to want to emulate the pedals that way, I don’t need it personally, but who am I to say you shouldn’t be able to do something?”

    Kemper is not about emulations, or modeling, or whatever you are implying.

    ¿Did you buy the kemper expecting they add a klon model into it further down the road? If so, you made a very bad investment. People already told you why kemper would not do what you are saying, it happened with the reverbs and delays, with the acoustic simulator and the whole concept of kemper itself.

    You are asking why they did not do what you wanted, instead of helping out to develop the beta to further improve what they bring to the table, which for starters, is free.

    The answer is 42

  • Uh huh, my initial post was simply a request / question about why not offer different stomps for the pedals they’re trying to emulate instead of rolling them into one mixed pedal. Then presets wouldn’t matter and you could emulate these pedals over their entire ranges. That was exactly what I want. And half the people in this thread couldn’t find the presets anyway. But no, apparently we’re not trying to emulate things here... with a kemper...

    And apparently it’s a complete package, and everything you needed since day 1? Wow buddy, that’s great. I’m glad you’re happy. But I wouldn’t try speaking for everyone, cause if you haven’t noticed, I’m one of the people here and you don’t speak for me. Why do you have to try and tell me I’m wrong if I think there’s something I feel is amiss? Who does that help? I didn’t just get on here and say ‘oh kemper suckz you lolz’ Just say “yeah, this guy has a different idea and maybe it’s valid to want to emulate the pedals that way, I don’t need it personally, but who am I to say you shouldn’t be able to do something?”

    Your question has a point. Why not offer the individual pedals and offer all of them in just one stomp with more knobs.

    And the answer is simple. Because they chose flexibility.

    If there is a group of different pedals based on the same or very similar circuits and you can emulate all of them an even some more, it is a far more flexible system to have them all under the same stomp efect in the Kemper. That allows for example some incredible morphing configurations changing from one tone to another. That would not be possible if each comercial pedal was a different effect in the Kemper.

    But then, there are some pedals, like the OCD, that cannot be included in that bracket of "classical overdrives" so they opt to recreate it on it's own.

    For me it's a very intelligent approach. This way you have EVERYTHING.

    They don't try and do only copies of existing pedals. They also don' try to do only "generic pedals". They give us what they think is better and offers more for each case.

    And you might want a copy of a Klon and have te pots work exactly as they work in a real Klon. But things don't work this way in the pedal world. Tolerances in the components make for very different sounding pedals from the same model with the pots in the same position. So that way they would risk to have people saying that it doesn't sound like their real pedal. And they would be right, because probably no pedal sounds exactly like their exact pedal. It has been proven over and over.

    I like what they are doing. It gives us more. Not less.

    Edited once, last by Atlantic (October 20, 2020 at 11:53 PM).

  • Yes.Morphing.I guess this is a great point.

    The other one is kindergarten.

    Cheap germanium diodes.Or schottky or whatever they call them.I dont know much about all this..only what I heard during the last 2-3 decades when the disciples of this funny cult had a go against each other about which ones for soft or hard clipping or more or less compression..



    Your point is valid.I will have really big use for these kemper drive in the morphing mode.What great possibilities we have with this.Anyway.Really.

  • Uh huh, my initial post was simply a request / question about why not offer different stomps for the pedals they’re trying to emulate instead of rolling them into one mixed pedal. Then presets wouldn’t matter and you could emulate these pedals over their entire ranges. That was exactly what I want. And half the people in this thread couldn’t find the presets anyway. But no, apparently we’re not trying to emulate things here... with a kemper...

    And apparently it’s a complete package, and everything you needed since day 1? Wow buddy, that’s great. I’m glad you’re happy. But I wouldn’t try speaking for everyone, cause if you haven’t noticed, I’m one of the people here and you don’t speak for me. Why do you have to try and tell me I’m wrong if I think there’s something I feel is amiss? Who does that help? I didn’t just get on here and say ‘oh kemper suckz you lolz’ Just say “yeah, this guy has a different idea and maybe it’s valid to want to emulate the pedals that way, I don’t need it personally, but who am I to say you shouldn’t be able to do something?”

    This is a beta release. We don’t know what the final release will look like. The beta reverbs only had a couple of the reverbs, the final release had more.

    I guess it’s a damned if you do, damned if you don’t for Kemper.

  • Are Kemper Distortion and Drive stomps only good for low-gain profiles? because If I run them on mid- or high-gain the sound always fuzzy and brightening all up. I don't know the terminologie of sound expirience/description. So it's hard to describe.

  • Another review

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    Sounds great. Thanks for taking time to do the demo.

  • Well I’m glad you find it beneficial. I feel a different approach is better. When you or I build our own amp profiler we can make it however we want. Until then my request is as valid as yours.

    And Alfa you seem stuck on the klon bit, so try this; we both have kempers and are happy owners of such. Along comes a free update that offers more drives, that’s a bonus. I’m not going to buy a $4000 pedal but this free update has added some more value to both of us and we’re both happy. But if it only sounds like a klon at certain settings, why not have it sound that way at all settings? It’s only one of the most sought after pedals on the planet and out of the price range of mere mortals. Wouldn’t that add more value? Is it so terrible? The OCD has its own stomp and that’s fucking awesome sauce! Why would the suggestion of separate stomps make you so personally upset? Did a klon once beat you up outside school and take your lunch money?

  • You’re right lightbox. I just would like to be able to try, that’s all. And if they were separate I’d hope a klon Stomp at 5 would sound different to a TS808 stomp at 5. cause the real ones do. And I’m sure the kemper drive will still be nice and give some decent sounds. That is not what this is about.