• 176 (Kemper) compared to 142 (Quad Cortex) in blind tone and feel scores. Way to go, Kemper! I'm glad you introduced me to their channel. Seems like quality content.

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    Interesting, I must say that I consider myself like a rock/metal player but I really didn't like almost all those sounds !!!

    It's interesting to play that long and focus also on the "feel", in all those exemple while listening, i always prefered the one which they liked less, for me it had better definition and less harshness. They seems to like more Harsh sounds which i really don't but it's just a matter of taste !!

  • If all Christoph has to do is slap a nice big touchscreen, a small case with USB recording and some extra horsepower to offer dual amps, he's going to comfortably sit atop the modelling world in an Iron Throne for another decade ?

    He already owns the "Iron Throne", it's not there to take. Even if a better sounding/slicker unit comes out, he invented profiling, all the others can do is copy/iterate. His name will be there along with Marshall and Soldano.

    I still prefer BE-100 over a Marshall though. Even more knowing that Dave Friedman is "scared" of Kemper :) What a time to be alive.

  • Do they? I'm out of date then as I know this is what happened years ago.

    I don't understand why you would pre-blend and it removes flex at mix down, especially these days with almost limitless tracks, seems so counter intuitive.

    I understand why amps are blended, but the whole point of multi track is that you do these things separately and blend in production. Its the other reason you add effects post recording unless essential because otherwise you can't correct or change it and we all know things sound very different when you add other sounds and instruments.

    Anyway, I'm absolutely an amateur in recording so I stand corrected.

    If it's good enough for Tool and Joe Baressi, it's good enough for me!

  • Hearing somebody else's recording, maybe (but then again the same probably holds also for cleans and edge-of-breakup).

    But I've now had the QC for over 3 weeks and, I'm sorry, but the KPA wins hands down. It just sounds and feels much better. To be honest, so far the only thing I found to be better on the QC is the delays.

    My experience was 100% the exact opposite!

    I'm playing with the QC some more tomorrow. Gonna capture the rest of my amps. But the Kemper delays are amazing - much better than the QC imho!

  • 176 (Kemper) compared to 142 (Quad Cortex) in blind tone and feel scores. Way to go, Kemper! I'm glad you introduced me to their channel. Seems like quality content.

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    Two hours of listening to a ground loop?? Ugh... no thanks!

    Nobody should be using this video to demonstrate any differences or superiority between the two units. It's abysmal.

  • Considering that there are no videos on the internet that will give to the listeners the real feel and tone of an amp or a digital box I found this video as very interesting because of its ''non-bias'' and ''no paid for'' context blind test of both units.

  • Eh, they just sounds better. They've got a better sonic dough, if you will.

    Oh, and also the wahs sound better IMO.

    On the other hand, I don't like its reverbs AT ALL, modulations are inferior and the compressors...eh, maybe I can't use them cause no matter how I tried everything came out absurdly squeezed.

    And of course when I plug in my Strymon stuff it crushes both of them without breaking a sweat ^^

    if you could tell ckemper what feature to improve with the delay. What would you ask for? Maybe even he is listening. :)

  • andreio23 None of the clips are clipping. Download them and throw them into a daw to a/b. I can even provide WAV files if you like.

    dB Cooper Thanks man. I'll post more later, got a few other amps here to profile and capture.

    In either case, I've been using my Kemper a lot the past week or so, and I do still love it. When my QC arrives no doubt there will be great things about it and not so great things, as with any piece of gear. I may even get an Axe III one day too!

  • Nice to see an *actual* blind test. I wonder how people here would choose?

    I don't play with these kinds of tones, ever, so it's very difficult for me to decide which one(s) I think sound best. They are all so similar to me, not being a metal guy, that honestly I can't tell what's what. I can hear differences between them but that's about it. I cannot judge them.

    Thanks for putting this out there.