Kone & Kabinet Q&A

  • Control the volume from the KPA if you want low levels. Back off the output level using the level controls in the Kemper Output. Check out the advice on setting the BAM tone controls further back in this thread because while the BAM freq response is not flat like the Icepower modules or the SD Powerstage unit you can correct this to a degree using the tone controls. You could correct it further with the Eq settings in the KPA.

  • Played around with it a bit some more. I do have those set correctly, I think. I do have the option to change the different imprints, and I do hear a change when cycling through them. I have the monitor ouput going to the bam and bam to Kabinet. Most of the profiles I try sound pretty bad though. A few sound decent like Fischers Jazz Fux OD2 from the exchange (I think that's where I found it) with the EVM12L Blacklabel imprint sounds pretty decent, others sound very fizzy, or harsh. I have the Bam set to 12 o'clock on all the dials. Not sure what to do with gain and master. I have gain up a tiny bit otherwise there's no sound, and master a tiny bit, because otherwise it's extremely loud. I'm just using this setup for bedroom playing.

    it’s just a cheap bass amp. I really don’t understand why everyone keeps buying them.
    As far as I remember it was not recommended at all by CK, he just asked had anyone tried one.

  • Problem with my Kabinet. Got it a couple of weeks ago and was working flawlessly. Suddenly the sound started breaking up with fluctuations in volume. Contacted Kemper support and went through all the obvious, check/changed leads, took screenshots of Output settings pages to make sure all the right boxes were selected. Eventually I was advised to take back off and check connections which still didn't resolve the problem. Support advised me to return it.

    A replacement arrived this morning and couldn't believe that the same thing happened again, sound breaking up!! Not sure if it's the Powered head that's faulty or whether I'm missing something very obvious. I'll contact support again but just wondered if anyone could suggest anything?

  • Reposted from forum:

    BAM200 is tailored for bass guitar. With all controls at 12 o'clock it has a pronounced mid-range dip with boosted low and high end. To get something close to a flat response you need to set with Bass at 10 o'clock, Mid at 3:30 and High at 10 o'clock. That provides a response that's flat to +- 1db from 30 Hz. to 10 KHz. Also note that the BAM 200 has a lot more gain than a dedicated power amp. Set the Kemper monitor out at around -30 db and run BAM200 gain at around 10 o'clock. Set BAM volume to suit.

  • Reposted from forum:

    BAM200 is tailored for bass guitar. With all controls at 12 o'clock it has a pronounced mid-range dip with boosted low and high end. To get something close to a flat response you need to set with Bass at 10 o'clock, Mid at 3:30 and High at 10 o'clock. That provides a response that's flat to +- 1db from 30 Hz. to 10 KHz. Also note that the BAM 200 has a lot more gain than a dedicated power amp. Set the Kemper monitor out at around -30 db and run BAM200 gain at around 10 o'clock. Set BAM volume to suit.

    Okay, so it made a night and day difference with those settings. It sounds better, but it definitely colors the sound. I feel like I might return it and go with the Icepower module. I'd just need to wait for the enclosure, which could take 45 or more days to arrive, which is a significant part of the reason I went for the BAM in the first place. Also, thank you for posting that, and everyone for the suggestions.

  • I have the Bam set to 12 o'clock on all the dials. Not sure what to do with gain and master. I have gain up a tiny bit otherwise there's no sound, and master a tiny bit, because otherwise it's extremely loud. I'm just using this setup for bedroom playing.

    Please see graphs in my posting above. The BAM is not particularly close to being flat with controls at 12 o'clock. Follow the settings in the second graph and you'll be at a better starting point. As far as gain and volume: With gain too low you run the risk of overdriving the input stage. Probably best to have gain at about 10 o'clock and volume at same. Then, back the Kemper output down (may need -20 db or so) and adjust BAM volume to taste.

  • Hey guys! So I built my own cabinet and plan to order a Kone. So far though, I’ve tried all the features with a normal guitar speaker and I’m stoked already! Definitely more “amp in the room” sound than any other digital solution I’ve tried. The imprints are really great and the bass boost was a nice touch.

    My only question... why don’t the imprints work right with direct profiles? Seems like that should be a slam dunk for great tones but it’s like, if it doesn’t have a studio cab to defeat, it no worky haha. Maybe I’m missing something.

    Edited once, last by dickjonesify (August 31, 2020 at 10:09 PM).

  • Does it matter at all what the cab is? Should I make an IR that’s just completely flat? Haha

    An IR that is completely flat could not be used to connect the Main Outputs to the FOH, or listen to the Rig with headphones.

    The Kone cannot be miced like a traditional guitar cabinet. The ONLY way to record or connect the Kemper to a PA when using the Kone and Imprint Mode without using external IRs, is to use the SPIDF, Main Outputs, or the Headphone Outputs. and including a speaker Cab in the Rig.

  • An IR that is completely flat could not be used to connect the Main Outputs to the FOH, or listen to the Rig with headphones.

    The Kone cannot be miced like a traditional guitar cabinet. The ONLY way to record or connect the Kemper to a PA when using the Kone and Imprint Mode without using external IRs, is to use the SPIDF, Main Outputs, or the Headphone Outputs. and including a speaker Cab in the Rig.

    One way would be to use the XLR outputs on a Seymour Duncan Powerstage 700. Just turn the Cab Sim off. That way you get Imprints to the Kones/Kabs and to FOH.

  • One way would be to use the XLR outputs on a Seymour Duncan Powerstage 700. Just turn the Cab Sim off. That way you get Imprints to the Kones/Kabs and to FOH.

    But, the Imprints are designed to sound like traditional guitar speakers when connected to a specific speaker (Kone). My guess is they would sound quite different with FOH Horns and Drivers.

  • Does it matter at all what the cab is? Should I make an IR that’s just completely flat? Haha

    Make a flat IR, or use a cab module created with a torn speaker, it won't make any difference through the monitor/speaker output. When you're using an imprint, you're no longer hearing the cab module, it just needs to be there for the other outputs.

    I'd suggest load a cab module that sounds good, you will want to use the other outputs one day, only to discover that you loaded a cab module that sounds like @*$%