Kone & Kabinet Q&A

  • What is the right profile ShadowJumper ? Is it from RigExchange or any RigPack? I would like to try myself...

    I think it sounds pretty good on any number of profiles... low or medium gain ones (and even some of the high gain ones sound pretty good to me). Settings may vary from one guitar to another (I'm mainly using a Les Paul with a set of original 59 PAFs, which are on the bright/clear side of the spectrum). Turn the volume way down on your Power Station and try these settings in Rig Manager (bring the volume up to tolerance on the PS) and let me know what you think.

    The older I get, the better I was.

  • I think it sounds pretty good on any number of profiles... low or medium gain ones (and even some of the high gain ones sound pretty good to me). Settings may vary from one guitar to another (I'm mainly using a Les Paul with a set of original 59 PAFs, which are on the bright/clear side of the spectrum). Turn the volume way down on your Power Station and try these settings in Rig Manager (bring the volume up to tolerance on the PS) and let me know what you think.

    Thanks will try it with my Ibanez PGM 301 with PAF PRO pickups ( AlNiCo 5, 300mV,8.4kOhm)

  • I think the definitive answer on how good the kones will sound with high gain/metal will be when someone drops 4 of them in to a 4x12. I've only recently split my 4x12 quad in to two 2x12's so I can switch between my JCM800 and powered Kemper. I must admit the Marshall (boosted, hi gain) dropped off in balls(? for lack of a better term) as expected with only 2 speakers. I'd be keen to hear from anyone who's dropped 4 of these in to a quad, If this gets the low end, full amp in the room for metal that a single 12" seems incapable of. I've always intended to get 4 Kones, I never assumed 1 or 2 would give the full sound I'm used to.

    P.S. I can't see any option on the Oceania site for discount on multiple Kone purchases. Is multi buy discount on Kones available for Australia?

    Yes - there are 2x Kone and 4x Kone items on the webshop. Don't order the 1x and edit the quantity to get 2 or 4 as then you will not get the discount.

  • And when I engage "Kemper Kone" (Monitor Cab OFF unselected), this is Kemper's specific FR? But still with Cab Preset/IR?

    the Kone speaker isn’t flat response. The Kone software contains correction to make it flat.

    with Kone unselected and Cab Off unselected you get the Cab Section fro the rig in FR mode but without the DSP correcting the Kone speaker to make it truly flat.

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    Found this on YouTube, i didn't see it posted here so far. Sounds decent to me.

    I had the pleasure to compare

    - my homebuilt Bluesbreaker Combo (carbon resistors, mercury magnet transformers, SoZo Mustard Caps, TAD Tubes --> full mojo build) with a Warehouse AlNiCo Speaker

    - to the Tone Junkie 62 Vox Profile with Kone and AlNiCo Blue Imprint in the Kabinet

    ...yeah, its not the same amp, Bluesbreaker is open back, Kabinet is closed back, but the characteristics of British tone with AlNiCo are totally there, its chimey, its clear and it makes the Kemper tone enjoyable next to my "boutique build" Tube Amp.

    I think, that it's very well done and a valuable enhancement of the Kemper.

    And compared to my Bluesbreaker it is versatile and portable....

  • i just asked that youtube guy what speaker model it was and he said V30, so thats a 4x12 V30 sound on a jcm900 profile, at volume 1 supposedly

  • Listening to that, is it just me, or does it sound very hi-fi rather than earthy? Does my terminology make sense to anyone?

    Can feel my willpower start to fail me. I got to try one for myself haha

  • Changing speakers of any type might result in different EQ needed. My QSC K10 (FR type) has a notorious low-mid boost which needs to be removed with a PEQ to make it sound "flatter"....and the K10 IS a FR speaker.

    It's not the Kone's fault. If you had started with the Kone, you would have EQ'd your patches a certain way....then playing them on the Yamaha setup would have sounded overly bright to you.

    Remember that some players have, all along, been using an onstage guitar cabinet and simultaneously running to the FOH with the same EQ settings (unless they use the Monitor EQ section).

    I would simply re-EQ' the patches.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • shouldnt the FRFR be more 'extended' and brighter? :/

    An FR speaker SHOULD only put out what you put into it, but I don't believe there is a PERFECTLY FLAT speaker anywhere. I've never seen a frequency response chart for a speaker that was a flat line.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • Listening to that, is it just me, or does it sound very hi-fi rather than earthy? Does my terminology make sense to anyone?

    Can feel my willpower start to fail me. I got to try one for myself haha

    Some feel it‘s bright, some hear a blanked.

    That‘s the way it is ... :)

    If you record a guitar speaker on axis, then it‘s always that bright.

    A recording can never tell you how it would sound in-the-room (sic!)

  • An FR speaker SHOULD only put out what you put into it, but I don't believe there is a PERFECTLY FLAT speaker anywhere. I've never seen a frequency response chart for a speaker that was a flat line.

    But yes, there is.

    A frequency response chart does not need to be perfectly flat. What matters is that there is no tilted frequency response, that there is no larger regions differ completely from the zero line, and no smaller regions differ more than 1 or 2 dB.

    Many high quality monitor speakers are very flat. I took the Neumann 310 as a reference. Have a look at its frequency response and deviation. World class!

    I compared the FR sound of the Kabinet to the Neumann and applied tweaks. I spent another week with just listening A/B, but could not find any more frequency regions to correct. The last tweak was somewhere in the mid region and it was 1 dB.

  • An FR speaker SHOULD only put out what you put into it, but I don't believe there is a PERFECTLY FLAT speaker anywhere. I've never seen a frequency response chart for a speaker that was a flat line.

    Unless you have an anechoic chamber on hand, the environment you operate the speaker in is going to boost and cut frequencies way more than 1dB.

  • Good afternoon Mr Kemper,

    Only if you are able to, can you answer this? given the current global crisis, in your humble opinion should I wait for a powered Kabinet or invest in an amp for the unpowered KPA which I can't buy anyway?

    I'm chomping at the bit to try your new kabinet but it seems they are probably at least a couple of months away (in England anyway).

    I am happy using my Headrush FR but feel I'm not getting the full capacity of my KPA.

    'You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead' - Stan Laurel