Overdrive updates

  • I feel the same BUT many people want those boutique OD pedals....personally Amps give me the gain structure and flavours I need..

    And there's a myth that boutique amps och pedals are better. Not true. We'll see what the pedal update will be like soon.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • I agree OD's are lacking somewhat. I've taken to using my HX Stomp just for OD's to push my favorite profiles. As far as folks saying "you have unlimited amps, why do you need more OD flavors?", I have a few select profiles I use consistently, but sometimes you just wanna "goose" them a little for more breakup in a specific way. I also have profiles of the same amp with different drive settings that just didn't profile with the exact same overall tone, so just a "drive increase" profile may not have the same eq curve. I understand that with an eq and a bunch of tweaking I could probably accomplish similar results, but when I know a Timmy or Klon would push my amp in the specific frequencies I favor, I'd rather do that then try multiple bands of eq adjustment for the same effect.

    I've tried to bond with the built in ones, but they just don't do it for me. I'm happy to hear they are continuing to improve the Kemper so long after release. This thing is awesome. Haven't even looked at buying amps since I bought it.



  • I agree OD's are lacking somewhat. I've taken to using my HX Stomp just for OD's to push my favorite profiles. As far as folks saying "you have unlimited amps, why do you need more OD flavors?", I have a few select profiles I use consistently, but sometimes you just wanna "goose" them a little for more breakup in a specific way. I also have profiles of the same amp with different drive settings that just didn't profile with the exact same overall tone, so just a "drive increase" profile may not have the same eq curve. I understand that with an eq and a bunch of tweaking I could probably accomplish similar results, but when I know a Timmy or Klon would push my amp in the specific frequencies I favor, I'd rather do that then try multiple bands of eq adjustment for the same effect.

    I've tried to bond with the built in ones, but they just don't do it for me. I'm happy to hear they are continuing to improve the Kemper so long after release. This thing is awesome. Haven't even looked at buying amps since I bought it.

    I think we can all agree that if you like/use OD pedals then the built in ones do not compete with the high end pedals ( Klon etc).

    For me ( and it is just me - I'm not a pedal guy) I think you can get the same effect through a different Amp/gain level/eq. I've never found an OD pedal that I go "wow" that transforms my sound into something new. Along with the additional noise , balancing the gain structures between the amp, additional pedal board space, power blocks, true bypass vs buffered...just not for me.

    Anyway, I seriously hope they do upgrade the OD pedals for those that want them and perhaps I might then be converted :)

  • I think we can all agree that if you like/use OD pedals then the built in ones do not compete with the high end pedals ( Klon etc).

    For me ( and it is just me - I'm not a pedal guy) I think you can get the same effect through a different Amp/gain level/eq. I've never found an OD pedal that I go "wow" that transforms my sound into something new. Along with the additional noise , balancing the gain structures between the amp, additional pedal board space, power blocks, true bypass vs buffered...just not for me.

    Anyway, I seriously hope they do upgrade the OD pedals for those that want them and perhaps I might then be converted :)

    Maybe you will be converted. :) But you will try them and like them,:evil: You will like them.:evil::D

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • Like ninety-nine percent of every guitar tone we’ve ever loved has at least a pedal or two in the signal chain. Boost or distortion or a goosed eq or a fuzz. Comp. Anyway I love zero pedals too, but in a band context a lot of the time achieving that sound actually involves using pedals.

    I’ve always felt that with a bit of creativity the Kemper can get you there with what’s already in the box. Unfortunately sometimes it involves using more than one stomp slot which can be frustrating.

    It would be cool to have that absolutely magic feeling of sticking a zero gain, bumped level Klon in front of your amp. Repeat that for each preferred pedal. On the other hand, a drive with truly granular controls that can get at all those pedal tones we love from within one very deep stomp module would be cool too. If it came with presets, users could tweak from that point to get at what’s in our heads, based on the hardware versions we’ve actually owned, which really do vary from unit to unit, or per song, to sculpt a spot for the guitar in the frequency spectrum. And beyond, with no limit.

