Acoustic guitar profiling - like "tone dexter"

  • Hi everyone,

    shouldn't it be possible to use to Profiler to do the same like this device "Tone dexter"?;…nZSI6ImVuIn0%3D

    So putting an acoustic guitar pickup signal into the Kemper input, engaging the Profiler Mode, and having a good microphone taking the "acoustic" sound of the guitar into the alternative input.

    Listening to the differences between pickup sound and microphone sound should lead to a "profile" that makes a "like microphoned" sound out of the pickup sound.

    What do you think? For me it would be a game changer, using the kemper for this :love:!

    Let's find out if this would be of interest for others as well.



  • Christophe Kemper has already said an acoustic simulator will be released so I think you may get something sort of similar in the not too distant future although it is more likely to be an FX type rather than a profile which would have the advantage of still leaving the Stack section available for other things like a profile of an acoustic amp etc.

  • I don't think this is possible with the Kemper currently because there's no way for the KPA to send the alien UFO test tones through an acoustic guitar. Is there any way to do a "refine" process without the tones?

    Would love a feature like this! It would really expand the KPA's usefulness for acoustic/electric instruments.

  • I just got a tone dexter not long ago....I could do profiles of some of the existing tone prints and upload if there is interest......

    Not sure they would translate given its already"matched" to something

    I’d be interested in trying these if you don’t mind making them. Has anyone tried loading one of those acoustic IRs into the Kemper’s cab?

    These profiles go to 11!

  • I actually think it could be done....whether it would infringe on the Tone Dexter patents is another matter.

    The tone Dexter uses a microphone input from an external mic as it's reference, not noise as the Kemper does, so I don't think it would be *that* difficult for the Kemper to do.

  • This can and has been done.
    All you need is a Match EQ plugin.
    Record the output of your acoustic guitar pickup, choose a target sound (most likely a well mic'ed acoustic),

    let the plugin match the sounds.

    hint: 100%, unsmoothed (as in max resolution) matches almost never sound good, use your ears, not your eyes.

    then you can either make a Profile of the DAW channel with the match eq, or take an impulse response of the match eq setting, convert it with CabMaker and import it into the PROFILER.

  • I used my ToneDexter to create some really nice acoustic images of my J45 and it sounded really beautiful. Then, I made a Kemper profile of the pedal and it was, virtually, identical. I found that it sounded the most like the Tone Dexter when I didn't refine the sound at all. One pass and it was identical and sounds beautiful like I have a mic on my guitar. The only thing you might have to do is use the parallel path to blend in a little bit of your direct signal to cut in a busy band mix. Solo or rootsy players could probably use it as is. It's almost too warm and pretty, if that makes sense. It definitely doesn't sound like an under saddle pickup quacking anymore. Crazy stuff.

  • I used my ToneDexter to create some really nice acoustic images of my J45 and it sounded really beautiful. Then, I made a Kemper profile of the pedal and it was, virtually, identical. I found that it sounded the most like the Tone Dexter when I didn't refine the sound at all. One pass and it was identical and sounds beautiful like I have a mic on my guitar. The only thing you might have to do is use the parallel path to blend in a little bit of your direct signal to cut in a busy band mix. Solo or rootsy players could probably use it as is. It's almost too warm and pretty, if that makes sense. It definitely doesn't sound like an under saddle pickup quacking anymore. Crazy stuff.

    Did you upload those profiles to the exchange by any chance? I have a J45 coming my way and I’m looking to see how close I can get to a “natural” sound with the standard LR Baggs System it comes with and my Kemper (as opposed to buying a Tone Dexter, Aura and/or upgrading the LR Baggs to an Anthem).
    I already have a few acoustic profiles that work surprisingly well with my current cheap Ibanez acoustic.

  • Definitely not possible in the current incarnation IMO :(
    The way the Profiler works is though test signals the unit sends to an amp (a device, by definition, gifted with an electric Input and an Output); it's not made for interacting with a device which needs a mechanical input (strumming/picking a string in order to generate a signal).

    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • This can and has been done.
    All you need is a Match EQ plugin.
    Record the output of your acoustic guitar pickup, choose a target sound (most likely a well mic'ed acoustic),

    let the plugin match the sounds.

    hint: 100%, unsmoothed (as in max resolution) matches almost never sound good, use your ears, not your eyes.

    then you can either make a Profile of the DAW channel with the match eq, or take an impulse response of the match eq setting, convert it with CabMaker and import it into the PROFILER.

    This. I use the acoustic profiles of a famous Dutch profiler. I did choose on of his great profiled preamp and eq matched to fit a recording of my singer's amazing high end Taylor mice'd (mostly by ear because the visual representation doesn't seems to reflect reality). I mostly use it with a Godin Multiac kind of acoustic/electric which is feedback resistant. It's changed my life for live acoustic and also useable for recording - unless the part needs very pure/exposed acoustic where I would probably still get a well mic'ed acoustic. I also suggest to do slightly different settings for strumming and picking.