• Hi guys, just purchased my first kemper stage. I just started this new world of possibilities. Plugged for the first time yesterday. Getting lost here and there. No so many bass rigs in my version. I was wondering where exactly I can find great bass tones for different genres. I will be in touch with this Forum ...

  • Welcome, have fun here in the forum and with your Kemper. You wil certainly quickly become more familiar with the unit and enjoy great tones. Read the great manual, have a look at some of the great tutorial videos from Kemper and others on YouTube.

    More bass rigs can be found in the RigExchange. Guys like the great Bommel here in the forum and others as well have posted a lot of good stuff for bass there as well. Enjoy and do not hesitate to ask if you need some help here and there

  • Welcome, have fun here in the forum and with your Kemper. You wil certainly quickly become more familiar with the unit and enjoy great tones. Read the great manual, have a look at some of the great tutorial videos from Kemper and others on YouTube.

    More bass rigs can be found in the RigExchange. Guys like the great Bommel here in the forum and others as well have posted a lot of good stuff for bass there as well. Enjoy and do not hesitate to ask if you need some help here and there

    Thank you for the warming welcome. I will need some help for sure in order to share with the new users to come as well. Thanks deadman and nice meeting you.

  • Giovanni - I can't help with the updates - I haven't done one yet (I'm a new user as well), but if you are looking for some all purpose bass tones - check out the Michael Britt made It's Just Bass pack.

    The Preamps that were profiled are:

    Noble Bass Pre – Nimble

    2 Notes Le Bass – Deux Notes

    Seymour Duncan Paranormal DI – Dunkin Spooky

    Eden Terra Nova – Garden Earth

    Warwick Hellborg – German SSL

    Aguilar Tone Hammer – NYC Sledge

    Ampeg Scrambler – Peggy Eggy

    Ampeg Tube Pre – Peggy TP1

    Ampeg Mic Tube Pre – Peggy MTP1

    Mesa Subway – Subway

    EBS Valvedrive – Swedish Drive

    And the profiles from the BoC Pack are:

    Ampeg SVT Classic – Amp Peg

    Tyler Portaflex clone – TKO PFlex

    I think that can work for a lot of bass players.

  • I'm still figuring out how to get there. Rig Manager. I noticed that there's an update to the stage version. I downloaded from the site however I can't extract the file in order to update and install the Rig Manger. I'm using Mac.

    Rig Manager and OS updates can be handled from within Rig Manager, there should be no need to download the updates from the website (unless you want to)

  • Wow ... just download that pack, put in a stick and import to Kemper?

  • Thanks ... I downloaded the Rig Manager, but it seems it was the wrong one. Looking for the right one to download.

    Once you figure out the Rig Manager, there is a column called instrument (you have to enable it)

    Once the column is there you can search for BASS or simply click on it to sort it by instrument.

    This way all the Bass presets will pop up in one place.

    There are hundreds of them on the Rig Exchange and they will be all at your fingertips.

  • I agree with ElectroFuzz and was going to say that too. IMHO there should be plenty on the Rig Exchange that you might be happy with.

    kevinpmajka 's MBritt suggestion is a good one and I bought that pack myself, but if you love the sound of bass rigs (including their cabs) then this will not deliver for you 'cause all Profiles are DI boxes / drivers / preamps of various flavours. In my experience real cabs help the bass to feel fuller down-low and are more-easily perceived over speakers that lack bottom end when listening to the finished mix.

    DonPetersen 's suggestion is the best starting point IMHO, 'cause it'll give you an idea of what's out there from pro Profilers. I'd do that first and then check out the Exchange, sorting via the Instrument column as suggested by ElectroFuzz.

    Welcome to the forum and congrats on your new baby, Giovanni! 8)

  • Also check Bommel's collection and RU sirius ones , lots of great bass stuff here , even some unusual ones like chandler preamps so good on my jazzbass.

  • Just updated my stage profiler. Now I will be able to download the rig manager and it will be able to connect/link to my profiler right? I'm kind of scared of doing something wrong. Sorry guys for so many questions ... I worked a lot to purchase this so ...

  • yep begin by installing RM , then connect it , it will probably try to update the Kemper , do so

    restart the RM if something goes wrong , but let any update go to the end

    once RM syncs with the KPA you should be able to see the editor

  • Easiest way is to type Bommel into the search field in Rig Manager, Giovanni.

    I can't open the app right now but checked the Exchange at the Kemper site and 59 pages of Bommel Profiles come up.


    Make sure you type "Bommel" and not "Boomel". ;)