Wah sounds like crap with the Kemper head BETA Operating System 7.1.18

  • sorry guys, I guess I was expecting the default wah settings to sound decent; for example, with my axe fx, I didn't have to tweak anything it just sounded good right away. I was expecting the same with the Kemper and I guess it's not like that. I looked up some wah settings and that helped me out considerably.

    Guitar & amp junkie from Ottawa, Canada

  • coughlinkelly , there's a difference between loading an effect Type and an effect Preset.

    This is likely the source of the degree-of-crappiness disagreement here, IMHO, and is why Kemper's Burkhard has patiently been trying to find out exactly which you'd loaded and considered "factory default".

    The factory-wah Presets sound better to me than those of any other modeller I've owned previously (dozens of models from a handful of manufacturers), and for one simple reason - a distinct lack of harshness and granularity by comparison.

  • It was the default Wah effect settings when I loaded it. I found some Wah presets and figured out how to load those, and now I'm getting good Wah sounds. My point still applies though. Sounded like crap without loading a Wah preset.

    Guitar & amp junkie from Ottawa, Canada

  • It was the default Wah effect settings when I loaded it

    There is not an actual "default" wah setting, per the below explanation from Kemper Support:

    Not sure, what you are referring to as "out of the box" here. If you expect a ready to use wah sound, you need to load a wah preset as suggested. Loading a preset like "Cry" will lead to consistent results.

    If you just load the effect type, all the parameters within the effect are maintained from the predecessor effect. Depending where you come this could be useful or completely useless sound-wise. That is a feature which has its purpose. Details are in the Main Manual.

    The whole concept is explained in the first chapter of the Main Manual titled "Rigs and Signal Chain".

  • When I say default, I mean when I use the Browse button to select the Wah; settings are loaded, and I never set them; so, in my opinion, those would be default.. What am I not explaining correctly here? You are obviously not understanding my statements.

    Guitar & amp junkie from Ottawa, Canada

  • Admin, just delete this thread. I'm obviously not being understood; maybe it's because I've been in Fractal land for too long and my brain isn't functioning right. Thanks for the replies. Not trying to be an a-hole here.

    Guitar & amp junkie from Ottawa, Canada

  • No hard feelings!

    When you turn the BROWSE knob to load an effect, you are loading effect presets including parameter settings. The PROFILER comes with a fe preinstalled factory presets for wah: CAE, Cry, Dlp Hendrix, Ibz Wh Ten, Mrly Horse Vai, Narow, Subtle, Touch, Wide. Which ones did you try?

  • For goodness sake! What are your wah settings coughlinkelly? Perhaps write them out so we can try the same settings. would like to try them out. I agree about the wah, it took me a while to find something I like, but then I don't use the wah a lot. Perhaps this is the kind of thing we should be sharing. It's a shame we can't export efx settings.... or can we?

  • I agree about the wah, it took me a while to find something I like, but then I don't use the wah a lot. Perhaps this is the kind of thing we should be sharing.

    Ya think, mate? :D


    Kemper Wah Settings


    It's a shame we can't export efx settings.... or can we?

    Indeed we can, mate; everything you need to know is included in the .zip download in post #2 of the thread I linked to above.

    Post #1 just lays the parameters out in detail and provides some background. That info is included in the .zip too.

  • Good God man the War and Peace of Wah settings! Thank you very much for pointing this out. I don't know how I missed it. I will definitely investigate this. I have so enjoyed the beta process, despite some of the issues, as I feel that I have been learning so much about the Kemper and improving the sounds I have been getting. Not to mention some interesting work done by other users such as yourself.

  • Good God man the War and Peace of Wah settings! Thank you very much for pointing this out. I don't know how I missed it. I will definitely investigate this.

    I can tell you how you missed it, man:

    A few of us asked a long time ago if it could be made a "sticky" so it would always be visible in the subforum. Unfortunately it wasn't designated thusly, and therefore drops off the radar unless someone posts in it. I placed a link to it in my signature to help make it more-visible, but only folks who bother to read sigs see it.

    Glad you didn't take my post the wrong way; I was concerned that it might've come across a tad smarty-pants in-print, but of course it wasn't meant that way. It was a natural reaction to your musing that "... perhaps this is the kind of thing we should be sharing", given the amount of time I've spent creating and updating the presets (from text submissions in the thread and elsewhere), .zip download and included text files, naming methodology and whatnot.

    In case you haven't realised it, post #3 outlines and credits the contribution pool and points to Don's thread where you can discuss adding more models if you happen to own a pedal that is distinctively-different from the others already in the collection. It's been quite a while since any were added 'cause it seems to cover most users' needs pretty-well.

    Lastly, you don't need to use a USB stick and pop 'em into the Profiler anymore 'cause Rig Manager can handle Presets now. I've been waiting for RM3 to come out of beta before I amend post #2 and the text instructions in the download to reflect this. Using the stick method, the Presets sit nicely (and logically) alongside the factory ones, as outlined in post #2, but if you choose to use Rig Manager instead, simply drag them into an appropriately-named folder within the Preset / FX-library section of the app in the left side-pane. You can drag and drop them as-needed from there into the Stomp slots in the editor, whereas on the Profiler, if you choose the former method, you'll have to call them up in the usual way using the TYPE and BROWSE knobs.

    Feel free to let us know how you go, man. ;)

  • For goodness sake! What are your wah settings coughlinkelly? Perhaps write them out so we can try the same settings. would like to try them out. I agree about the wah, it took me a while to find something I like, but then I don't use the wah a lot. Perhaps this is the kind of thing we should be sharing. It's a shame we can't export efx settings.... or can we?

    This sharing is already happening:

    Wah Settings

  • If by OT you mean Don's original thread, Renaud, the answer is yes, mate, and I know for sure 'cause I converted them myself.

    I collected all the settings from it as well as the "collection" thread I created and programmed all the Presets from the shared parameter values of both threads.