Kone & Kabinet Q&A

  • Well, we make the observation that too many users don't read the documentation. You can tell that even some of the video creators have not cared about the manual. Improving the docs would not change the picture too much, I'm afraid ...

    Unfortunately I have to agree with you, it is sad that a lot of people can't be bothered to read the official documentation and ask the most basic question on social media instead.

    However, the official manual for the Kemper consists already of 329 pages of pure knowledge which I found incredibly useful when starting out with the Profiler and still consult on a regular basis when diving deeper into a specific functions. Therefore, I think a good official documentation is still important and super useful to those that do read the manual or at least consult it instead of bothering the support or other users - yes, we do exist ^^

    Thank you for the review. BTW, how did you find the Camplifier Studio for home use?

    You're welcome! I think the small Camplifier is a great solution. It fits right in the back of the Toaster, looks neat and the power brick still fits in the backpocket, so it's a super clean setup. For me it is a great and more affordable solution than going with a powered Kemper, especially for home use when you don't need 600W. The 25W are still plenty to make your ears hurt, even with the 1x12 Kabinet ;)

    The sound is just like it should be and in my opinion more reliable than cheap pedal format poweramp solutions. Also, Tilmann Ritter is a super nice dude who provides great support. I can definitely recommend the Camplifier if you want to upgrade your unpowered Profiler.

  • No matter how its named or described, FRFR range (frequency range measured by a frequency meter) is much wider than any guitar cab can produce. Thats all I am saying, so please name away whatever suites... :)

    I agree with this, and I've not stated otherwise. My answer to CK was about GRFR, which is a quite different concept although not any scientific or industrial standard (as well as FRFR , after all).
    Again, I am not sure what point you are trying to make.

    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • My stuck at home Gear Roundup...

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    You seem to live in a guitar Store :)

  • (Yeah, I posted about something other than the Kone as well....moved to I.M.)

    I love my Kone! :)

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

    Edited 2 times, last by HCarlH (March 31, 2020 at 4:39 PM).

  • Hi Guys,

    I am owner of a BlueAmp Cabinet with FRFR / GFR Speaker. You can selcet via toggle switch between this two funkctions. In my Cab are two custom speaker with nearly the same output as the Kone Speaker called (Blue Knight). This Speaker have 2db more level then the Kones and nearly working on the same frequency. Today I have tested the new Kone feature (Monitor cab off) with some speaker imprints in the Profiler. Wooooooooooowwwwwwwww I was blown away by the sound compared to FRFR only mode. The Cab comes more alive then before and this sounds fantastic. As the Cab ist a 2x12 Box the amp in the Room sound ist more natural then in the 1x12 Kone Cab.

    Testing Setup:

    unpowered Profiler Rack---------->Monitor out ------> Matrix GT 1000fx ----------> Blueamp BEAST custom Cabinet

    I highly recommend every BlueAmp Cab owner to try the GFR Mode with the new imprints. They not need to buy the Kone Speaker and still can use the new imprints in the Kone Mode.

  • Has someone experiene imprints to use with dxr10?

    Cry Baby Slash Classic Wah -> KPA -> main to FOH ->KRK6 -> Monitor out DXR10 -> EXP DVP3 -> Remote: Guitars: Slash Gibson Les Paul Custom Shop - James Tyler Variax JTV59 - Epiphone Les Paul with EMG 81 - Furch GN2 Nylon -> Maybach Lester 60 -> Kemper Powered Cab -/ Focusrite Scarlett

  • Hi Guys,

    I am owner of a BlueAmp Cabinet with FRFR / GFR Speaker. You can selcet via toggle switch between this two funkctions. In my Cab are two custom speaker with nearly the same output as the Kone Speaker called (Blue Knight). This Speaker have 2db more level then the Kones and nearly working on the same frequency. Today I have tested the new Kone feature (Monitor cab off) with some speaker imprints in the Profiler. Wooooooooooowwwwwwwww I was blown away by the sound compared to FRFR only mode. The Cab comes more alive then before and this sounds fantastic. As the Cab ist a 2x12 Box the amp in the Room sound ist more natural then in the 1x12 Kone Cab.

    Testing Setup:

    unpowered Profiler Rack---------->Monitor out ------> Matrix GT 1000fx ----------> Blueamp BEAST custom Cabinet

    I highly recommend every BlueAmp Cab owner to try the GFR Mode with the new imprints. They not need to buy the Kone Speaker and still can use the new imprints in the Kone Mode.

