• Price wise it's too much. My opinion of course :saint:Yours may vary.

    It's okay to have differing opinions. I don't really have one except that I like all gear. People tend to knock gear without even trying it. Heck, I'm sure a lot of opinions will change once the product actually ships. Once I get a QC, I'll post my thoughts here. The good, the bad and the ugly. Regarding the price, that's a tough one. I wish everything were cheaper.

  • What is Binary Thinking? Binary thinking, also known as dichotomous thinking, happens when even complex concepts, ideas, and problems are overly simplified into being one side or another. The rest that you mention is just garbage so I will stop there. You are now blocked

    Wow, as if your way of thinking is way beyond others to declare they are telling "garbage". Actually discarding something as garbage without acknowledging any worth of it, is more in line to binary thinking. You are playing yourself.

    The answer is 42

  • Or simply try to reverse engineer KPA. ;)

    Most straightforward way to get knowledge about what's inside, is just look there.

    Either took 10 years or strong patents for someone to do something along the lines. Its not that easy. I still believe that the system uses a transfer function with the mic as an observer to feed the system and get z transform of the amp, but thats just me, guessing because it is not easy to prove without a way to look into the code.

    The answer is 42

  • Amen brother!

    Kemper Rack + Kemper FC. Fast setup, and only 1 cord going out to my position. That and my mic cord and ..... DONE!

    It is amazing how fast your stage area around your feet can get congested with cords if you are super careful.

  • Wow, as if your way of thinking is way beyond others to declare they are telling "garbage". Actually discarding something as garbage without acknowledging any worth of it, is more in line to binary thinking. You are playing yourself.

    Glad you understand my irony. there are two types of people that bother me, those who categorize people and those who don't. ? seriously though, there are an estimated 50 million people in the world that play guitar. Not proficiently. Not my stat. If that is true then I would think that one more modeler wouldn't tip the boat. I wonder how many different types of overdrive pedals are there.

    Edited 3 times, last by dean701 (February 5, 2021 at 2:56 AM).

  • Maybe, but the fact that Doug totally danced around any explanation to disprove what we were saying, really doesn't look good lol.

    He handled you the way he should have.

    You were making thinly veiled accusations about his integrity backed up by zero evidence.

    He doesn’t have to “prove you wrong.” That’s not how it works. You made a claim, however thinly veiled. You are the one who must prove the claim. It’s basic Burden of Proof 101.

  • In any case a 1700€ modeler is a tool most guitar players will not buy until they have very clear requirements.

    This means newbies,tube die hards,guys who dont have enough time to think and dive deep into any rabbit hole..do not belong to the group of potential customers.It is really easy like that.The market for expensive modelers is small.

  • This means newbies,tube die hards,guys who dont have enough time to think and dive deep into any rabbit hole..do not belong to the group of potential customers.It is really easy like that.The market for expensive modelers is small.

    I’m not sure I agree with that logic. There is a significant segment of guitar players who have money and want to own top end cutting edge products that they don’t really need for the status or because they like playing with video games (analogous to deep diving digital modeller menus).

    look at the people who own high performance cars to sit in traffic jams or the drivers of Range Rovers for the school run (Chelsea Tractors). They don’t have specific need but they have disposable income and want others to know it.

    Look at the march of mobile phone technology. I can remember when I thought why would anyone need a mobile phone at all. Then the iPhone came out. I thought why would anyone want a phone that plays music when I already have an iPod designed specifically to do that. Now we are the stage where phones have features in them that most of us don’t even know exist. We only use maybe 5% of their capacity but still we are conditioned to upgrade ever year to a new £1200 device because it has XYZ feature. If COVID has one redeeming feature it has mesnt that thousands of people can’t sleep out in the street, wrapped round the block to be first in line for a new iPhone launch ?

    Also, there are a lot of people have insecurities about their playing abilities and feel that buying more gear will make them better players.

    Some folk enjoy playing with the digital gear more than actually playing guitar (I’m not having a go at them, if it makes them happy that’s all that matters). Ever more complex digital modelling scratches that itch for them.

    As a society we are now so conditioned to BUY BUY BUY by advertising, marketing and even media disguised as education or entertainment but is really just glorified advertising. It is very difficult to overcome the urge to buy the latest shiny new toy.

    Looking at the QC I think Neural are very well aware of this. The form factor maybe shown as a floor board that is designed for live use. However, the reality seems to be that it is actually perfectly designed to sit on a desk and look sexy. Something I think it does amazingly well!

    I think they will sell a lot of units. I also think the market for digital gear will overtake valve amps before much longer. I believe we are very close to the tipping point where growth explodes exponentially.

  • I thought the same about this issue some time ago.But Ihave changed my mind.

    I would say that there is a huge market for modelers..but not for expensive ones.Not in the long run.Plug ins will become much better within the next years.And they are cheaper.

  • I thought the same about this issue some time ago.But Ihave changed my mind.

    I would say that there is a huge market for modelers..but not for expensive ones.Not in the long run.Plug ins will become much better within the next years.And they are cheaper.

    I agree that plug-ins will become better and people will buy them as well. However, a plugin doesn’t have the same wow factor and bragging rights as an expensive piece of hardware sitting on your desk. Also to use the plugins we still need an interface. I think the big modelling brands know this and the inclusion of a built in interface helps sell their modellers. It may not be the best solution and may not be a “pro” solution but it sells gear for them. I personally don’t want my interface to be part of my digital guitar amp but plenty do.

  • I agree that plug-ins will become better and people will buy them as well. However, a plugin doesn’t have the same wow factor and bragging rights as an expensive piece of hardware sitting on your desk. Also to use the plugins we still need an interface. I think the big modelling brands know this and the inclusion of a built in interface helps sell their modellers. It may not be the best solution and may not be a “pro” solution but it sells gear for them. I personally don’t want my interface to be part of my digital guitar amp but plenty do.

    I absolutely agree.

    But you and me (and most people of our generations) think as folks which grew up in another era.

    I have many friends who dream about a kemper.But their kids do music with their laptops.And to them it is everything.And very sexy.

    Working musicians will continue to use hardware.Ofcourse.Producers.Everyine who needs "interfaces" and stuff.

    But I don't believe that this market is huge to satisfy and support all the competition.I do t know.I just say what I see around me and what I hear from other musicians and all around.

    These plug ins have become already amazingly good.