pippopluto I get your points and they're valid points. I can see from a different POV, how you would feel that way.
When you're talking about the whole full rig Capture thing, there's literally no way to use IR's with a "full rig" (AMP+CAB) Capture, no matter what way you spin it. You can't turn off or swap out that Cab portion of the Capture if the Capture has a Cab in it to begin with. That's all I meant
Yeah, some Captures will be direct Amp Captures and you can use the QC's IR's or your own IR's with them. But not every Capture will be like that and the ones that aren't like that, you're stuck with a certain Cab and only a limited 3 band EQ and Gain to tweak. Unless you're making the Captures, you unfortunately don't have any control over what kind of Capture is made. This ultimately makes the full rig Captures much less flexible and usable to as many people aside from the Capture maker, and that was what uninformed people complained was the Kempers limitation. What people mistakenly thought was a huge limitation of the KPA (being stuck with a Profile at certain settings and not being able to tweak it or alter it much), will actually be a limitation for at least half of the Captures you'll come across. Especially since Doug has talked on TGP about how the Capture process captures the Cab in an Amp+Cab Capture really well and better than an IR. Much like how when Profiled, the Cab section sounds great and can sound better than an IR. So I can see at least half of the Captures being made, being full rig Captures to take advantage of using only 1 block to get results that are better than using an IR.
And you're right, the KPA took time to get a established 3rd party Profile market and to get a solid ecosystem for the KPA. And that will definitely happen with the QC too. The difference is, when the KPA came out, there weren't many other fully established other options on the market. Right now there are other solid options and it doesn't make much sense for people to switch to something that's more limited in some ways, just to get a few unnecessary flashy features. What does all that matter if there will barely be any Captures available at the start, half the Captures are basically stuck as is, and the Effects seem like they need some updating to be up to par with other units. I mean, the Headrush has a touchscreen and a bunch of cool user features and a great UI, but you don't see me ditching my Kemper for it because it's obviously not an upgrade. And in my opinion, it'll be the same lateral move to switch to the QC.
If someone has the money to own both units and they're adding to their collection of modelling units, that's one thing and I totally understand that. But switching to the QC instead of the Kemper or Helix or Axe FX III, doesn't make much sense to me because it seems like the drawbacks outweigh the positives right now. It doesn't mean it'll be bad. I actually think it'll be pretty good at the start and will probably get better. But it doesn't seem necessarily "better" than anything that's already out right now, and because of that, it seems like a side-step from other units that are well established.
Sorry for the novel, my friend! I think from a different perspective, you have some solid points. I'm not trying to slam the QC or anything like that. I'm just pointing out some important stuff to think about Everyone is getting so caught up in the hype and the new features, they're overlooking some important fundamental things that will affect the experience with the QC more than I think people realize. As long as people are looking at things logically and analytically, it'll be easier to make an informed decision. It's all about what features are most important for you, and what aspects are most important to you. And as we've demonstrated, that varies a lot from person to person hahaha