• Many people seem to be slamming the QC because it doesn’t appear to have in depth post capture tone shaping options like Definition, Amp Compression, Tube Shape etc. Bear in mind it i a software driven product there is nothing to stop Neural adding them at a later date in the same way as Kemper did. Many people in the forum are keen to point out that the Kemper they own now is barely recognisable compared to the original device they bought 10 years ago.

  • Many people seem to be slamming the QC because it doesn’t appear to have in depth post capture tone shaping options like Definition, Amp Compression, Tube Shape etc. Bear in mind it i a software driven product there is nothing to stop Neural adding them at a later date in the same way as Kemper did. Many people in the forum are keen to point out that the Kemper they own now is barely recognisable compared to the original device they bought 10 years ago.

    I might be wrong, but bear in mind the kemper still seems to have a different approach, which is using a basis to adjust parameters and get the model. Neural networks on the other hand do not use that, they create the networks trough learning, and after that, you are pretty much set on the behavior of the capture. This might restrict the flexibility required to adjust dynamics or transient responses. But yeah, might be wrong, lets wait.

    The answer is 42

  • If that is a similar or even the same topic, read the links from 0c0ae758d7281e05704547e2c7296ce2a385579a for explainations and solutions.

    There is also a lot of threads around, about fizzy profiles, thin profiles, muddy profiles, factory profiles being subpar (even though they come from top 10 vendors), and the Profiler not sounding like a guitar amp at all.

    It is all a matter of taste, genre, needs, guitars and speakers or monitor situations.

    If a profile fails in an A/B comparison, that is where my job starts.

    Thank you.

    I had that "congestion" effect 4 years ago profiling one of my amps and we talked about it here. The amp that I was profilling had more than one stage significantly distorting and the profiles had something I would describe as "congestion" or "cocked wah effect". Lowering the master volume was the solution. That amps sounds better with the master above 12:00 but can't be profiled with accuracy on those settings. It's ok. It sounds good.

    Many profiles in the rig exchange are very good and all the factory profiles are professional-grade profiles. I agree with that.

  • Just spent about an hour going through this...wow!

    Just a couple of reflections, most of which I think I/others may have already said:

    1) Is the QC looking like a good unit? Yes. Is it perfect, no. Is it better than our KPA's...no one knows and that will also be subjective. I expect it to have pros and cons compared to the KPA. For me, form factor ( no power amp) is a big aspect for me.

    2) Will there be a mass selling of KPA's to buy one? Only by those unhappy with the KPA. Many as already stated will get one anyway to try it out...hell why not. As stated I would trust more those people than youtube videos.

    3) Whatever anyone says, I have been on this forum for 6 years and I've heard very little about the "cocked ness monster" issue. Not saying it doesn't exist, just saying profiling accuracy has always been pretty good. People have talked about low end thump missing, usually in relation to amp in the room etc but never heard that issue before.

    4) There is a difference between accuracy of the profile and good sound. Accuracy is important as its your starting point and the point of the KPA. Ultimately good sound is the goal, regardless of the amount of post processing. However, I hate tweaking so I do want to get to that great sound as quickly as possible....but not everyone likes the same sound so you go round in circles. Accuracy becomes the main bench mark as its your only common starting point.

    5) Rumour and fervour is marketing :). I am irritated but resigned to online bias. But then, we are all biased......

    6) I do see this as positive competition and it feels like CK does as well. But its like politics, its so emotive that the facts get lost in proving someone is right or wrong.

    What is most funny is how us guitarists are arguing about minute differences that are imperceptible to any non guitarist...just seems very academic to me.

    On a brighter note, my second Kabinet has just been delivered and even better.....a Kemper T shirt!!!!! I will still be proud to wear it despite that pesky little QC.

  • 2) Will there be a mass selling of KPA's to buy one? Only by those unhappy with the KPA. Many as already stated will get one anyway to try it out...hell why not. As stated I would trust more those people than youtube videos.

    There is a Spanish guitar forum where you can usually find one or two KPAs for sale. Currently there are 15! I don't understand it...

  • Not being interested in the amp tone shaping features is like saying you are not interested in the tone shaping section of an amp.

    Who said that?

    If the QC doesn't have any tone shaping options other than gain and BMT then it would be a huge mistake ...

    There is a whole comprehensive cabinet section, not to mention drives, EQ's, compressors, the ability to run more than one capture or model. There will be no shortage of ways to manipulate the sound. Will it suit me more than the Kemper? That remains to be seen.

    This argument that the "QC doesn't give you options for shaping the capture!" is either misinformed or dishonest.

  • It is a great idea, but also you can include an “Auto” option for users that want to automate those settings.

  • Who said that?

    There is a whole comprehensive cabinet section, not to mention drives, EQ's, compressors, the ability to run more than one capture or model. There will be no shortage of ways to manipulate the sound. Will it suit me more than the Kemper? That remains to be seen.

    This argument that the "QC doesn't give you options for shaping the capture!" is either misinformed or dishonest.

    Most of those parameters affect things inside the model. Like in between the preamp and the power amp.

    Can you do this with effects? No.

    There is no way to change the character of an amp or a cab with external effects. You can change it by modifying what's inside.

    For a real world example. Can you replicate the MESA Mark's 5 band eq by putting a pedal before the amp or in the FX loop? I don't think so ...

    It's also the reason why the position of the EQ in the Kemper's amp section ( pre / post ) makes such a big difference.

    Edited 2 times, last by andreio23 (February 8, 2021 at 6:57 PM).

