[Public Beta] PROFILER OS

  • Kemper (the man) has never approached solutions the way others do. This approach is infinitely more flexible and pushes the idea that it *isn't* about sounding exactly like something that already exists.

    I think the pursuit of 'sounding like.....' a certain amp, pedal, or player very often misses the point of music and its inherent individuality.

    Yet we are stuck with the ‘exact replica’ of the Leslie speaker in the Kemper because it is accurate ?

    Do like the look of these new distortions though.

  • That's like asking why the Green Scream and other legacy drives exist at all.

    Could be the concept of the Kemper Drive is a new idea. :/

    Not really. I really don’t know what you are getting at.
    Lots of people have asked for more options for the Leslie and been told it’s exactly the same as a real Leslie so will stay the way it is.

    So your comment I quoted from you and what I stated still stand.

    You said that it isn’t about sounding exactly the same as something that already exists? Well, the Leslie is stuck sounding like that particular Leslie that it was modelled on and you can’t get at any of the parameters to change them.
    You can’t have it both ways.

  • Not really. I really don’t know what you are getting at.
    Lots of people have asked for more options for the Leslie and been told it’s exactly the same as a real Leslie so will stay the way it is.

    So your comment I quoted from you and what I stated still stand.

    You said that it isn’t about sounding exactly the same as something that already exists? Well, the Leslie is stuck sounding like that particular Leslie that it was modelled on and you can’t get at any of the parameters to change them.
    You can’t have it both ways.

    No. You don't know what I'm getting at.

    .....moving on....

  • I’m curious why the Kemper drive doesn’t have a knob that lets you pick the pedal (Klon, Timmy, etc) or have them as seperate stomps like the original included pedals, cause then you wouldn’t need to worry about presets, you could just pick ‘klon’ and set to taste. Then if you set the gain to 8.5 you’d still have a klon at 8.5 and it wouldn’t have become a Timmy or something else in terms of gain/sound.

    Maybe I’m missing something. I’m still really glad more stuff is being included!

    I guess most expected something like this.A big,huge list of upgraded ODs...

    Yet Kemper helped for a long time to make a lots of guitar players think about micing,cabs/speakers and in general about the way we perceive sound as guitar players.

    Why should @CK not try to do the same thing with ODs and pedals in general?

    Understanding how the different overdrives and boosts work may be much more helpful for each of us to create our own personal sound sculpting.What is better than that?

    As far as I have seen there are enough presets to "show the way" ..:/

  • As far as I have seen there are enough presets to "show the way" ..:/

    Digital amps have always been compared to whatever they're emulating. They're always found lacking when compared directly to the 'real' thing. I suppose they always will because a copy is never going to eclipse the original. Doesn't matter how good or bad the model (or Profile) is......it's still a copy of something. That (clearly) has value all by itself. Drag around a million dollars worth of amp sounds in something the size of a lunchbox.


    Now. Take something like the Kemper Drive, along with all the existing tweaks one can make to a profile (Definition, Clarity, Compression.....etc) You immediately move away from the sounds available from the physical amp. These are sounds no tube amp can create. Yep - we need the amp as a basis and that's fine.

    What if EVH had said "Well all that nonsense I've put together doesn't sound like a Strat/LP or a Marshall is 'supposed' to." Instead, he said, "I wonder what happens if I do this....." and the world was never the same.

    The whole point is to do something unique. Yet we're all (me included) very often mired in this idea that what came before is 'right' and we need to capture that *exactly* as it was. Guitarists are the most neurotic and superstitious musicians I've ever so much as heard of.

  • Is it possible, that you imported the new presets before you upgraded Rig Manager?

    Let me see...

    Previously I had updated RM to 3.0.140, KPA to, and rebooted both KPA and Win10 prior to importing the presets.

    Nope, QED. I made double-sure not to import new blobs into an old database.

    Thanks for caring, Burkhard. It's all fine now apart from my shot ears.

    Did I just noodle for 6 hours straight? These drives put the cream on top of the KPA!

    Hummel Hummel ;)

  • I haven’t spent long with these but my first impression is that these are excellent.

    I don’t own any of the pedals nodded to but I have built clones from circuit diagrams of the Klon and King of Tone. For this reason I can’t comment on if the Kemper sounds like the real deal because I don’t have the real deal. No matter, I think these will give us a lot of fun.

    Regarding the ‘presets’ for pedals as opposed to having distinct models. The way I’m reading this is that ‘you can make a Klon sound like a Boss OD or a TS at certain settings’ simply because much of circuitry shares heritage. But of course there are places a Klon cannot go that a TS can because the ranges on both are different.

    So with the approach here, you have a seamless blend from them all. Maybe a sweet spot you find would only be possible on a Klon. Another sweet spot might be recreated on two of the physical pedals etc.

    With the presets, Kemper are claiming sweet spots from the individual pedals. I like this approach actually - it fits in with the concept of profiling where you have a sweet spot of an amp that is profiled then, with adjusting the tone stack etc you are moving away from reality. If it sounds good, should we care? depends on your purity vs results thinking. Same with these pedals. If you call up the Klon preset and make micro adjustments you’re probably going to be getting something that approximates the original. If you crank one of the dials too far? You’ve bent reality. If Kemper wished to make these separate, I guess it would be possible.... each would simply limit the ranges of the controls as per the originals as opposed to them all being in the box together and allowing the benefits of blending.

    Grateful for the update (as ever - very cool that my trusty, 6/7 year old gear keeps improving!). Hoping they can work further magic with fuzz pedals. I’ve made a few fuzz pedals over the years and, whilst there’s a lot of shared circuits in that world too, my home made germanium Sunface sounds a lot different to my home made D*A*M Meathead. If they are intending to rework fuzz as well it’ll be interesting to see if a similar blend approach is used. Sure it’ll be decent whatever happens.

  • Another benefit of having only one stomp is that you can, for example, go from a TS to a Klon using morphing.

    Oh dang.....hadn't thought of that.

    To extend it - you could stack two Kemper Drives and go from a TS into a Klon and morph to a Klon into a Timmy or whatever floats your boat.

    *Dives headfirst into the rabbit hole* Wah, hoo, eeeeeee........ :)

  • Neural cortex will supposedly allow "captures" of pedals, to be used in one's chain. The axe fx models plenty of pedals to great detail, with an expanding list... Positive grid introduced the ability to put together digital pedals years ago... And the helix has a few drive sims I much prefered to anything in the kemper.

    Which is to say: there's a lot in the digital drive realm.. Much of it imo done very well. Kemper had not really been in that conversation till now.

    But testing the new drives against other devices right here, put against a variety of analog and digital units, I definitely think they really did a great job. I wouldn't present this as an innovation out of this world -- not quite -- but results so far have been spectacular for me... And I like the unique elements in this approach.

    I have a couple of analog pedals I've been using with the kemper to drive profiles further. With the fulltone sim and kemper drive, I'm not sure I'll feel much of a need for these anymore; they'll probably be delegated to tube amps full-time.

    The bonanza

    Edited 2 times, last by Dimi84 (October 20, 2020 at 3:50 PM).

  • But I paid $4000 for my Klon so there's no way digital can sound as good because mojo or something. ?

    I'm really happy with these updates. The OCD into a slightly dirty JCM800 sounds super thicc. And I'm really liking more boost options for heavier tones.