Expression pedal as volume/boost - 127 max?

  • Pardon if this question has been answered in the past, but I'm in a band with two other (non-kemper) guitarists and I've been using my expression pedal as a volume boost. My problem is when I really need to get a volume boost (as compared to the other guitarists), the max midi setting of 127 is all I can get. And consequently, the boost doesn't compare to the boosts the other guys are using. I've been exploring other ways to get even more of a volume boost assigned to my expression pedal, but I'm not finding one. Pedal to the metal and it ain't enough when I really need it. :/

    Is there any other way to assign an even higher volume boost to the expression pedal than the max midi value of 127 WITHOUT having to morph my performance bank?

  • Well my thought was using the pedal could give me a variable boost, depending on what was needed. I supposed I could assign another boost to a open button (tap, or effects). Two stage boost. :)

    Just hoping that the 127 midi limit was something that could be changed on the volume/expression pedal.

  • I would put a Wah Booster effect n one of the slots post Stack. The Wah pedal will become a volume boost in these rigs

    Thanks I just tried that. Assigned the pedal 5 (to the expression pedal), made sure wah pedal function was assigned as well. Wah pedal booster didn't seem to give me any more of a boost than the normal volume pedal assignment.

  • There are many ways to achieve a volume boost via pedal or switch.

    Just to confirm - if you want to use the volume pedal, you should set Pedal Range >0 and perhaps lock Volume Pedal. The parameter is described in the Main Manual.

  • What I ended up doing, is reorganizing my performances and set the 2nd position in each slot to increased amp volume, along with assigning a pure boost to the TAP button. So I've essentially got three potential boosts available. 2nd slot position, TAP button and expression pedal. I may end up no longer using the expression pedal if the other two options work out in live settings.

  • I went thru the same options. Personally, i love using expression pedal, . turn up your master volume so your "min" is the other guys unboosted volume... Keep Volume pedal locked so its global - easy to change min / max volumes on stage.

  • I’m not near my KPA now but I think it has a pedal range from -5 to +5 if I remember correctly. Increasing the range to a + number should give a boost.

    If that doesn’t work the. You could put a Lead Boost in that slot and control the Level with the Morph pedal.

    You know, this approach sounds interesting.

    How would I go about controlling the lead boost stomp level with the expression pedal?

  • You would have lead boost or clean boost turned on. With the expression pedal in the heel position set the required boost (if any) for your base sound. Then move he expression pedal to the toe position and turn the boost level to the maximum boost you are going to need. Save the rig. You now have morphing controlling the amount of boost.

  • Well my thought was using the pedal could give me a variable boost, depending on what was needed. I supposed I could assign another boost to a open button (tap, or effects). Two stage boost. :)

    Just hoping that the 127 midi limit was something that could be changed on the volume/expression pedal.

    Personally this was too much of a other words, whilst I'm playing a solo or a riff that needs boosting, the last thing I want to do is try to work out how much boost via an expression.. for me I like a pre-set volume...also reduces the temptation of increasing boost over time during a gig as your ears dull.

    The other guitarist in the band does this with his Helix and I don't see the point and invariably he uses the maximum all the time..

    Also, I don't like being tied to my pedal board, means I can wander into the crowd more! Bang hit boost, band return to previous volumes.

    I just use morph on a slot with an instant change. as I have various rhythms and solo sounds one additional boost is enough for me.

    As you say adding a boost pedal as well will give more variety..:)