Kone & Kabinet Q&A

  • Thanks guys! But let me put this on a clear picture. I don't want to use kemper for it's preamp but just steal the imprints that i can use with my full tube amp (preamp + power amp ). I have a JCM 800 and 4x12 kone cabinet and i just want to use the imprints from KPA somehow, of course it will be coloration from my JCM 800 and that's intended since i'm not using KPA preamp or rigs. and all i want to use the Imprints technology to get the Imprints :) Does it make sense ?

    Guitar > JCM800 AMP > X ? > 4x12 Kone Cabine

    There is a problem when you use the Kone with a full tube amp.

    What sound do you send to FOH?

    The Kone It isn't engineered to be miked.

  • I understand that Kone imprints are related to the monitor output only, so they can’t be related to each individual Rig.

    Is that correct? If so, does Kemper confirmed that in a future software release, imprints will be set on a Rig basis as well?

  • To me, i think it's a big market for this particular case. I've not seen any company that has a 16 cabs imprints technology yet and not to confuse with IR's solutions out there . Fractal , Helix and tube guys will be happy to find that they can play 16 different cabs into one cab.

    The solution for those guys is FRFR and IR's. Why would anyone buy a fractal and then use a KPA and Kabinet just for imprints.

    Kemper have a game changer here that they are now given more authentic ( as in profiled vs modelled) control over the signal path.

    I'm staggered at how people want strange signal chains to solve problems that, to me, aren't there,.complex paths and mix and match are not necessarily better. Hence I don;t use a tube amp. I bought the KPA not as an effects unit or a speaker imprint unit but amp replacement - as its designed to be.

    Have to disagree with you on this but hey whatever works for you and your bank balance...

  • Still I think (about those Kone imprints), that it couldn't be too difficult for Kemper to create IR's from those imprints (or any other way creating this..). Instead of searching and buying IR's for each existing imprint.. we would have Kemper IR's that totally match the Kone imprints. I like to insist on this.. Please ladies and gentlemen at Kemper headquarters..

  • It may not be difficult but I still struggle to see why...

    The Kemper "process" is less about IR's....they profile the whole signal chain. They have broken some areas out for more flex. They now have effectively a profile for speakers....the only benefit here seems to be outside the Kemper footprint...

    I know many people still use IR's but the speaker imprints seem to replace the need for these now .

  • I found out that many rigs did not sound good, until I found another speaker (better match), in the Kone imprints. If that choice could be available in the Stack section as an speaker/cabinet-IR, that could be 'top' ..

    I still don't really understand. The individual Imprint is currently available in the stack section on a rig by rig basis so that you can, for example, run a Mesa profile with a V30, a Marshall profile with a Greenback but a Fender with a Jenson etc.

  • Definetely worth a try.

    As for the fullrange setting, you should expect an emphasized bass responce, due to the ported cabinet.

    Give us feedback about the outcome, once it‘s there!

    I just bought a Kone and installed it into my 1x12"Thiele-Cab. After a few hours of inbreak-time I compared it to my Kemper-Kabinett which I purchased a few weeks earlier. In comparison of both I had expected, that the Thiele cab would emphasize the lows and that it would sound a bit fatter than the Kemper-Kabinett.

    I am very suprised that the sound is nearly the same. The efficiency of the Thiele-Cab just makes me feel that it's just a bit louder than the Kabinett (I daisy-chained the Kabinett and the Thiele-Cab seperated them locally and could hear that the Thiele is a slight bit louder) but it really doesn't stress any frequency (especially the lows).:?:

    In general my personal taste even makes me activate the Bass-Boost with the Thiele-Cab, though it's Standing on the floor. I'm really confused but very pleased about this result:thumbup::P

  • thanks for this report, this makes me sure

    that my self built Cab will sound the same as the original, its got the exact size of the original cab

    so no more searching for an original cab

    and im satisfied with the Kone too for me it def makes Rigs sounding better than with the profiled speaker

    it adds this little "thing" which i love on "real "amps

  • thanks Hurricane. That surprises me too. I was going to take the Kone out my Kabinet and try it in one of my Thiele cabs until I noticed the Mesa Thiele mounts from the front and has many more screws. In the end I couldn’t be bothered and put the backs back on. I have two Thiele cabs so it would have been nice to compare the EV and Kone side by side in identical cabinets but at the end of the day I’d rather just play ?

  • This.

    The main benefit of the Kabinet/Kone will be its ability to provide AITR for different speakers, even on a per rig basis.

    And in the end (when this gap of FRFR vs AITR will be finally closed) this will lead to a much wider acceptance of the Profiler compared to today.

    What is AITR - an abbreviation for "As In The Room" ? I know what's the FRFR :)

  • Total newb here, thinking about amplification possibilities for my Stage... could I replace the speakers in an old Roland Jazz-Chorus 120 with Kones and run it through the effects return?

    I'm wondering if it would be ok as far as matching up ohms, I think the JC-120 is 2 60-watt amps powering 2 8ohm speakers normally, and the Kone is 4ohms, will this be OK?

    Is there a reason to think this is a horrible idea sonically if electrically it's safe? Is swapping out the speakers in a solid state amp something folks are doing?

  • Total newb here, thinking about amplification possibilities for my Stage... could I replace the speakers in an old Roland Jazz-Chorus 120 with Kones and run it through the effects return?

    I'm wondering if it would be ok as far as matching up ohms, I think the JC-120 is 2 60-watt amps powering 2 8ohm speakers normally, and the Kone is 4ohms, will this be OK?

    Is there a reason to think this is a horrible idea sonically if electrically it's safe? Is swapping out the speakers in a solid state amp something folks are doing?

    That should work. How satisfactory the result is depends on how clean the 2x60 W solid state power amp is. Those are pretty clean sounding amps at normal listening and stage levels in my experience so I think it should be OK.

    If the power amp is being driven into distortion then the extended range of the Kones will result in some unpleasant high frequencies you may find harsh.