It would be useful to be able to save/store the tweaked rigs DIRECTLY in Rig Manager folders: from the beginning, rigs can always be saved/stored only in the Kemper's memory.

Save/store rigs directly in Rig Manager
In the RM 3 Beta, you can save the Rig to Local Library.
I can save a stored rig in RM, but it would be nice to be able to save it directly to a specific folder. Maybe it’s possible but I haven’t figured it out.
Also is it possible to rename rigs in RM? I tried it last night by right clicking on the rig name in the right panel, but it didn’t change the name in the middle panel. I had to change it on the KPA itself.
right click > rename seems like it should be a thing. -
One of the biggest issues I have with the Kemper workflow is saving Rigs and performances.
Even in RM3 (which is a great improvement over previous RM versions) there is still a poor saving workflow for me.
At the moment, saving a rig puts it automatically at the bottom of the Local Library list. This can be hundreds of profiles below the one selected. Therefore you need to scroll to the bottom to locate the newly saved Rig. Then copy or drag and drop it to the folder required. THEN re name it. THEN perhaps delete the old one to do some tidy up house keeping.
Then there is the fact that it is so easy to create duplicates with the same name which can only be properly identified by comparing dates and times.
I feel we need a a Save To....... option where saving brings up a dialog box that lets you select the folder you want to save to AND gives the option to rename it before saving rather than afterwards. It might seem like a small matter but it drives me absolutely mad just now and means I actually rarely bother saving anything.
It's only a little thing but its the little things that matter and make the difference between good and great.
Is anyone listening to this common sense recommendation from Wheresthedug??
I'm in RM right now and I'm absolutely absurdly frustrated by the inability to simply "save as". What gives?
Is anyone listening to this common sense recommendation from Wheresthedug??
I'm in RM right now and I'm absolutely absurdly frustrated by the inability to simply "save as". What gives?
Just make the changes and duplicate the profile. It keeps the changes in the duplicate.
Just make the changes and duplicate the profile. It keeps the changes in the duplicate.
not ideal imo
not ideal imo
I'm sure the extra step of moving it from the Profiler to your desired folder isn't too hard.
I'm sure the extra step of moving it from the Profiler to your desired folder isn't too hard.
C'mon man... dude is right. It's crazy that you have to "just make changes and duplicate the profile" to save something.
It's dumb. No other way around it. I'm a Kemper slappy like the next guy, but their usability is just terrible.
It reminds me of when you buy Chinese stuff and you get a manual that has busted ass english and pictures that don't make sense.
Ever buy something from Ikea? Those directions = how I feel when I'm navigating my Kemper Stage & Rig Manager.
For a $1500+ device it's not intuitive at ALL.
This is a great recommendation from wheresthedug/
C'mon man... dude is right. It's crazy that you have to "just make changes and duplicate the profile" to save something.
It's dumb. No other way around it. I'm a Kemper slappy like the next guy, but their usability is just terrible.
It reminds me of when you buy Chinese stuff and you get a manual that has busted ass english and pictures that don't make sense.
Ever buy something from Ikea? Those directions = how I feel when I'm navigating my Kemper Stage & Rig Manager.
For a $1500+ device it's not intuitive at ALL.
I showed you how to do it. If you don't want to do it the way that works, just sell it. You have 8 whole posts, and I bet all of them are crying about something. Calm down new guy.