Maybe its my age (Im 60+), but I "got over" the real amp thing and just went with "tone". For me Kemper provides that in spades. As always YMMV and that's ok. Oh yea- best of luck with your Amp!!!

I sold my kemper I'm going back to analog
djayart -
August 13, 2020 at 9:59 AM -
Thread is Resolved
all the best djayart
Hope it works out for you dude.
I get your point, I tend to stick to the same amps although its still more convenient ( no miking, minimal footprint, effects built in) so for me it remains killer live.
Anyway, all the best and always welcome back
all the best man, but as a gigging 69 yr old. I’ll stick with my great Kemper tones
Thanks for letting us know....
Chicken = Egg
I have to say that is hard to have a conversation about the Kemper with someone who has never seen or played one.
And for the record, I got mine only to look for an amp tone I loved then I was going to buy the real thing.
Too bad I cannot carry an AC30 very far.....I'll stick with the light weight option for now.
Can't wait to connect mine to my Neuralink!
I would've done the same, sadly for me the amp I really love is a Dumble ...
why not have both,,,the amp will do what the amp does,, but the kemper does everything,,
I also need both. But kudos for finding what works for you!
I might just stop using cab sims all together. Bring on the harsh noise! But refined lmao
I agree also others. I would prefer to keep both or at least keeping Kemper. Cause it is practical and really versatile. But as were an analog user, i could also understand the fact; such as feel, warm, visual of your choice. Good luck!