[Public Beta] PROFILER OS

  • And when I want to dial in an "authentic" Klon (8)), as soon as I raise or lower the drive, I HAVE to adjust the Slim Down knob! That sucks.

    If this knob is on page 2 in the future people will just load a Klon preset and as soon as they use the drive knob on page one, it is not a Klon any more. That is not how I want that pedal to work.

  • Who really cares if "it's not a Klon anymore"? If it sounds good, it is good, and if it's not 100.0% like the real thing, the sound you yourself came up with is better than the original. And it saves you thousands of dollars along the way.

  • Who really cares if "it's not a Klon anymore"? If it sounds good, it is good, and if it's not 100.0% like the real thing, the sound you yourself came up with is better than the original. And it saves you thousands of dollars along the way.

    I care!! :D

    As said before, if only good sound was the point than there would be no presets at all. Just KD - adjust by ear.

    And no profiles of "vintage" amps and "original", "authentic", "historic" Marshalls, Fenders....

    With profiles, the whole success of Kemper completely depends on this mojo, magic, voodoo... replicating the REAL thing!!

    But with pedals now it doesn't matter anymore?! Come on

    PS: Regarding the snapshots. We take it, cause there is no better sounding solution atm (for us). But of course (!), we would like to see profiling the whole amp with all knobs interacting like the original happen one day ^^

  • Who really cares if "it's not a Klon anymore"? If it sounds good, it is good, and if it's not 100.0% like the real thing, the sound you yourself came up with is better than the original. And it saves you thousands of dollars along the way.

    Has *nothing* to do with recreating the pedals and certainly nothing about saving money. I want to know where I started and how the chain was built.

  • I care nothing for 'recreating' the originals. Far too limiting and done-to-death.

    I simply want to know where I began.

  • Who really cares if "it's not a Klon anymore"? If it sounds good, it is good, and if it's not 100.0% like the real thing, the sound you yourself came up with is better than the original. And it saves you thousands of dollars along the way.

    Not everyone will care and of course if it sounds good, it is good. But it matters to some folks clearly that the boxes work like the originals.

    Everyone’s mindset is in different places with this so, if it’s possible to do both, that would hopefully suit everyone’s way of thinking.

    I made a similar point back when the delays were released...... they are beyond the wildest dreams and you can do pretty much anything. But there’s a case for saying ‘this model is a Memory Man’ as some people care about such things as per my long ramble a few posts back. We all use the gear / think in different ways and, if the aim is to maximise the enjoyment (and therefore the selling potential) to every possible customer then it is worth doing both the ‘limited boxes’ and the ‘beyond reality because we can’ roots.

  • Regarding the snapshots. We take it, cause there is no better sounding solution atm (for us). But of course (!), we would like to see profiling the whole amp with all knobs interacting like the original happen one day ^^

    That's pretty much what Fractal and traditional modeling is attempting to do. Modeling every aspect of the amp digitally and then piecing it together.

  • I care nothing for 'recreating' the originals. Far too limiting and done-to-death.

    I simply want to know where I began.

    As said the whole succes of Kemper is recreating the original! The feel, that this is the only unit that comes close to the magic.

    The added features and controls are usually NOT used to create something completely "new". They are used to iron out weaknesses of the profiling process to bring the profiles even closer to the "source amp". Or to adjust for different guitars. I do not know any seller that praises his profiles sounding nothing like the originals, but way better;) The opposite is true. They use all the funtionality to get as close as possible to the vibe of the "real thing".

  • As said the whole succes of Kemper is recreating the original! The feel, that this is the only unit that comes close to the magic.

    But it *doesn't* recreate the original. It just doesn't. I don't mean to sound rude when I say this - but I consider that narrow thinking. You're welcome to disagree and even take offense. Not my intent.

    The parameters aren't for getting to the 'original'. How in the world am I supposed to know what a '67 Champ through a 1969 Marshall cab is supposed to sound? I don't care in the slightest, and if I did I'm completely out of luck - because there are multiple profiles of a 67 Champ and they all sound different.

    The moment you alter one parameter, it's not the original anymore. Literally, something that doesn't exist in any 'real' amp.

  • As said the whole succes of Kemper is recreating the original! The feel, that this is the only unit that comes close to the magic.

    The added features and controls are usually NOT used to create something completely "new". They are used to iron out weaknesses of the profiling process to bring the profiles even closer to the "source amp". Or to adjust for different guitars. I do not know any seller that praises his profiles sounding nothing like the originals, but way better;) The opposite is true. They use all the funtionality to get as close as possible to the vibe of the "real thing".


    While you will not create "something completely new" and most likely use the tools of the kpa to "clean up the profile" to achieve a result to the original as close as possible you still can manipulate it..

    Also pedals,fx,ir do not belong into the list of "getting close to the original"..

    In opposite we have this stuff to manipulate the profile.The KD is a "manipulator".Not a "cleaner" tool to getting close to the original by helping to get rid of "profiling process debris"..

    But I like your definition of what the Kemper does.Very good.

  • But it *doesn't* recreate the original. It just doesn't. I don't mean to sound rude when I say this - but I consider that narrow thinking. You're welcome to disagree and even take offense. Not my intent.

