How do you like the FRFR Sound of the Kemper Kone ?

  • Hi

    curious bout what others think about FRFR Mode of the Kone , when not using the Imprints ,

    when using a kmpl Studio Profile incl. the Rigs Cab, is it better, or worse in comparison to other

    FRFR Cabs like Mission , Yamaha , RCF, Headrush, etc

    Please let us know

  • I compared a while back DXR, CLR and Kabinet and must say I was somewhat surprised how noticeable the difference(s) were. DXR and CLR seem to have deeper bass and Kabinet is overall more bright. Also the mids are clearly different. Not sure is this more due to cabinet size or Kone itself.

  • Ok in FR mode but its really excellent with the imprints.

    I had a Headrush unit before and the Kone FR mode is quite a big improvement on that. The sweetening control is subtle but useful.

    'You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead' - Stan Laurel

  • I’ve compared my Kone (in a closed back 1x12 Peavey extension cab) to my Genelec near fields and sub in the studio. The Genelec system is tuned to my room and listening position, the Kone was sat on the floor in the middle of the control room. It held up surprisingly well! I wasn’t missing bass and as I recall, the Genelecs were only slightly brighter than the Kone, little enough to be disregarded. I have a Headrush 108 at home. One of these days I’ll compare that, too (though I already know that the Headrush has a more brittle, unnatural edge to it).

  • I had a Kabinet and didn’t like it at all. My previous experience with FRFR has been Tech21 Power Engine 60, Atomic CLR NEO MkII, and Line 6 PowerCab Plus. I had the chance to A/B against the PowerCab. The Kabinet was very bright and had less low end. The brightness was a dealbreaker for me. I have since put 2 Kones in a Zilla 2x12 cab with drastically better results.

    I attribute a lot of the Kabinet’s bright sonic properties to the tiny 12” closed back cabinet than to the Kone speaker itself. The Kone does great in larger enclosures.

    Kemper Head & Stage User

  • I had a Kabinet and didn’t like it at all. My previous experience with FRFR has been Tech21 Power Engine 60, Atomic CLR NEO MkII, and Line 6 PowerCab Plus. I had the chance to A/B against the PowerCab. The Kabinet was very bright and had less low end. The brightness was a dealbreaker for me. I have since put 2 Kones in a Zilla 2x12 cab with drastically better results.

    I attribute a lot of the Kabinet’s bright sonic properties to the tiny 12” closed back cabinet than to the Kone speaker itself. The Kone does great in larger enclosures.

    There is no other user having mentioned this.

    If you find the Kabinet too bright, then you have definitely a mismatch between the positioning of the Kabinet and the Bass Boost option.

    Or you have had a similar mismatch using the other speakers (CLR) and got used to it or compensated it already with another equalizer.

    Please revise, if you have more questions.


  • I MUCH prefer my QSC K10 for FR mode. FR mode with the Kone is lacking to my ears, but the Kone excels in Imprint mode. The entire reason I bought the Kone was for Imprint mode, so I have no use for FR mode.

    I had a Kabinet and didn’t like it at all. My previous experience with FRFR has been Tech21 Power Engine 60...

    I have the T21 PE 60 and is definitely NOT FR. It uses a standard guitar speaker. I never liked it for any application I tried to use it for. It was awful with both the Eleven Rack and the Kemper. It's the one piece of gear I'm sorry I bought without hearing it. You can't give them away now.

    I gave up on the electronics (which are extremely noisy) and put the Kone in it in conjunction with the Kemper powered by a DV Mark Ciro Manna mini head. It sounds great in Imprint mode with its open back.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • I MUCH prefer my QSC K10 for FR mode. FR mode with the Kone is lacking to my ears, but the Kone excels in Imprint mode. The entire reason I bought the Kone was for Imprint mode, so I have no use for FR mode.

    I have to agree with this one. Not compared to QSC, but to my CLR/DXR. I tried each and every built-in DSP/EQ option and also room acoustics impacts through positioning. Then I tried to match the CLR/DXR to Kabinet using the KPA Output EQ by ear. And then the same but vice versa Kabinet Output EQ towards others. And then same even with Kabinet power amp EQ.

    But all that is not that important as things change once the imprints are in use. And those are indeed Great(!!) and I'm playing through those 100% atm.

  • Previously had a headrush 108 and a powercab 112,

    The headrush sounded too boomy and very smooth in the bad way, and I sent it back after a day of trial ..

    Powercab was more convincing but I found it to be harsh after a while, even after trying to eq it.

    I find the Kab to be far more pleasing for the ears, from loud bedroom levels to very loud ... Honestly I don't mind anymore if it sounds like a cab or not. Used at small gigs levels it rocks.

    At low levels it is less precise than my studio monitors + sub but, that's easily understandable ... and It feels better, fills the room in a good motivating way.

    I prefer the frfr mode with any profile (clean to high gain) but it's a pure matter of taste ...

  • I have a Stage an two Kemper Kone cabs.

    I love them and have never been so pleased with my sound!

    The only issue is the fact that you can not save a rig in FRFR mode(Kone on, Cab off).

    I have owned Axe-Fx and Helix and have bought rigs/presets from the great pro Glenn DeLaune

    Now he has released high quality rigs for the Stage but all are direct profiles ment to feed FOH /FRFR.

    Unfortunately I cannot use them with The Kones because it is not possible to save in FRFR mode.

    I would really Really appreciate if this is included in next OS update.

  • I think you misunderstand the process and workflow. Direct to FOH means that they are either Studio or Merged profiles, which will include a Cab in the Stack. These you can certainly use in FRFR mode with the Kone/Kab. However, if they are DI or Direct Amp profiles (meant to drive a guitar cabinet), you can just long-press the Cab button and find a Cab that works with the Rigs. This will enable you to use them in FRFR mode with the Kone/Kab.

    EDIT: rereading your post, I now presume you mean to change from a Performance slot using imprints to one using FRFR? Yes, this is indeed not possible.

  • Has anyone tried to use Kemper Cabinet with a backing track?

    How does that sound? My idea is to use Imprint on guitar and AUX IN on backing track with 2x Cabinet to stereo. I'm thinking of buying 2 cabinets for stereo use, but I don't want to carry 2 more PA boxes.

    The description says: Music that is fed into the PROFILER through the Aux Input will be played back in full-range mode, even when you play your amp with a Speaker Imprint, both at the same time.

  • Hi,

    it's not precisley what you wanted to know but maybe it's helpful anyway.

    I use my Yamaha DXR10 for backing tracks (Dr, Bass, Keyb, Voc). The guitar I'm playing runs with the Kemper Kone.

    I like it this way and my bandmates like it too.

    You may even cater a small gig with this outfit.

