Is it time for a Kemper II ?

  • But for the form factor, screen, audio interface, and rough horse power I’m attracted by the FM3 and many users are describing a better amp feel in the room compared to Kemper...

    And how much is "many"? Do you have any numbers? And related to what? I guess (yes, guessing) there are not a lot of FM3-users at this time, since the FM-3 isn't officialy released yet.

  • But for the form factor, screen, audio interface, and rough horse power I’m attracted by the FM3 and many users are describing a better amp feel in the room compared to Kemper...

    I find that contention dubious at best. People say Brand X feels better than Brand Y all day every day. Sounds like they prefer (or claim) to prefer Fractal's flavoring. Doesn't mean you or I would. Is the same thing being touted about the latest iteration of AxeFx?

    There are people who consider Atomic's AmpliFire series to crush the Kemper and have played both. I've owned both and have NO idea what they've been smoking, but they really should stop. It's rotting their brains.

  • Getting older has some advantages. I've stopped caring about all those A is so much better than B. I couldn't care less and don't waste my time with debates like that with me. If I'm the only one who like something in the whole entire world, that's all that matters. Sure I'm still curious when new things comes out and enjoy listen to it. Living in a small town I don't have the privilege to test new stuff very often.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • It's pretty Clear Guitar Boy. If you owned a Kemper you would know you have a product that is supported by its Users just as much as its Manufacturer. I can't speak for all the technical Jargon but after getting my Kemper I felt like I had the unit that would last the rest of my life. I don't feel like it will ever be left behind with future technology, and with all the updates over the years it always keeps getting better with added features. How much better can you get when you can already have tone that is better or as good as the best Tube Amps money can buy? And when you can add cutting edge effects to that sound without killing the tone, What Else are you looking for?

    I am truly Grateful to Own My Kemper

  • I find that contention dubious at best. People say Brand X feels better than Brand Y all day every day. Sounds like they prefer (or claim) to prefer Fractal's flavoring. Doesn't mean you or I would. Is the same thing being touted about the latest iteration of AxeFx?

    There are people who consider Atomic's AmpliFire series to crush the Kemper and have played both. I've owned both and have NO idea what they've been smoking, but they really should stop. It's rotting their brains.

    Many claims of what "feels better" don't seem to be based on proper testing to begin with. Without more info about how the tones were dialed in, I'd be quite skeptical.

    And then of course, there's no guarantee that even if you could narrow down a "general axe feeling" and "general kemper feeling" another person would share your preference... Or even experience that "feel" in similar enough manner.

    If the differences were gargantuan there'd probably be more trust we can place on that, assuming proper testing.. And what guitarists generally like (at least on the level of a guitar not sounding like a frog). But as things stand, and I highly doubt it.

    In this case, if Fm3 shares a version of Ares. I definitely prefer the feel of my tones using axe fx 3 vs ax8. There's absolutely differences that can cause change in "feel" for the player.

    Whether that'd be preferable to kemper.. Is another story.

    The bonanza

  • I think theres no need for a kpa II. But, to be honest, a very small floorboard version would be awesome. A gigbag sized one with only the most important knobs.

    For Studio and profiling the KPA as we know, and for gigging a sturdy Floorfiler ??

  • It's pretty Clear Guitar Boy. If you owned a Kemper you would know you have a product that is supported by its Users just as much as its Manufacturer. I can't speak for all the technical Jargon but after getting my Kemper I felt like I had the unit that would last the rest of my life. I don't feel like it will ever be left behind with future technology, and with all the updates over the years it always keeps getting better with added features. How much better can you get when you can already have tone that is better or as good as the best Tube Amps money can buy? And when you can add cutting edge effects to that sound without killing the tone, What Else are you looking for?

    I am truly Grateful to Own My Kemper

    The issue is that it's a modern trap. Can I find a better amp solution? A better guitar? A better job? A better car? A better girlfriend? Et etc. People aren't content with what they have. The grass must surely be greener somewhere else.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • Christoph has said in a past interview that a new hardware was inevitable and in the same interview even outlined limitations with processing certain features that were asked of him in the current iteration. However, I don't really get the sense that Kemper is close to releasing a new format if I'm relying on how slowly new updates & features have come out. They seem relatively content.

    People have to also remember how much older the AxeFX is than the Kemper when discussing the different hardware it's gone through. Processing needs and advances have changed dramatically (and quickly) and at least they've shown every ambition to stay ahead of the curve, especially with how they frenetically update features compared to their competitors. Kemper definitely benefited from the modelers that came before them.

    Bottom line is don't hold your breath for a Kemper II.

  • A better girlfriend? Et etc. People aren't content with what they have. The grass must surely be greener somewhere else.

    my wife would kill me 8o

    Christoph has said in a past interview that a new hardware was inevitable and in the same interview even outlined limitations with processing certain features that were asked of him in the current iteration. However, I don't really get the sense that Kemper is close to releasing a new format if I'm relying on how slowly new updates & features have come out. They seem relatively content.

    most of the people screaming for a KPA II seem to be wanting and evolutionary product; give me dual amp profiles, a floor unit, etc etc

    I don’t get the feeling Kemper are interested in the nect evolution. I think (I could be totally wrong though) that they are quite content with the current KPA and are kore likely to be applying their considerable brain power to creating the next REVOLUTIONARY product :) i have now idea what that will be but I’m sure I will be pleasantly surprised when they announce it.