  • Unfortunately I have to agree with you, it is sad that a lot of people can't be bothered to read the official documentation and ask the most basic question on social media instead.

    However, the official manual for the Kemper consists already of 329 pages of pure knowledge which I found incredibly useful when starting out with the Profiler and still consult on a regular basis when diving deeper into a specific functions. Therefore, I think a good official documentation is still important and super useful to those that do read the manual or at least consult it instead of bothering the support or other users - yes, we do exist ^^

    The Powerhead was a hell of a lot of money for me. I tried to be sure that it was exactly what I needed to integrate into my existing rig and downloaded the manual before making my mind up. I read it thoroughly, pulled the trigger and have read it since. Despite the page count, it isn't actually that big and isn't written in a heavy text format, making it easy to work through.

    I have zero sympathy for those that complain about missing functions they assumed it would have or lack of basic understanding through their choice not to do some research. Many almost pride themselves on not being the sort to read a manual.... Well, you get what you put in. It's not exactly hard work to scan your way through, picking up a few hints as you go!

  • For the chorus, try the Air Chorus instead our vintage chorus.

    Tell us the results on your Vox amp.


    Yes thank you - Air Chorus it's much much better than the CE1 Vintage Chorus. Much wider. I love the CE1 chorus on AD120 and actually run it depth 0 and speed 0 --- i actually dont like choruses too much, but I love the sound the subtle CE1 gives.

  • this seems decent to me. There is another similar short v30 clip in these threads that sounds good aswell

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    Hard to tell from the clip but I think this is suffering from loss of low end like all the high gain's I've tried. If you turn off imprints with high gain they are much better with default EQ. I have found if you use the Imprints (e.g V30) to get a decent sound with high gain you have to EQ the crap out of the profile. For example - increase Bass by +3.0, mids +0.5 and Treble +0.5 as a minimum. And thats on top of bass boost! Or is it just me.

  • Just got mine!!! and first impressions, wowwwwww this Kabinet sounds killer.... i never touched my Mesa Boogie Mark IV after i bought the Kemper Powerhead, and always played over the DXR10, but hearing de Kabinet/Kone, im afraid my Mesa wont see the sunlight ever again.... damZz i hope to make a video later this day. off to work now ;)

  • The Powerhead was a hell of a lot of money for me. I tried to be sure that it was exactly what I needed to integrate into my existing rig and downloaded the manual before making my mind up. I read it thoroughly, pulled the trigger and have read it since. Despite the page count, it isn't actually that big and isn't written in a heavy text format, making it easy to work through.

    I have zero sympathy for those that complain about missing functions they assumed it would have or lack of basic understanding through their choice not to do some research. Many almost pride themselves on not being the sort to read a manual.... Well, you get what you put in. It's not exactly hard work to scan your way through, picking up a few hints as you go!

    An alternative view...

    I think I’m one of the simple folk:) I have recently bought a Kemper and spent countless hours reading manuals, forums and watching every kemper related video. People all formulate their knowledge using different pathways, I knew nothing about, profiles, modelling and anything else Kemper. Ive learnt an amazing amount in a short space of time but still have nowhere near the knowledge of most on the forum. I have no friends that play musical intruments so it’s just me and the Interweb.?

    When first reading the manual, full comprehension was impossible as I wasn’t even sure how to understand certain terminology in context - as it was all new. Every time I read info or watch videos now, I always find something that I’ve previously misunderstood as I didn’t have any knowledge base.

    For fools like me, tapping in to someone’s knowledge can save me nights of trawling through old forum posts etc. I greatly appreciate that many answer questions in great detail despite it being very basic for them. This forum seems an eclectic spectrum of bedroom players and full time musicians. I’ve only posted a few times but I’m familiar with many names and avatars as I’ve been a regular reader.

    If everybody knew everything, the forum would just be a discussion about common knowledge. One simple question can generate other discussion and solutions from positive responses. I and others do try and research before asking as its common forum eticate. We may be in danger of some form of elitism if we expect everyone to have a certain level of knowledge. Thanks


  • DeanJam i understand what you are saying and I know I felt similarly overwhelmed at first. Several people on this forum were especially helpful in the early day particularly Monkey_Man , paults  Eltzejupp  Ingolf and the guys from Kemper themselves. The way I look at is that I am always happy to try and help people who are trying to help themselves. However, I also think there is a subgroup of users in all forms of technology who tale pride in not reading the manual as if it makes them superior. Then complain when they can’t do something simple and blame the gear for their inadequacies. When they come around looking for help it’s often a little more difficult to be nice. ?