OS7 Public Beta Discussion

  • There's a soft button for toggling TYPE<->CATEGORY and it seems to change. The knobs below TYPE, CATEGORY, PRESET are not scrolling the above list, though. Only way the preset changes on the hardware is turning the BROWSE knob and it scrolls through the PRESET column.

    Only these knobs are relevant for preset management.6F61B2CF-67D4-4BD7-9729-58BCAA9A0268.jpeg

  • The update went without any problems. First the RM then the OS via USB. After the OS update I closed the RM and started it again and all worked like before.

    Kemper Head - Kemper Remote - Palmer Box with Kemper Kone - TC Electronic BAM200 - Laney LFR 112

  • One thing I noticed so far. The Softknobs (normaly Bass Middle Treble and Presence) does in this beta not work as in the video from the Namm Show described. youtu.be/ZeTdOdvwqqo?t=301. Hope this will be implemented in the official release.

    Kemper Head - Kemper Remote - Palmer Box with Kemper Kone - TC Electronic BAM200 - Laney LFR 112

    Edited once, last by hafi19 (July 26, 2019 at 8:30 AM).

  • Unfortunately this time again, as with OS6, the update via the RigManager did not work. ;(

    With a USB stick the update worked.

    But now I have the problem that I can't select the presets with the Browse or Type button. The Kemper hangs in the status: Assembling a list of presets...

    Has anyone had this error? Is there a solution? I already tried to reinitialize the flash memory. Unfortunately without success.

    By the way: I have the impression that the display has improved. Before, I always had problems with the contrast.

    The bug with the irregular flashing of the TAB-LED will probably never be fixed :wacko:

    Fender Am. Strat Standard | Fender Elite Standard | Ibanez AZ 2204 | Gibson Les Paul Standard | Suhr Standard Plus | Epiphone ES-335 Lim. Ed.

    Kemper Stage | Kemper Kone | Line6 HX Stomp | Digitech FreqOut | Shure GLXD16+

    Shure PSM 900 IEM | Behringer X32 Rack

    SKEEN - Join The Revolution In Screen Protection

  • I had problems with interaction Kemper Head and rig manager.

    First updated RM, because RM reminds me of available update.

    Then I updated my toaster with the beta 7.0 via USB.

    After this procedure Kemper and rig manager can't communicate with each other.

    This morning I downloaded the latest rig manager software manually from Kemper an installed again.

    Now everything works well for me except the "present selection issue"

    I'm running win 10.

  • The preset management is a cool feature, but still not that easy to use, IMHO.
    I would suggest to be able to use the arrows on the right of the kemper to navigate in the three menus.
    Left and right arrows would enable to go from type to category to preset in both directions. That would probably involve some sort of outlining to know where you are currently.
    Up and right arrows would enable to select the desired entry in each sub-menu.

    For me, that would be more logical and easier to use than relying on the rotating knobs (both ways would be available for those that prefer the latter).

  • I am back to OS 6.0 and wait ...

    Fender Am. Strat Standard | Fender Elite Standard | Ibanez AZ 2204 | Gibson Les Paul Standard | Suhr Standard Plus | Epiphone ES-335 Lim. Ed.

    Kemper Stage | Kemper Kone | Line6 HX Stomp | Digitech FreqOut | Shure GLXD16+

    Shure PSM 900 IEM | Behringer X32 Rack

    SKEEN - Join The Revolution In Screen Protection

  • I just updated to RM2.3 and OS7 this morning. All through RM with no problems. I did take a lot longer than normal updates but I assume that's because of the amount of reconfiguring necessary for the new database structure. There were a few points where I thought the update had completed and then it started another stage. I wonder if some of the problems people have experienced so far relate to trying to use the KPA before the update has fully completed.

    I haven't had much chance to play with it yet but I couldn't resist trying the new preset browsing options as that is really the only thing I've been waiting for since NAMM. It is definitely a MASSIVE step forward and I'm sure it will get even better once the bugs are ironed out and user feedback is assessed.

    vjau75 makes a very good point about the intuitiveness of the current selection process. With a little bit of time to orientate myself I think I have the hang of it but Left/Right and Up/Down on the cross would be much more intuitive. Maybe there is a reason for the current method that we haven't seen yet which will only become apparent with future updates :)

    As for bugs, the only thing I have found so far is that when loading a preset if I pause for a moment the preset loads automatically even though autoload is unchecked. Are others experiencing the same thing?

    EDIT -----------

    I've just noticed that it seems to perform normally if using the Browse knob to select but not if using the Navigation Cross.

    As soon as you turn the browse knob the unchecked Autoload box turns to Load Preset and waits for you to press the soft key.

    However, when using the Navigation Cross the unchecked Autoload softkey remains at Autoload and gives no option to manually load so it just autoloads when you stop browsing.

  • My update on Win 7 64 went smoothly. Updated RM to 2.3 when prompted last night and then OS 7 beta today. Process was much slower (better part of an hour) than usual as all the presets have to be processed to create the new database. This on a machine with 900+ rigs and quite a few cab presets etc.

  • My update on Win 7 64 went smoothly. Updated RM to 2.3 when prompted last night and then OS 7 beta today. Process was much slower (better part of an hour) than usual as all the presets have to be processed to create the new database. This on a machine with 900+ rigs and quite a few cab presets etc.

    Same here, under new Windows 10 Version 1809, took about 30 minutes. all good.