  • Most of those parameters affect things inside the model. Like in between the preamp and the power amp.

    Can you do this with effects? No.

    There is no way to change the character of an amp or a cab with external effects. You can change it by modifying what's inside.

    For a real world example. Can you replicate the MESA Mark's 5 band eq by putting a pedal before the amp or in the FX loop? I don't think so ...

    It's also the reason why the position of the EQ in the Kemper's amp section ( pre / post ) makes such a big difference.

    You can also change the character of the amp by switching to a different amp profile.

    After using my Kemper for 7 years I realize that I don't really care about these controls, and in most cases for the music I make they don't help. The controls I use the most are B, M, T, Presence on the front, and then the Definition and Compressor in the amp block.

    I won't miss the amp block controls, and even though people seem to want to argue to the death about this, I believe I will be able to approximate their effect by other means.

    Different strokes and all.

  • This argument that the "QC doesn't give you options for shaping the capture!" is either misinformed or dishonest.

    No, it is a fact as of now that appart from bass, mid, treble and gain, you have no other options to change how the capture behave, putting compressors, graphic eqs, phase modulators etc. is shapping the signal path, not the capture character. Appart from definition which works as a very global eq knob, I dont see how you can change tube shape and bias on the amp with stomps or pre/post processing, just as an example.

    In theory you can change anything, but good look trying to modify the nature of the dynamics in the amp with ducking and other tricks. I remain open minded and will hold for at least a year to see where the QC is going with updates, but again, kemper still is endgame for tone IMHO.

    The answer is 42

  • " A Vulgar Display of Hype"

    Definition. Biomimetics is an interdisciplinary field in which principles from engineering, chemistry and biology are applied to the synthesis of materials, synthetic systems or machines that have functions that mimic biological processes.


  • No, it is a fact as of now that appart from bass, mid, treble and gain, you have no other options to change how the capture behave, putting compressors, graphic eqs, phase modulators etc. is shapping the signal path, not the capture character.

    Semantics. What matters is the end result; the sound. If using an EQ rather than some other control gets me there, then I don't care.

    Read my last post. Changing the capture/profile character is not a big deal to me.

    Some of you guys are so defensive about your KPA.

    I own one and love it too!

    I'm just a guy expressing his opinion.

  • I cannot believe that many people would sell their KPA unless really unhappy with it for a unit that hasn't even been released, so I suspect its a coincidence.

    Bear in mind we are still in the midst of a global pandemic and many people haven't worked properly for a long time. Pro musicians in particular are really struggling so maybe it is more a need to pay the mortgage and eat than a desire for a KPA replacement. Who knows.

  • No, it is a fact as of now that appart from bass, mid, treble and gain, you have no other options to change how the capture behave, putting compressors, graphic eqs, phase modulators etc. is shapping the signal path, not the capture character. Appart from definition which works as a very global eq knob, I dont see how you can change tube shape and bias on the amp with stomps or pre/post processing, just as an example.

    In theory you can change anything, but good look trying to modify the nature of the dynamics in the amp with ducking and other tricks. I remain open minded and will hold for at least a year to see where the QC is going with updates, but again, kemper still is endgame for tone IMHO.

    As a long time Kemper user, I don't generally reach for Tube Bias, Tube Shape, Power Sagging, or even Clarity and Definition when shaping profiles. I almost always reach for Gain and/or BMTP. To be honest, the advanced amp parameters don't usually shape the tone in ways that suit my needs, but that's me.

  • Been watching this here and on the gear page, mostly for the giggles, and honestly I don't see why this is such a big deal? No one here knows if their favorite Sinmix, Tone Junkies, MBrit, or whoevers profile is 100% exact to the real amp they profiled but yet it's still their favorite.

    If you don't like your Kemper then sell it? It's just a piece of gear and with the way digital stuff has been going the next new shiny thing is only a few years away.... find the piece of gear you never have to sell and that's the gear for you. There are probably thousands of videos online showing "the Kemper is indistinguishable from the real amp in a mix" and people like Rabea saying the "feel is indistinguishable" 3 year ago and now all the sudden they have a change of heart? Either the technology is that amazing or they're being paid to say that (I vote the latter), either way if someone likes their axe-fx, helix, kemper, ect I doubt they're just going to toss it because some youtuber said the QC is better.

    Plenty of great records have been made with all 3 units and all 3 units see representation in the touring artist community. These days nothing is better or worse than anything, it's all amazing. Pick your poison. I just don't see the point in getting so upset about it when it ultimately doesn't effect you at all.

  • As a long time Kemper user, I don't generally reach for Tube Bias, Tube Shape, Power Sagging, or even Clarity and Definition when shaping profiles. I almost always reach for Gain and/or BMTP. To be honest, the advanced amp parameters don't usually shape the tone in ways that suit my needs, but that's me.

    As I player I get you, most of the time we discard profiles that are not just "there", but once you get picky about the tone and dynamics you like, these parameters matter more and more. When testing a profile, I try basic EQing, and after that, some definition and clarity. If it doesnt get me, the love ends there. But if it does, and I feel that it needs a bit of sag, or the saturation can get more raw, then I go and delve deeper. Not having that option would limit my gallery to maybe 8 or 9 profiles that are almost perfect from the beginning.

    And for my surprise, most professional profilers I use, actually have these settings tweaked a lot. It all started when I tried rmpacheco morgan amp, the first thing I notice was the treble boost and wild amp parameters. So I believe these settings matter few for the casual player, but way more to those who actually profile amps.

    The answer is 42