How do you guys use performances?

  • This. Exactly my point as well and I remember when you Vinny Burns brought this up in your story about the ShipRocked and how much the ship did for you 8o

    And by the way I also have different sequence then clean/crunch and co. I usually start in slot 1 with my main rythm sound as well. Sometimes no clean in the performance, mostly clean in slot 4 or 5 then 8)

    Haha. Yes, pedalboard changes during rock festivals on rough seas can be challenging ?

  • I play in browser-mode. Don't really know the advantage of performance-mode.

    I use a Line 6 pedalboard for midi-changes. Within a preset there are several fx that I can turn on or off.

    The only advantage is you can easily organise your key rigs into banks. This is less advantageous with a regular midi pedal if you are calling up specific rigs ( I suspect) but with the remote is a simpler set up. This is all fairly subjective, but I only use performance mode for me...

  • 1 performance for everything... Recording and live

    and live it is 95% one profile, probably boring to most

    Only two amps in there

    I do have the opposite of most, 1-4 all the same amp, gained out

    1- Main Rig, live lead and Ryth

    2- Variation with a different cab for a darker recorded sound

    3- Variation with a treble booster for recording

    4-# 2 with the Treble booster for recording

    5- Clean for 2 songs, sometimes... usually I just adjust my touch or volume with #1 though

    Spotify, iTunes, Bandcamp, etc... Lugosi Smile

  • I really only use it in performance mode. Usually one song per rig maybe more.Sometimes two rigs for a song if there are drastic changes. Morph is usually a solo boost with effect changes or just effect changes if no solo. I set it up according to the set we are playing song 1,2,3,4,5 Arrow up next five songs.

  • unless you are playing with a click and/or midi tracks the BPM delay isn’t really an issue as the chances of the band staring in time and staying in time are less than zero.

    I don’t use many delays with specific rhythmic effects. Instead delay is mostly just a little bit of added depth to the sound so I have a short delay (slapback) and a long delay anywhere between 300 - 600ms but basically the same in all performances. These are in the performance and turned on/off as required. if I need to change the time on long delay a little I use tap tempo. This lets me get by with only 1 delay 90% of the time. However, it would be even better if I could assign the delay mix to its own expression pedal (without tying up the morph function) have control over the blend in real time.

  • This is so individual that there is no best way but different solutions. In my case it depends on which band or project I am in. There is one tribute band for which I use the one song one performance method because there are so many slightly different sounding original versions of the same songs that it is hard to find one sound or one "pedalboard" that fits everything from that band. Other than that for most of the other applications I create "Amp performances" of my favourite amps. I take different gain stages of the same amp from 1 to 5 and create pedalboards with pre and post fx around each amp, add lead boost morphing to each of those slots and I am good to go for most styles. At the moment I use about 6 such favourite amps (=performances with 5+5 slots each).

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • I agree there is no one way to do it.

    When I am just playing around I have the AFD profile across 5 slots in Performance 1. When I gig I tend to have a performance per song. I agree that there is no definite BPM when playing live and that fluxuates as the song progresses.

    Now I don't play guitar live I tend to have a performance per amp which means I have a variety of tones plus I don't have to scroll through 40 versions of the same profile at various gain stages just to find the one I like.

    Good thread for ideas

  • I play in 2 cover bands. Some sounds do cross in both. I use performance exclusively

    The first performance is 5 clean to dirty amps I use often

    The next performances are set-up 1-3 slots per song, mostly because I use a GR55 for synth sounds

  • Regarding the delays, remember that not only can you tap the tempo, but you can hold down the Tap button and it will determine the tempo based on your playing (called beat scanner). Caveat being that you have to be playing a busy-enough part for it to determine the tempo. If you are playing diamonds, you will have to tap the button. By using the tap tempo, I get away with using one delay setting for most of my rigs and performances. I set the delay to dotted eighths, and, like wheresthedug mentions above, I use the morph function for delay volume. Tap quarter notes and you get dotted eighth delays. Tap half notes and you get long delays. Tap as fast as you can and you get slapback. Tap quarter note triplets and you get another variation on a longer delay. Tap randomly, etc. etc. Obviously, this would work with other delay values.

    If I need something other than the above, such as quarter note delay or a darker or brighter delay, I set up a second delay and assign it to the same button on the remote so that I can toggle between the two.

    You can set a tempo (per rig or per performance, I forget) and that can be you starting tempo. If the tempo varies, tapping on the tap button will override the initial setting, but you need to have already saved an note-value for the tap in the delay. Can explain that more if anybody needs it.

    It is unfortunate that I use up all of the morphing capability simply for delay volume, but it is important enough to me to do so. I wish there was, and have requested, another way. Without resorting to MIDI.


    Be Thankful.

  • I have different performances for different bands or situations. My main performance has clean, boosted clean, crunch, rock and screaming lead with morph to boost each rig for solos. I have separate performances for jazz gigs, acoustic gigs I do occasionally with my daughter (Bert Meulendijk profiles, one with a fabulous natural reverb and one with the Crystal Church delay that I have become addicted to) and one for my Boss SY1 peel with no amp and the pedal on a the fx loop. I also have the same edgy delay rig, in different performances with different tempos. My other delays are quarter notes with tap tempo activated.

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10