Performances Issue Thread

  • I can't even drag and drop into a performance any more. I can drag and drop the first one in slot 1. But dragging does not work in any other slot, well at least until I discovered that you have to turn the slot on and the profile is then displayed.

    Also the component controls do not seem to work in performance mode when using the remote to change . For instance I cannot adjust the Amplifier settings for the selected performance. If I change to a different performance profile the compressor is on in the performance but showing off in Rig Manager. If I turn it on and off it then shows the current status. If you adjust the parameters on the Kemper they are not reflected in RM3. It is all slightly random.

    Is it right that the space bar is used to toggle the components on and off?

  • i was trying to put together some basic performances to cover most possibilities for a jam night on Saturday. The behaviour of RM and the KPa was so bad and erratic that I finally gave up and trying to create them on the KPA itself. Unfortunately this meant copying various rigs from RM to MyProfiler but ttrying to narrow down he potential rigs to copy was so bad with the current search criteria bug that I eventually gave up on that too. I got so depressed by the who.e sorry affair that I ended up making my apologies and didn’t bother going to the jam night in the end. ?

    the editor virtual knobs and ability to see things on a single page is quite nice but isn’t a big issue for me. However, the real value of RM is in auditioning rigs and creating performances. At the moment this part is a total disaster. I am sure the team will get it sorted out eventually but I am seriously considering downgrading to RM 2 again.

  • Same here. I was trying to switch an amp on a performance in RM (latest beta on MacOS/Kemper Stage), but it wouldn't let me drag & drop. Eventually I resorted to using the browse button on the Stage, but even then, the display showed the original amp profile name (MB Deluxe). Only if you held down the Amplifier button did you get the edit screen and could see that the amp had actually changed to a Vox AC15. Once you're out of edit mode, there's no way to tell - it still says MB Deluxe.

  • Best to avoid messing with performances too much for now until they release a new version in my experience.. I have a gig coming up and my performances all act very erratic so I'm a bit worried.
    Creating them for the gig was a nightmare itself with a whole slew of utterly bizarre behaviour (RM showing different values than Kemper and vice versa, changes not saving, performances being overwritten by the default CRUNCH rig, etc...). Took me a hour and a half to just setup five slots.

    For example, right now, cycling through them will now randomly skip some of them Youtube Video of the issue

    Any way to completely remove ALL performances on the profiler so I can just copy them over again from the local library? Since deleting is not possible in the new RM maybe there is a way to do it via the profiler itself?

  • Same here. I was trying to switch an amp on a performance in RM (latest beta on MacOS/Kemper Stage), but it wouldn't let me drag & drop. Eventually I resorted to using the browse button on the Stage, but even then, the display showed the original amp profile name (MB Deluxe). Only if you held down the Amplifier button did you get the edit screen and could see that the amp had actually changed to a Vox AC15. Once you're out of edit mode, there's no way to tell - it still says MB Deluxe.

    When this happens, in the KPA performance slot settings you can set the name of the slot after the name of the profile automatically.

  • Creating the performances has improved a bit, I am running 3.0.82. At least in this version Performances don't crash the Kemper.

    Drag and drop does work but when you drop it does not automatically turn on the slot. You have to turn it on. The first slot is usually always on in a new performance.

    The problem that I am having is that the link between the performance and the Stomps/Amp controls seem to be broken in Performance mode.

  • However, the real value of RM is in auditioning rigs and creating performances.

    Yep, exactly my thoughts and needs as well. I see the great value of the editor and I'm happy that overall you guys all seem to be pretty fine with it. Nevertheless as I am heavily managing performances with the RM these days I still stay on OS6 with RM 2.1.74 which still works pretty stable (only small flaws but one can work around it rather easily).

    So I'm looking forward to the next version and you guys telling me that the performance management is stable and fine then :)

  • Just want to add that I've also experienced problems editing rigs within performances. It seems that changes made to a rig in a performance slot are not always saved using the "Store Performance" button.

    Well it does seem that the RM3 Store options do not work properly. However saving using the Kemper does work for me. I had discovered that I was not using the latest firmware and upon updating this saving or moving performances worked. Although the bottom four added presets are still not visible until the slots are turned on.

  • hi guys,

    thanks for your reports and details provided.

    we are working on that right now. We had discovered an issue in beta 1 and accidentally broke parts of the performance management when we rolled out a fix in beta 2. It is our top priority right now to get things back working. This is the first week after the Christmas break for us, I'll need some more info on how long it will take to get a new beta to you. I'll keep you posted, sorry for the hassle. In any case, please don't go back to Beta 1 or 2, without going into details, from my point of view it wouldn't be a good idea.

    Best, GS

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Yesterday I also fell into the many traps of trying to copy & paste into performance slots and how "easy" it is to break performances. And that is easy to not see changes because starring in to the window of RigManager, you easily assume it reflects the profiler. Which is not true: RigManager and Profiler are not in sync!

    While my experiences yesterday on actions I took with performance slots and trying to save them also showed that they were saved as copies to the Browse pool (which I did not intend), today I also saw, that a performance I tried to copy onto another performance at slot #4 did not arrive there but on slot#1. AND it was automatically saved in the profiler (without me pressing a save button)!!! This showed up shutting down the machine and rebooting it again: slot#1 was overwritten by the rig I tried to copy onto slot#4.

    Yes, the latest beta versions are a real great mess concerning this subject. So I resort for now to not work with RigManager on performances.

  • I noticed something strange between the latest Beta OS version (v7.1.12) and the latest Beta editor (v3.0.89 I think?). Editor is the Windows version.

    I have the stomps A-D and the effects all locked. When I send a rig from rig manager to a performance (CTRL-ENTER), it now replaces my stomps & effects with the ones included in that particular rig. Since I have them locked, I have to unlock everything, reload the Stomps & Effects from presets or one of the many saved rigs that include them and then re-lock them. I know it doesn't sound like a huge hassle, but the original 3.0 Beta version didn't do that. Just thought I'd bring it to your attention.

    I'm really enjoying working with the editor. I think it's gonna be great once all the kinks get worked out.


  • this is a general discussion but the official form catalogs all the individual bugs and gives the developers a way of tracking it including specific details about which software versions, computer platform and steps to recreate the problem at their end.

    when in RM go to the menu bar at the top of the screen. Select the help menu. One of the options is Beta software feedback.