Univibe, we desperately need a decent one....

  • there are are tremolos that use a lightbulb and a optocoupler, but they still are tremolos. the method of deriving the LFO shape doesn't change the effect

    I think that the LFO shape in the Kemper Phase Vibe is too symmetrical. Real Univibes have more wobble; think oval/egg-shaped as opposed to spherical. It would be great to have a parameter to emulate this in the Phase Vibe.

  • I think that the LFO shape in the Kemper Phase Vibe is too symmetrical. Real Univibes have more wobble; think oval/egg-shaped as opposed to spherical. It would be great to have a parameter to emulate this in the Phase Vibe.

    Christoph has pointed out repeatedly that the main ingredient to a Uni-Vibe is it's LFO shape. As with all things that derive from an (vintage) analog device there is a broad range of part tolerances that make sure there is no 'one' Uni-Vibe, Fuzz Face, Big Muff etc sound.

    I had the pleasure to play the real deal (my then-roommate was crazy enough to get one - thanks, Jon) and tbh I don't think many of the pedals or models that claim to be a faithful replica get it right, as with early amp modeling the results were often almost caricature-like.


    The PROFILER's Vibe effect has quite a range of parameters, not enough people experiment with those instead of just looking for the preset that sounds perfect for them IMO.

    Care should also be taken into placing the Vibe in the appropiate position (pre or post amp) for the sound in question.

  • And don't forget the great new setting from this thread, with some asymetrical vibe for you sambrox :

    Be sure to play with all the paremeters, and maybe set a morph

    here is my demo with some tweaks:

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  • The PROFILER's Vibe effect has quite a range of parameters, not enough people experiment with those instead of just looking for the preset that sounds perfect for them IMO.

    you make several good points Don. However, I have a Roger Mayer Voodoo Vibe which I love. I have spent a considerable amount of time trying to get the Kemper Vibe to match it but I can't get close. That may be more to do with my lack of skills matching sounds than the KPA limitations but I would definitely like the ability to match my Voodoo Vibe. I would also love to be able to match the Tremolo circuit from the Voodoo Vibe which is something the KPA tremolo can't begin to do yet.

  • you make several good points Don. However, I have a Roger Mayer Voodoo Vibe which I love. I have spent a considerable amount of time trying to get the Kemper Vibe to match it but I can't get close. That may be more to do with my lack of skills matching sounds than the KPA limitations but I would definitely like the ability to match my Voodoo Vibe. I would also love to be able to match the Tremolo circuit from the Voodoo Vibe which is something the KPA tremolo can't begin to do yet.

    Will be great if you do a comparison between both!

  • And don't forget the great new setting from this thread, with some asymetrical vibe for you sambrox :

    Be sure to play with all the paremeters, and maybe set a morph

    here is my demo with some tweaks:

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    Excellent work gentlemen!! Is there a rig in RM already containing all the goodies in this great sound?

    Gary ô¿ô

  • And don't forget the great new setting from this thread, with some asymetrical vibe for you sambrox :

    Be sure to play with all the paremeters, and maybe set a morph

    here is my demo with some tweaks:

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    Sounds nice, Renaud, but not authentic. Check this out :

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    Christoph has pointed out repeatedly that the main ingredient to a Uni-Vibe is it's LFO shape. As with all things that derive from an (vintage) analog device there is a broad range of part tolerances that make sure there is no 'one' Uni-Vibe, Fuzz Face, Big Muff etc sound.

    That's true, but still the parameters and LFO in the Kemper don't get close to the throb of a real Uni-Vibe.

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