    The parameters aren't for getting to the 'original'. How in the world am I supposed to know what a '67 Champ through a 1969 Marshall cab is supposed to sound? I don't care in the slightest, and if I did I'm completely out of luck - because there are multiple profiles of a 67 Champ and they all sound different.

    The moment you alter one parameter, it's not the original anymore. Literally, something that doesn't exist in any 'real' amp.

    Of course you are right too. I am exaggerating.

    But the obvious point that people choose Kemper over other gear is not flexibility or tweaking beyond what is possible in the real world.

    The point is that Kemper is selling (the illusion?) that you can "own" the sound of the REAL amp / gear chain. The exact one amp, that has been profiled. It is only possible with snapshots atm (but we would love to profile everything, knob behaviour... if possible). Maybe let's say: Authentic with a twist. But still authentic ;)

    If Fractal one day would be closer to the real thing, than Kemper soundwise, some people will still have the illusion, that something magic happens inside the Kemper, when profiling a real amp and it is more authentic.

    But for me Kemper totally failed selling the same "feeling" (illusion?) with the KD. It is just the KD. With presets. It doesn't feel like the real thing yet. It is too confusing, not simple enough, to less mojo :S

  • Of course you are right too. I am exaggerating.

    But the obvious point that people choose Kemper over other gear is not flexibility or tweaking beyond what is possible in the real world.

    I bought the Kemper expressly for its versatility. One unit covers every conceivable scenario I have. As a bonus, it also happens to be the easiest of the digital units to get killer sounds out of without *having* to tweak.

    But I do that, too.

    I know I'm not even close to alone in this.

  • following this 'logic', most of the parameters available in the AMPLIFIER slot would need to be removed as well.
    Changing the Definition of an amp was only possible by having a skilled technician 'mod' your amp, and that would be a change of the stock value to a new Definition value. Being able to smoothly adjust this on the fly is completely unheard of in the analog amp world - yet it is one of the PROFILER's most powerful features IMHO.
    Same goes for the AMPLIFIER Compression, Clarity and Tube Shape to name othe favourites of mine.

    Why impose the limitations of an analog device?

    Changing the tube bias to get more sag out of your amp (and alter definition to an unknown value) would cost you anything between 150 to 500 dollars. Fun we can get same results turning 2 knobs. Its a great time to play guitar.

    The answer is 42

  • I bought the Kemper expressly for its versatility. One unit covers every conceivable scenario I have. As a bonus, it also happens to be the easiest of the digital units to get killer sounds out of without *having* to tweak.

    But I do that, too.

    I know I'm not even close to alone in this.

    ...every scenario you have. Nice. But now another scenario: Get a perfect Swedish Death Metal tone and load a HM-2 in Kemper. Just for fun. Oh, it is not there! And baked in HM2 do not sound right - Kemper can not profile that 100 %. So what now.

    That's why people want pedals. When they say that, the answer often is: "Get a Helix or Fractal if you want more flexibility and tweaking. Kemper is about authentic tube amp sound. It never was about pedals and such thing." But people didn't stop to ask about pedals. If everyone was happy with Green Scream there would be no update. So now we want the pedals in a package that is the most easiest way to use and discuss it. Because it's a beta.

    I can mention other scenarios with Fuzz pedals, Kemper can not reproduce atm. It is NOT everything there. Not a problem. Just saying.

    Edited once, last by Ibot39 (October 27, 2020 at 3:40 PM).

  • I've owned my Kemper Toaster for over five years. Yes, its an awesome, versatile piece of equipment, but the rabbit hole is very, very deep, and every update and new feature adds to that complexity. In retrospect, all of that time I have spent chasing the rabbit could have been much better spent. I will keep it around, but I also have a small tube amp set up for the current COVID socially-distanced outdoor gigs, and quite frankly, after A/B testing, its a lot easier using that rig than the Kemper. I'll still use the Kemper for gigs with a dedicated sound guy (if those ever happen again), but for any gig where we/I am running our own sound, no. Lastly, I recommend to all that you don't lose sight of the real goal: being a better musician. If the equipment distracts you from that, you might want to reconsider. Your experience may vary, but I really do wonder how much of a better musician I might be today, if I spent even half the time I spent on the Kemper just practicing with a metronome.

  • ...every scenario you have. Nice. But now another scenario: Get a perfect Swedish Death Metal tone and load a HM-2 in Kemper. Just for fun. Oh, it is not there! And baked in HM2 do not sound right - Kemper can not profile that 100 %. So what now.

    That's why people want pedals. When they say that, the answer often is: "Get a Helix or Fractal if you want more flexibility and tweaking. Kemper is about authentic tube amp sound. It never was about pedals and such thing." But people didn't stop to ask about pedals. If everyone was happy with Green Scream there would be no update. So now we want the pedals in a package that is the most easiest way to use and discuss it. Because it's a beta.

    You spoke in an absolute earlier "...the obvious point that people choose Kemper over other gear is not flexibility or tweaking beyond what is possible in the real world."

    That is totally untrue.