Fractal Audio perpetual wait list

  • updating Profiler will add new *optional* features but the content you've used with the original version from back then will stay the same. in other words, you can update without having to choose in between: new features vs. different sounding existing presets. from my limited knowledge, fractal handles this part differently. they update the amp algorithm and that has an influence on the existing presets.

    notes: there are a very few exceptions to the rule, mainly for the effects but the core sound (which is the amp and the cab aka the profile) will sound identical. the improvements made to profiling kick in when you make a new profile, existing ones were not altered.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • I didn't realise that an Axe-FX II can be updated to sound exactly like an Axe-FX III.

    I never claimed that an Axe-Fx II can be updated via firmware to sound like an Axe-Fx III; however, the Axe-Fx II's Tone Match feature can create a fairly indistinguishable reproduction of most Axe-Fx III tones, but there's no way I'd go back to the Axe-Fx II because the features of the III are head and shoulders above the II.

  • The claim which that point is based on is a fallacy. If you update an original Kemper that has the original OS to the current firmware version, the features, functionality and sound will not be identical to the original OS, unless you believe the only changes between the original OS and the latest firmware are simply bug fixes. There have been numerous updates to the feature set, as well as new features. Surely you've heard of Morphing? And do you think updates and additions to the effects algorithms (eg. reverb, delay) made no sonic difference?

    Dude, as G string mentioned, I think the difference people are trying to say is that the base technology hasn't changed. The profiling process has remained constant and also does not require hardware upgrade.

    Fractal seems to take a different approach and does seem to require additional hardware.

    There is difference between the base sound capabilities and "features". Both are important but the basic sound is the starting comparison..I understand ( and happy to be corrected) that the basic sound capability has improved through the different versions of the Axe, its not just "features". That as you say is a good thing that they are improving but Im sure you see the point that if people want the latest, best sound from Fractal they have to buy a new unit. That isn't the case with the KPA.

    Don't be suprised that you see passion from KPA users on here and you feel you have to defend so much. They ( and in fact I) believe we have a better.....sorry scrub that....a product better suited to our needs in the KPA :)

    I stand beside you to say the the axe stuff capabiltities and quality cannot be argued against ( even though I've never used one) as its clear from its user base, people on here also using them etc.

    Can we all now move on - the KPA vs Fractal debate is a bit old now...

  • updating Profiler will add new *optional* features but the content you've used with the original version from back then will stay the same. in other words, you can update without having to choose in between: new features vs. different sounding existing presets. from my limited knowledge, fractal handles this part differently. they update the amp algorithm and that has an influence on the existing presets.

    notes: there are a very few exceptions to the rule, mainly for the effects but the core sound (which is the amp and the cab aka the profile) will sound identical. the improvements made to profiling kicked in when you make a new profile, existing ones were not altered.

    With regard to the Axe-Fx III, in many cases you have to reset the Amp block in order for the algorithmic changes to be instantiated in a preset.

  • Dude, as G string mentioned, I think the difference people are trying to say is that the base technology hasn't changed. The profiling process has remained constant and also does not require hardware upgrade.

    Right, and I mentioned this in post #55 above. The core profiling has remained virtually unchanged since the unit's debut. However, many users have asked for the core profiling to be updated because they can hear audible discrepancies between the actual amp and its profile in blind tests, and unfortunately, it's been noted by Christoph that there's virtually no room for improvement. So, yes, while the core profiling has remained unchanged throughout the life cycle of the product, many users are a bit disheartened that it hasn't been (and can't be) updated/improved.

    Fractal seems to take a different approach and does seem to require additional hardware.

    As mentioned, the modeling already sounded excellent prior to the release of the Axe-Fx III. In my opinion, a healthy number of updates to the modeling algorithms have simply been polish. Sure, the models in the Axe-Fx III do sound better, but to my ears, the amp modeling in the II already sounded superior to the amp section of most of my favorite Kemper profiles, and the Axe-Fx II and AX8 are still very much in demand in the second hand market. But again, I still prefer the cabs in the Kemper to the stock IRs in the Axe-Fx II, III or any other modeler I've used. Many of them are simply outstanding. To my ears, my favorite Kemper cabs sound far superior to any of the major commercial IR's I've purchased.

    Don't be suprised that you see passion from KPA users on here and you feel you have to defend so much. They ( and in fact I) believe we have a better.....sorry scrub that....a product better suited to our needs in the KPA

    I don't feel a need to defend the Axe-Fx so much as offer some balance, as it seems many users who make comparisons between the KPA and Axe-Fx often have very little (or no) experience with the latter, whereas I own and love both.

    Edited 4 times, last by ColdFrixion (August 7, 2020 at 7:16 PM).

  • I never claimed that an Axe-Fx II can be updated via firmware to sound like an Axe-Fx III; however, the Axe-Fx II's Tone Match feature can create a fairly indistinguishable reproduction of most Axe-Fx III tones, but there's no way I'd go back to the Axe-Fx II because the features of the III are head and shoulders above the II.

    Well then you are missing my point.

    I'm comparing their flagship model from 2012 and the 2019 one, regardless of what they call them. I still think the Kemper of each of those years is a better sounding amp than either and doesn't have the built in obsolescence.

    I'm not saying the Axe-FX is crap. I'm saying Kemper is the best I've tried or heard.

  • “I might be in the minority here, but I honestly don't care that much about 100% accuracy. There are so many variables - mics, cabs, rooms, tube brands, biasing, manufacturing variations, etc - that going for exact accuracy seems a little pointless. I certainly don't care if the profile / model I use is 100% accurate to an actual version as long as it sounds great.

    "Man, I love the way this Kemper Stage sounds, and it's so easy to use. But I'm returning it because I can't adjust the brightness cap on the 1968 bandmaster by 2 jiggavolts."

