• Thinking of cancelling my order of the Cortex, playing with my Kemper, im not so sure I need it.

    Pretty sure after an hour or so it won't sound much different than what I own already, so I may as well save myself £1500.

    .........maybe put it towards another geeetarrrrr?

    This is very true. Every new amp or modeller I buy ends up sounding the same once I am happy with the sounds. You just work to the tone you like.

    The drip feed approach of a product where you see it a year in advance with a long wait list tires me. By the time I have experienced the whole thing online and listened to youtubers playing, the novelty has worn off.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • The thing is the gap between amp modellers has been smaller and smaller. From the pod to where we are now and you can't hear the difference between a kemper and a real amp, there won't be any new thing that makes you go wow, it sounds like a real amp, finally. It will be other things why users choose A instead of B.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • how do you like the AxeFx3?

    I love it and actually enjoy digging into the extended amp setting. I've been able to make the Marshall types scream and feedback at relatively low volumes. Within the last week or so I've been using the Axe 80% of the time and barely touching the Kemper.

    You gotta have the right guns when you enter the town of tone. And please, shoot ALL fanboys you come across!

  • Another comparison including the Kemper here.

    External Content youtu.be
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    In this one I have the impression than the QC seems to be closer than the Kemper but I am not sure if it is due to a level difference.

  • The QC does a really good job, if this is a capture without any tweaking. Kemper is hard judge, as it is quieter.

    My impression as well.

    The good thing about this video is that the guy was able to dial in some great sounds which don’t ugly as some of the predecessors (Pete Thorn excluded).

  • Another comparison including the Kemper here.

    External Content youtu.be
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    In this one I have the impression than the QC seems to be closer than the Kemper but I am not sure if it is due to a level difference.

    QC definitely does a better job here

  • I think a lot of people are hitting the convertors (I actually think DA as much as AD) harder than they should, in all of these they exhibit that fizziness in the upper mids that to me is a key part of digital clipping + amp sim.

    I think we need about 3-4x the headroom (maybe even up to 10x) currently available on every hardware sim simply because guitarists love loud and will slam them and completely ignore good engineering approaches on this stuff in the pursuit of “tone” i.e. ear shattering drum silencing loudness.

  • I think a lot of people are hitting the convertors (I actually think DA as much as AD) harder than they should, in all of these they exhibit that fizziness in the upper mids that to me is a key part of digital clipping + amp sim.

    I think we need about 3-4x the headroom (maybe even up to 10x) currently available on every hardware sim simply because guitarists love loud and will slam them and completely ignore good engineering approaches on this stuff in the pursuit of “tone” i.e. ear shattering drum silencing loudness.

    All digital amps have input meters that warn you when clipping.

    The Profiler uses a soft clipping on the input, that renders any accidential overshoot unnoticable.

  • Many of these comparison videos have slight volume differences that the human ear perceive as sound differences rather than volume differences.

    I don’t understand why these comparisons aren’t level matched.

    I don’t think (as many do, without evidence) that there is some conspiracy or that these guys are shilling for one product over another. I think it’s just something they missed. But why? It seems elementary and obvious that you’d want to match the levels.

  • I don’t understand why these comparisons aren’t level matched.

    I don’t think (as many do, without evidence) that there is some conspiracy or that these guys are shilling for one product over another. I think it’s just something they missed. But why? It seems elementary and obvious that you’d want to match the levels.

    what he said,,

  • On paper, the harnessing of AI to create the code to replicate a tube amp is a killer. Hard to imagine this not being the way forward.

    The AI thing has to be marketing, kemper works in a similar way. I know the processes are complex but ultimately just algorithms.

    I do think the newral vortex captures and reproduces the original source more accurately on average. (over YouTube anyway)

    Longtime kemper owner , nice to see the technology being pushed.

    However don’t count kemper out , I’m sure they have years worth of whiteboard ideas saved up.