Rig Manager 3 is available for testing ?

  • Is anyone having good success with a touchscreen tablet/2 in 1?

    Not a tablet - but - I use a Lenovo c440 touchscreen all-in-one computer for Rig manager. The editor works very well with it. Tap things to select, touch and slide up/down to adjust the knobs. Touch and hold for right click.

    Its a bit easier to use than the Helix editor on my touchscreen.

  • Hehe, yes but this is only a "trick" and could be better ???✌️

    Thanks man for your advices

    We want to modify Drag&Drop in such a way, that dropping rigs on to the cab or amp slot will extract that part from the rig and load it, is that what you are requesting or do you have an idea how to make it simpler? But there are some technical issues with that so it will come a bit delayed.

    That "trick" looked so amazing, when we finally added something to the editor that the Hardware could not do with one click :P...

    "That's what I love about the Kemper: It's very simple, the sounds are awesome." (Jeff Loomis)

  • I opened up a new thread yesterday, but realized that maybe I should've posted this here.

    Here are some observations, hopefully someone can confirm by replicating this on their system:

    1) When opening a 2nd RM window, if I turn items (stomps, amp effect, etc.) on/off on the Kemper itself, it does not reflect on the editor.

    It still works if done from the editor, but not the other way around.

    2) Dragging presets from a 2nd RM window to editor does now allow to save it after modifications, as the "store" button is greyed out.

    3) Dragging IR's (.wav) to a RM folder converts them automatically, but you need to exit that folder and go back in order to use them.

    Easy to work around these issues, but I just though I would point this out as I'm sure the Kemper teams wants our feedback.

    This is on a Win 10 system. Can anyone else confirm this?

  • Really great news. I’ve been testing it for a day now. Really works like a charm.

    As for now I am only missing one thing. An easy way to control left/right s/pdif output level when recording git/stack. Maybe it’s just me that haven’t found it yet. But two separate knobs right next to each other would be awesome. Other than that I think it is very intuitive. Maybe it should be a lot easier to place an IR in the chain. Haven’t experimented with it though. But I would think that right clicking on one of the slots (for effects, amp etc) one should be able to select IR.

    Yes, we do read your feedback! ?

    Why would be offer separate volume controls for SPDIF?

    Even the one volume control we have is useless.

    Why is volume control for recording through SPDIF necessary at all?

  • One thing I would like to see...when you edit a value, have the value / name highlight in red to show that something has been changed. Easy to see the items that have been changed in case we need to reset them while we are editing. Once we save the Rig, it can go back to the green font again.

  • Suggestions: I would love if we could select our saved input and output settingsright from the editor. For example, I have different input settings of clean/distortion sense for different guitars. Also have saved output EQ for different cabinets. It would be helpful to select them in the editor.


  • For me on Windows 8.1 64 bit the issue is with the new rigeditor.dll which is the new dll added that allows the new editor functions

    when i removed this from the new 3.0rm install directory then it loads up fine but of course without the new editing features :(

    Otherwise for me it just crashes and will not open up.

    Please fix this issue


    I have the same issue, on Windows 10. 64 bit

  • Hi!

    I have the same issue, on Windows 10. 64 bit

    I ended up upgrading to Win10 64bit and so far so good although it can at times be a bit flaky when opening up sometimes when i choose a rig it fails to load up on my Kemper but a closing of RM3 and reopening and then all is fine but i guess we all have to remember this is a beta.

  • Yes, we do read your feedback! ?

    Why would be offer separate volume controls for SPDIF?

    Even the one volume control we have is useless.

    Why is volume control for recording through SPDIF necessary at all?

    Because when I recorded both the dry di-signal and the wet signal through s/pdif I had such low output on the dry left signal and the wet stack signal was very high. To add gain to the low dry signal I had to first go and change the volume on the stack and raise the overall volume. And I had to do it over again with the next guitar. To me it would be so cool to be able to easily control both signals within seconds, if there were to separate output gain knobs. To make sure that the wet right signal doesn’t distort and exceed the digital 0 dB I have to adjust the signals and the whole stack.

    Edited once, last by b_ryan (December 9, 2019 at 8:46 PM).

  • Because when I recorded both the dry di-signal and the wet signal through s/pdif I had such low output on the dry left signal and the wet stack signal was very high. To add gain to the low dry signal I had to first go and change the volume on the stack and raise the overall volume. And I had to do it over again with the next guitar. To me it would be so cool to be able to easily control both signals within seconds, if there were to separate output gain knobs. To make sure that the wet right signal doesn’t distort and exceed the digital 0 dB I have to adjust the signals and the whole stack.

    To make the signal stronger, we would have to include a boost for the SPDIF signal, which we would never do due to clipping reasons.

    When the Clean Sense parameter is set right, then the dry signal is leveled correctly.

    Why don‘t you boost the signal in your DAW or leave it where it is?

    Does this level matter in a recording?

  • dear kemper devs, does this help?

    Action start 20:48:55: FindAllRelatedProducts.

    CustomAction FindAllRelatedProducts returned actual error code 1157 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)

    Error 1723. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action FindAllRelatedProducts, entry: FindAllRelatedProducts, library: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI3B1E.tmp

    MSI (s) (58:0C) [20:48:58:096]: Product: Rig Manager -- Error 1723. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action FindAllRelatedProducts, entry: FindAllRelatedProducts, library: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI3B1E.tmp

  • dear kemper devs, does this help?

    Action start 20:48:55: FindAllRelatedProducts.

    CustomAction FindAllRelatedProducts returned actual error code 1157 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)

    Error 1723. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action FindAllRelatedProducts, entry: FindAllRelatedProducts, library: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI3B1E.tmp

    MSI (s) (58:0C) [20:48:58:096]: Product: Rig Manager -- Error 1723. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action FindAllRelatedProducts, entry: FindAllRelatedProducts, library: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI3B1E.tmp

    That looks like it is an error in your window system files not the installer but maybe one of your library files is missing.

    I am no expert though!