• I don't really know how you put together your preset, but what you are stating is not correct. I definitely don't need that many delays (stereo or mono) in a preset, but I just put together a preset on my Quad Cortex that easily runs 6 stereo delays. Yes, that is 2 less than the Kemper can do, I'll give you that, but claiming it is running out of steem after two is simply wrong.

    I discovered this problem on the first day and after searching to find out if anyone else was having the same problem I found these videos that illustrate it. I agree it's not a problem in most cases, but it runs out of power suprisingly quickly when you try and run multi-amp rigs. They'll fix it I'm sure, and there will be workarounds, but at present there is definately a problem here, a problem Neural acknowledge and are working on.

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  • I discovered this problem on the first day and after searching to find out if anyone else was having the same problem I found these videos that illustrate it. I agree it's not a problem in most cases, but it runs out of power suprisingly quickly when you try and run multi-amp rigs. They'll fix it I'm sure, and there will be workarounds, but at present there is definately a problem here, a problem Neural acknowledge and are working on.

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    If the point is that the QC doesn't have unlimited power I absolutely agree, there are limitations, no doubt about that. Since we are talking about Firmware 1.01 there is definitely room for improvement and I am pretty sure things will improve, but yes, right now there is a limit of what you can do, as there will always be a limit. But this was not my point, I only commented because the statement given here was that the QC can only 2 two stereo delays, which is not true. Nothing more, nothing less ;) I also don't mean to praise the QC over any other device, I own it, I like it, but I also own a Kemper, a couple of Fractals and several tube amps and I like them all. And they all have limitations. The QC is not the end for the Kemper or the Axe FX, just like the Kemper was not the end for the Axe FX or the Axe FX was not the end for all tube amps. All of them are great tools, all of them deliver great sounds and all of them get the job done. Just use whatever suits you best and enjoy it.

  • If the point is that the QC doesn't have unlimited power I absolutely agree, there are limitations, no doubt about that. Since we are talking about Firmware 1.01 there is definitely room for improvement and I am pretty sure things will improve, but yes, right now there is a limit of what you can do, as there will always be a limit. But this was not my point, I only commented because the statement given here was that the QC can only 2 two stereo delays, which is not true. Nothing more, nothing less ;) I also don't mean to praise the QC over any other device, I own it, I like it, but I also own a Kemper, a couple of Fractals and several tube amps and I like them all. And they all have limitations. The QC is not the end for the Kemper or the Axe FX, just like the Kemper was not the end for the Axe FX or the Axe FX was not the end for all tube amps. All of them are great tools, all of them deliver great sounds and all of them get the job done. Just use whatever suits you best and enjoy it.

    I know this is off topic, but...are you *the* Marcus Siepen from Blind Guardian? ^^

  • To be honest after about an hour & a half playin through it ( with my Blue headphones)

    I am a bit underwhelmed!
    ‘the factory models , don’t sound very good to me . It’s very limited in effects

    Tomorrow,I’ll play it through my Atomic CLR and try the factory Captures

  • If you are anything like me then most likely none of the factory presets will sound great to you. That is something I have experienced with all of my devices. Axe FX? I deleted all the factory presets, there were a few interesting ones, but nothing that would be useful for me. Kemper? Same thing, deleted pretty much every factory profile. QC? Again same thing, some interesting ones, but nothing I would use. If you want "your" sound then program your own patches.

  • Agree. Also, you prob know this as you’re using the Atomic Clr, but whatever you’re monitoring with is really important.

    I use a real cab with the Kemper but have a dxr10 so used that with the QC. I found it boxy and not very dynamic, very disappointing. Then I put the Kemper through it to check, and also disliked the sound of my favourite profiles. So much so I’m going to have to reconsider my dxr.

    So putting the QC through my real cab using a cheap quilter pedal amp worked really well.

    Be interested to hear how the Atomic clr is, but I think it a great shame the Kemper power amp isn’t useable with other modellers, if it were I’d buy it right away.

  • DXR10 sounded better than the CLR neo, and was just better in a lot of ways ie build, form and features. I owned both at the same time and gigged each around fifty times. And then what a relief to leave them behind for real cabs and/or simply going direct. Haven’t tried a Kone. I’m a believer, just a bit reticent about a specialized speaker devoted to one device. Eventually I’m sure I’ll get one. Regarding presets, I don’t know man sure eight years ago maybe, but it seems as if these days Kemper comes with a lot of pretty basic rigs, all those free rig packs etc. And even way back when all those years ago, I actually purchased a handful of TAF profiles of amps I already knew well and loved, and loaded them up before ever auditioning presets ... and gigged those tones two or three nights later. Still using those. Just saying, historically gear bonding happens relatively immediately or I move on. ymmv

  • Regarding presets, I don’t know man sure eight years ago maybe, but it seems as if these days Kemper comes with a lot of pretty basic rigs, all those free rig packs etc. And even way back when all those years ago, I actually purchased a handful of TAF profiles of amps I already knew well and loved, and loaded them up before ever auditioning presets ... and gigged those tones two or three nights later. Still using those. Just saying, historically gear bonding happens relatively immediately or I move on. ymmv

    Let me add that our factory content is almost exlusively handpicked Profiles from known vendors such as Michael Britt, TAF etc.

  • I tried the dxr10 and a few other cabs all side by side with the CLR NEO, frankly they all sounded a little boxy compared to the CLR

    I have a Icepower powered Kab Klone. Which sounds very good

    Unfortunately it doesn’t seem like the KONE holds together with the organ patches with my GR55 guitar synth

    The Kemper sounds good with my 2/12 guitar cab , but made all the amps sound very similar

  • yes it just felt loose and flubby. Maybe in a little bigger cabinet would help, but the Kab I built is the exact size of the Kemper Kabinet

    Yeah, that sounds like a MDF/light plywood 112 all right, not the kones fault I think. Mine is nice and punchy in a 212, I think a tight 212 is the be all end all in terms of sound versatility.

    The answer is 42