    But I have to say, having owned all the drives that everybody loves, people make a way bigger deal out of this then it really is. I certainly haven’t heard any guitarist using another device with “better drives“ achieving better tones. Why is that!?

    Zero gain, bumped level Klon would be up my alley, but I essentially do this with the Green Scream and I believe it has the similar effect. Does it not? From my understanding, isn't the green scream supposed to be that OD pedal, that you turn the volume all the way and tone half way and gain at 0 and it gives you that nice saturated tone?

  • Zero gain, bumped level Klon would be up my alley, but I essentially do this with the Green Scream and I believe it has the similar effect. Does it not? From my understanding, isn't the green scream supposed to be that OD pedal, that you turn the volume all the way and tone half way and gain at 0 and it gives you that nice saturated tone?

    Sure but you can use any OD pedal and no one will ever know which pedal you used. It's the same with pickups. It might be just a tiny bit that difference between A and B but you experience that B sounds a little better than A. But when another player uses A you experience that that sounds better. Well at least for him/her. So is the original Klon pedal very few have acually used, the holy grail of tones. Of course not. But myths are created and have their own life. Brands keep on making sure myths continue for marketing. It's like Ibanez. The original one was a licensed product from Maxon. But does that make the majority of guitar players buying Maxon? No they want the Ibanez tube-screamer. It doens't matter that it doesn't sound excactly like the original. The same is true with the tone wood bs. This is how psychology works. Tell ppl something and that's what they will believe and hear and make them believe they're not already biased based on the knowledge they've heard is true. This is true no matter if it's music or anything else commercial product or politics. Make them believe what you want them to believe and you have a customer or a voter. Hopefully for the rest of their lifes.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

    Edited once, last by GearJocke (July 10, 2020 at 4:44 PM).

  • I used to use loads of pedals but my reason was because I gigged with a single channel amp. Riding guitar volume like a pro is beyond my capability (so is the magic 4th chord, I only know 3). Pedals were the answer.

    I still have most of them because most were home made. Really, I was using most of them to overcome the limitations of my amp in terms of variety. These days, I choose a different profile. I still dig out my home made germanium fuzz occasionally as, for me, it does a better job than the fuzz pedals in the Kemper. For all the others, I’m good to go in clean.

    I’d absolutely welcome the OD offerings in the Kemper getting a facelift but, for me, that’s for the fun it gives rather than ‘I need this and I’m broken hearted’. I don’t think they’re terrible but I also don’t think they’ve kept up with the advances that the rest of the unit has benefited from. I’m a long term user and, back in the day, the delays and reverbs weren’t awesome in the Kemper. They are now excellent IMO. I sold a Strymon Mobius and I miss the tremolo options on there / the phaser and flanger. In my opinion they beat the current ones in the Kemper. However, I couldn’t justify keeping it for how often I use those effects. I do miss the trem though so I’d welcome a re-do of that if Mr. Kemper is looking for a suggestion :)

  • Very different "clean" boosts. I love both and would go a year with one, then two years with the other etc, back when I was mostly using amps. In the Kemper the Green Scream (a model of a Tube Screamer) is still a little more gainy at zero drive than I want. I end-up using a Pure Booster in front of it and pull volume back –2. Obviously it would be nice to not have to "waste" that stomp slot.

    Again, lots of folks who aren't using pedal boards are doing just fine with the Kemper and it's internal effects and also profiles with baked-in analog pedals. But if it doesn't hurt what already exists then deeper, better grit/distortion/fuzz tools inside the Kemper will be an improvement.

    I could just be totally wrong about how a Klon sounds vs a Tubescreamer. I had always thought the tubescreamer was supposed to replicate the klon but, yes, obviously they will each have their own flavors, pros/cons etc...

  • As far as folks saying "you have unlimited amps, why do you need more OD flavors?", I have a few select profiles I use consistently, but sometimes you just wanna "goose" them a little for more breakup in a specific way.

    If those folks have a way to dial in a authentic sounding fuzz please share:)