Rig Manager 3 is available for testing ?

  • On the latest RM and OS 7.1.10...

    If you lock the effects then Rig Manager cannot update them on the profiler. I had to unlock all the modules on the profiler before they would update when I chose any new profile in RM...

    Hm that's exactly how I would like it to work. Locked modules should not be overwritten.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • Just updated to new Beta versions RM 3.0.88 and OS 7.1.11

    The Stage hung after rebooting, but eventually I got it to reboot again (by holding down the power button) and this time it went ok.

    Connected with RM and noticed two things immediately.

    1) My main Performance, in RM, is now labelled 'Example: Mars Amps' (which is the first performance in the list). Panic. I rebooted Rm, clicked around a bit, changed performances on the Stage, and my actual performance reappears. Phew.

    2) Half of my other Performances were missing in RM, and now are just labelled 'New Performance'. No problem. They were all the Pink Wall performances. Restored as new performances by Drag and Drop in RM. That worked pretty well, except that first I tried to delete the 'New Performance' ones, by selecting them and choosing right-click 'Delete Performance'. Nothing. You can't delete anything, at least not 'New Performance' ones anyway.

    I moved them all past the valid performances successfully, so now all my functional performances are the first 1-13 in the list.

    Now try to edit a Performance. Open one of my own performances and make a change to a stomp parameter. The 'Store Performance in #nn' button does not become enabled. Add a new effect. Now the button becomes enabled. I push the button. It becomes disabled, indicating the change was saved. I switch slots on the Stage, by pushing a switch, then switch back - the change is gone.

    So whatever this new Beta version fixes, it ain't saving Performances! Not on MacOS Catalina, anyway. It's a Beta.

  • This is intended behavior. Using the switches will restore the originally saved performance slot.

    To keep slot edits, use either Rig Manager to change slots or the PAGE buttons on the stage.

    So when I disconnect from the Mac, and go to a gig, how do I access the edits? I'll be using the switches to change slots, not the PAGE buttons.

  • On the latest RM and OS 7.1.10...

    If you lock the effects then Rig Manager cannot update them on the profiler. I had to unlock all the modules on the profiler before they would update when I chose any new profile in RM...

    that's exactly how locking is supposed to work. the purpose of locking is to keep an effect or profile, although you're changing a complete rig.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Please report back after the next time you reboot if all your changes were kept, thanks. I have a very similar set up - the only difference is my toaster is not powered.

    I fired it up this morning and all my edits were in place. So for whatever reason it’s working well for me. I also updated this morning to the latest (20-Jan) beta version of RM.



  • Bad policy to open a new public Beta version and just saying this in the changelog:

    "RigManager: - Various Fixes

    OS Beta: - Optimisations for Rig Manager 3"

    How should we know which errors are considered fixed so we can test if it now really works?

  • First things I notice which is now obviously working fine:

    - make changes in Performance mode with RigManager, save them with RigManager, and the changes are saved on the Stage. Fine!

    - switch with the foot button to another performance, and now RigManager is noticing it and shows the new rig with the right effect chain chosen there. Also, when you switch to another slot by foot, this is syncd in RigManger.

    This is great now, because before this was a really annoying thing!

  • Now, my post 5 hours before, has to be revisited. I just plugged in again into my Profiler and RigManager, and what did I see? The changes I made to my performance #17 are totally mixed with my performance#1!!! Further, my performance#2 has lost the transpose value -1, also lost it's title and seems identically to performance#1, where it was a copy from.

    I am deeply decepted:(. Be careful with this axe, Eugene!


    After I detected the above curious thing, I shut down RigManager and Profiler. I started Profiler again, then RigManager. NOW I see, performance#17 showed up in the same configuration I changed this morning!!! WEIRD Things Inside The Gold Mine!

    Edited once, last by CarloLf: Detected another weird thing- (January 21, 2020 at 4:51 PM).

  • I was all excited yesterday because I thought the annoying search bug had been fixed. It seemed to working fine on RM3..0.88(15720) and LAOS7.1.10 last night but maybe I just imagined it :( I'll try and go back to last night's KAOS as I'm now on 7.1.11 but the search is being performed in RM Local Library so I can't see why the KAOS would affect it.

    Anyway, this bug is driving me absolutely crazy and it's been there for at least the last two update.

    I have already reported it through the official feedback form along with this video showing what is happening. Is anyone else having this issue or is it just me?

    Search Behaving Badly

  • I don't think this is an update, but a revert back. Last update was OS This one is OS 7.1.11. That's not an update. It's a rollback. SMH

    I think you are combining the different number allocations.

    Previous RM- 3.0.87

    Current RM - 3.0.88

    Previous OS -

    Current OS -

    Last 3 OS versions were,, and Not sure where you have gotten

  • thanks guys. i’m aware of the numbering convention but is anyone else experiencing the same search issues as I show in my video? I starting to wonder if it’s just me.

    we are aware of the search issue. there are simply more pressing things to do first. and I agree with you, it is important.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here