  • I don’t get the feeling Kemper are interested in the nect evolution. I think (I could be totally wrong though) that they are quite content with the current KPA and are kore likely to be applying their considerable brain power to creating the next REVOLUTIONARY product

    It's very possible, and I agree that they seem quite comfortable in their current niche.

    Maybe a precedent to consider is Christoph's Access Virus, which went through a few hardware & software upgrades but has had no new updates or features in years. When Christoph is asked, he teases that "maybe" they will do more far in the future but for now their time and resources are dedicated to the Profiler. I could be wrong, but Christoph strikes me as a brilliant programmer who maybe gets a bit bored once he sees a device as mature and looks to the next void he can fill. Much more of a macro-thinker than a micro-thinker, for a lack of a better term. Of course, I don't know the guy so I couldn't say that for sure, but there are definitely people out there like that.

  • 2x stereo effects loop, dual profiles, better screen, better profile management, floor model etc... there's really lots to do. In these conversations people always seem to defend their product's resale value and just state that "there's no need for kemper 2" :P Kemper is great, sold mine 1,5 years ago, but will buy Kemper 2 when it comes out :)

  • Eventually I have very little doubt that there will be another generation of Kemper just as there was with the Access Virus. When? No-one knows. There’s no indication that we’re at EOL with the original Kemper right now. Quite the opposite, new OS and rig manager due out shortly, additional hardware that works with the current Kemper to continue to extend its capabilities also due out shortly.

    There would be no point in competing with yourself for Kemper right now, and there’s no strong impetus to change the hardware platform that I can see. Follow the money on this, hardware costs a lot of time and money to develop, software much less so, in order to make a new product there need to be some strong arguments for doing so that will result in increased sales. Not just “we want to be nice to users so they don’t have to buy two KPA’s to have dual amp sounds”, because that only makes sense to do if twice as many people would buy it than would buy two Kempers, and right now that doesn’t look to be the case.m it also fragments the user base and means supporting two platforms which costs more still. Before Christoph decides to make a new Kemper he will want to have a “killer feature” in mind that justifies it.

  • Personally, I'd rather they improve profiling accuracy before anything else. Not intending to get back into the circular argument that happens whenever this is brought up, but as close and impressive as the KPA is now, it could close that gap even more. Maybe it requires a new processor and thus a Kemper II to achieve, I don't know. Being able to accurately profile multiple distorting stages (preamp, power amp, distortion pedals) would be welcomed by some. Perhaps that's limited by the current iteration, as well.

  • For me it´s driven by the industry which wants to make more profit. E.g. mobile phones. Do we really need a new

    phone every year? The commercials say yes. But really? My phone is more than three years old and works great!

    So I don´t see why we should need a new Kemper!

    Kemper Head - Kemper Remote - Palmer Box with Kemper Kone - TC Electronic BAM200 - Laney LFR 112

  • ......Being able to accurately profile multiple distorting stages (preamp, power amp, distortion pedals) would be welcomed by some......

    Based on Christoph's own words, this doesn't sound like a hardware limitation, but a conceptual/technical one that the KPA isn't built for.

    "The profiling process is limited to amplifiers. This includes tube amps, solid state amps, most modeling amps and most distortion pedals in combination with an amp. It is not possible to profile other kinds of effects, as this would require a wholly different technique."

    "Modeling is great and we also do modeling; like the stomp boxes, the distortion pedals – it’s classic modeling."

    "Without music, life would be a mistake.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    Contact - Kemper Amps

    Edited once, last by Ruefus (May 15, 2019 at 12:51 PM).

  • I really, really enjoy that the Kemper is a sustainable product which doesn't require to be replaced. Especially in these times where consuming and growing is sometimes the only thing that matters. For a digital product this is really outstanding.

    Beside those anti-capitalism view I also wouldn't do that at this moment. More products also mean more secondary costs for support and everything else. As long as there is a market for this unit it is sometimes a good idea not to be your own opponent. And when the market is saturated there are a lot of people who would buy a floor unit instantly without thinking twice. ;) And than after some years you can enter the market with a complete new product.

  • For me it´s driven by the industry which wants to make more profit. E.g. mobile phones. Do we really need a new

    phone every year? The commercials say yes. But really? My phone is more than three years old and works great!

    So I don´t see why we should need a new Kemper!

    Of course, but technology changes quickly, as do the requirements on any particular device. Most of those aren't driven by needs but by wants. And the Kemper itself is a luxury unit, not a necessity, hence I don't think it's inappropriate for someone to want more out of it even if it isn't absolutely "essential." If Kemper I is limited to not allow for X, Y, Z, it's understandable someone wants a Kemper II that can accommodate it.

    Based on Christoph's own words, this doesn't sound like a hardware limitation, but a conceptual/technical one that the KPA isn't built for.

    Yes, Christoph has previously alluded to this. He's also said something along the lines of classic tones that people like rely on preamp, not power amp distortion. That's not entirely true, and certain amplifiers strongly rely on some degree of power amp distortion to get their character, but that's the approach they've taken. Yet still, if you're emulating amplifiers, why wouldn't you want to accommodate different setups in this way? That's what makes me wonder if the current profiling algorithm can't accommodate multiple distorting stages due to a hardware limitation rather than a philosophical one. If multiple distortion changes could be supported with the current hardware, I see little reason not to allow for it.