    For me personally, it's about 1. Good tones (amps and effects), and 2. A great user interface. And this Kemper Stage has some gorgeous industrial design going on. Anyone else feel this way?”

    Having just flipped my FM3 (at cost, so no shaming necessary:-), I am in the same pool of thought as you. The interface on the Stage is miles ahead of the FM3 and Axe Fx III. I’ve had an Axe III about a year and a half ago. Tones are something special in the Kemper once I landed on a few profilers I like. The Fractal tones are superbly realistic and react just like the real thing when pushed etc., but after having the opportunity to go back and forth for two weeks every day, I just found the Kemper more inspiring and fun to play. Can’t believe how amazing the effects are! I was expecting to be disappointed with them based on Internet forums but quite the opposite

    Edited once, last by UGreatPC (August 7, 2020 at 8:12 PM).

  • I'm comparing their flagship model from 2012 and the 2019 one, regardless of what they call them. I still think the Kemper of each of those years is a better sounding amp than either and doesn't have the built in obsolescence.

    I'm not saying the Axe-FX is crap. I'm saying Kemper is the best I've tried or heard.

    You're entitled to think whatever you like, and I might agree if I hadn't owned both flagship models and compared them to my Kemper first hand. In my experience, the amp models in both sound superior to the amp section of my favorite Kemper profiles, generally speaking that is, but like I said, many of the cabs from my favorite Kemper profiles are, without question, second to none. I captured just about all of them using the Axe-Fx II and III. I'm not saying the amps in the Kemper sound bad. Not at all. In fact, many of them sound great, but in my opinion, the real sonic magic of the KPA stems from its cabs.

    Edited 9 times, last by ColdFrixion (August 7, 2020 at 8:53 PM).

  • In fact, many of them sound great, but in my opinion, the real sonic magic of the KPA stems from its cabs.

    I'm curious, what does Kemper do during the conversion process that makes the cabs so dynamic? (I'm not sure if that's the right word but it's close lol)

    I noticed that when dialing in IRs with the Mikko plugin, they sound really full and thick. But once I export the IR and load it into my Kemper the sound changes but not in a bad way. It still sounds the same but, less boomy and more dymamic or something. Or sounds more like I'm in the room with it(that's probably not a good explanation either haha sorry8o). Idk how to explain it but I seem to prefer a lot of the Kemper cabs or IRs once converted in the Kemper:)

  • I'm curious, what does Kemper do during the conversion process that makes the cabs so dynamic? (I'm not sure if that's the right word but it's close lol)

    I noticed that when dialing in IRs with the Mikko plugin, they sound really full and thick. But once I export the IR and load it into my Kemper the sound changes but not in a bad way. It still sounds the same but, less boomy and more dymamic or something. Or sounds more like I'm in the room with it(that's probably not a good explanation either haha sorry8o). Idk how to explain it but I seem to prefer a lot of the Kemper cabs or IRs once converted in the Kemper:)

    To be honest, I've never actually added any third party IR's to the Kemper, so I haven't conducted a before and after comparison. You might check to see if Pure Cab or the Space parameter is enabled. If so, try turning them off. Other than that, I'm not really sure.

  • To be honest, I've never actually added any third party IR's to the Kemper, so I haven't conducted a before and after comparison. You might check to see if Pure Cab or the Space parameter is enabled. If so, try turning them off. Other than that, I'm not really sure.

    Hmm, I'll have to do some research :)

    Its awesome to know that I'll be able to convert Kemper Cabs from profiles, into IRs (via the method you mentioned) if I ever can get an Axe FX III or something! So sick ^^

    So far I found that I prefer Pure Cab off completely for most profiles, especially high gain.

    Is the space parameter on when you're using the Main and Monitor Outs as well? I always thought it was an effect/feature for Headphone use or something but I'm not totally sure. I gotta admit, I'm familiar with most parameters in the Kemper but the Space parameter is one I haven't really looked into or know much about lol

    Also, random question but, have you tried the Precision Drive OD in the new Axe FX III firmware yet? I saw it on Leon Todds YouTube channel and that's my fav OD so, it's pretty awesome that they've added it to the Axe FX! Now I'm just waiting for a similar option in the Kemper lol ;)

  • Is the space parameter on when you're using the Main and Monitor Outs as well? I always thought it was an effect/feature for Headphone use or something but I'm not totally sure.

    I don't know about the Monitor Outs, but I'm running the Main Outputs into the Axe-Fx III and it works.

    random question but, have you tried the Precision Drive OD in the new Axe FX III firmware yet? I saw it on Leon Todds YouTube channel and that's my fav OD so, it's pretty awesome that they've added it to the Axe FX! Now I'm just waiting for a similar option in the Kemper

    I haven't tried it, namely because I haven't installed the new beta firmware yet. With a beta, I usually wait to see if there are any bug reports.

  • I don't know about the Monitor Outs, but I'm running the Main Outputs into the Axe-Fx III and it works.

    I'll check which outputs I'm using and I'll experiment with the Space parameter ^^ it can't hurt to test the waters and get familiar with it! Thanks for the suggestions :)

    I haven't tried it, namely because I haven't installed the new beta firmware yet. With a beta, I usually wait to see if there are any bug reports.

    I can totally understand that. That's usually my mindset too. I have to admit, new features have recently tempted me into trying out and eventually just using the Kemper beta firmware. But it's definitely safer to let all the kinks be worked out with the Betas, I definitely agree with you on that my friend^^

    I guess no matter what hardware unit, whether it's Kemper or Fractal or Line 6 or Headrush, it's probably just the safer bet to stick with the official firmware releases;)