Rig Manager 3 is available for testing ?

  • Today is St. Nicholas' Day in Germany ....

    I'll take it. 8)

    My advice to the vision-impaired dude last week to hold out and not bother with purchasing MIDI interfacing in order to use Toast ME doesn't seem that silly now, does it guys? I copped a bit of criticism for that, so, as they say... just sayin'... :saint: :D


    Guys, I want you all to raise a glass tonight to Timo, Arne, Oskar, Georg and Jan. Without them, Rig Manager 3 wouldn't finally be here.

    Best, GS

    Thank you so much to the coders and all the rest of the team, and let's not forget G String, the MC of this event. It's not customary for MC's to name themselves when crediting band members, so let's raise a glass to the coders, G String, Don, Hans, Peter, Burkhard, dw, Helge, jeireff, kpahuitsing, mountainman, Oliver, Philip, soulbreeder and Volker as well.

    I'm sure I would've missed a few I've spotted in the forum and some I named may not be with the company anymore, and who knows who's behind-the-scenes, but nevertheless, honestly, I feel I can speak on behalf of my fellow Kemperites by saying that you guys are our rock stars. :love:

    Long live Kemper! 8):thumbup:


    I'm sure I would've missed a few...

    Indeed, after I posted I realised I'd forgotten the most-important person of all - Christoph!

    I've been helping my dad move to temp accommodation due to his having hit the financial wall and it's been 3 days of bezerk "activity", but I'll have my fellow Kemperites know that checking whether or not I named Christoph has been eating away at me all day today and I couldn't wait to get home and correct the post if need be. Stuffed as I was after the full day of running around yesterday, there's no excuse for forgetting to thank the man himself last night, the creator behind our beasties that've brought us so much joy over the years.

    Christoph, my man, we all salute you, brother. :thumbup:

  • Similar issue for me. RM 3.0 wont open, using macOS 10.15. My error message text is slightly different but same end result. I’ve restarted several times, uninstalled, reinstalled, and updated macOS to the latest version.


    ya I did exactly the same. Crashing on open. Not even getting to the loading menu. I guess we shall have to wait till the next beta version.

  • Another walkthrough this time from HW

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  • How to run editor on non supported Mac’s...do at your own risk...and back up ....twice..

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  • tried the beta yest running on my tiny win 10 netbook. bi-directional connectivity & syncing between KPA and RM is working fine.

    i love the editor right from the start. great tool. thx again to kemper! good job.

    but my studio env is set up upon win 7 and running very stable for years now. the main reason for not upgrading to a higher version is the dependency to my motu 24i + pci324 audio interface combination (which btw is high quality and still great to work with. unfortunately motu decided not to maintain the 324 drivers anymore. i finally managed to run it on win 7 working around some obstacles. this is an effective way to force people to spend money and switch to the 424 solution...)

    i'm about to install win10 within vmware right now. let's see...

  • Part 2 now that I RTFM

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  • a first beta version Rig Manager 3 is available for you. The new version contains a visual editor among other new features.

    Many thanks for all your work and for putting out a beta! Even a slightly unstable editor is heaps better than no editor at all. I tried it on MacOS Catalina and it is really stable so far.

    Edited once, last by bvrede (December 8, 2019 at 12:21 AM).

  • Many thanks to you, Team Kemper. I first loved the concept, then my personal KPA years ago--but never anticipated that along the way its worth to me would continue to increase so often for free. I could not have imagined the exponential leaps in its value to me via so many new features and upgrades including morphing, delays, reverbs, the editor, etc. Having played electric guitar for more than 50 years, I could never have dreamed that a digital amp could sound and perform like this. So now, as it should be, only fine guitars delight my musical heart more than the Kemper Profiling Amp. But they cannot come alive without my KPA. Again, thank you, Team Kemper.

  • Running Win 8.1 ...gets just past the loading screen and then pukes all over my RAM.... hmmmmmpphhhfff.

    Actually had it working for a second. I went into installed apps under windows.....There was three different options for RM and I played around with uninstalling them. I did get it to load up but I didn't notice the exciting features..........So I uninstalled an older version of RM that was there & now I'm back to SOL. I'm super excited for everyone else that is enjoying it, not feeling stabby at all. :D

  • First of all, Windows 7 is not obsolete, any more than a 57 Chevy or an iPhone 7 is obsolete. Second, because it costs them nothing to do so? Allow it to install, and if there are issues, simply say that it's unsupported on that OS. But don't prevent it from installing.

    Actually it kind of is.

    "Windows 7 is due to reach End Of Life (EOL) on 14 January 2020, but a large number of the world's computers, most in corporate environments, are still running the nine-year-old system. Microsoft ended mainstream support for Windows 7 in January 2015, with extended support running till 14 January 2020."

    Software designers tend not to focus on the older OS version and rarely release to versions facing EOL. As for preventing the installation that is an often used technique to prevent potential issues that can effect the overall functionality of the OS. This may change as they come out of beta but I would never expect an initial public beta to be available for all OS versions. As a workaround you can always attempt to install Hyper V manager and run a Windows 10 VM.

    Unfortunately my company still supports it as well as server 2003. We only stopped supporting Win 2000 18 months ago.

  • Chaps Im still struggling

    Installed 7.1.7

    installed rig manager 3./

    Both load up, no errors but can't see each other. Changed cables and get a windows noise when cable is removed or added so I don't think its hardware. Anyone else got this?