Remote Cable..

  • The thomann cable is just as flexible as a mic cable. It’s a bit thinner than a mic cable though.

    If you can get an original one for the same price then that’s the best option I guess. After 2,5 years of heavy usage it’s still in a good condition.

  • The thomann cable is just as flexible as a mic cable. It’s a bit thinner than a mic cable though.

    If you can get an original one for the same price then that’s the best option I guess. After 2,5 years of heavy usage it’s still in a good condition.

    That’s good news about the Thoman cable.

    Do you mean getting an original Kemper cable is the best idea?

    The reason most people (like me) are asking for recommendations isn’t because they need to replace a broken Kemper cable but simply to find something that works better on stage and in the studio as the Kemper cable is unbearably inflexible. If Kemper issued a new cable that was more flexible I don’t think anybody would be looking for alternatives elsewhere.

  • That’s good news about the Thoman cable.

    Do you mean getting an original Kemper cable is the best idea?

    The reason most people (like me) are asking for recommendations isn’t because they need to replace a broken Kemper cable but simply to find something that works better on stage and in the studio as the Kemper cable is unbearably inflexible. If Kemper issued a new cable that was more flexible I don’t think anybody would be looking for alternatives elsewhere.

    I definitely did this for the stage, number 1. But also to have the original cable as a spare.

  • Thank Burkhard I realise I can use any cable if I add a POE to the system. However, the fact remains that nobody has ever prasied the current cable for being helpfully difficult to uncoil and lay flat on stage ;) Many will tolerate it (like me s far) but customer feedback seems to be universal that the current cable is adequate at best and annoying at worst.

    If you are running a rack setup, adding a POE fixed to the inside of the rack iand permanently connect to a power strip is no inconvenience. However, for us powered Toaster users it is another piece of gear that needs to be carried, plugged and unplugged every time we seut up and tear down. One of the main reasns I favoured the powered Toasted was convennience so adding more “stuff” is much less appealing that a decent cable.

    I genuinely think this is an area where Kenper need to listen to customer feedback and either start builing a stronger power source into the KPA or simply find a way to start supplying a more flexible cable with the correct wire gauge and resistence with the units and/or as an approved accessory on the Kemper website. I think you would sell quite a lot of them to existing users (I would buy one tomorrow if they were available).

  • I genuinely think this is an area where Kenper need to listen to customer feedback and either start builing a stronger power source into the KPA or simply find a way to start supplying a more flexible cable with the correct wire gauge and resistence with the units and/or as an approved accessory on the Kemper website. I think you would sell quite a lot of them to existing users (I would buy one tomorrow if they were available).

    the vast majority of our customers has zero complains about the cable. they just use the cable that comes with remote without issues. for those who prefer a different solution, there are already tons of options.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • I think you slightly deluded there G String. Although they may not be complaining there is zero evidence of anyone actually being happy with it. There are two common complaints/requests here and in the vaious facebook groups

    A - many want a Neutrik style protecked connector at both ends (unfortunately that can’t be easily achieved without changing the KPA itself)

    B - almost everyone who has expressed any opinion find the xistng cable a major PIA as it is so inflexible and unruly. Althought there are tons of better more flexible options the common concern from isers is whether or not these cables are compatible with the power requirements of the Remote. There is clearly a demand for a better cable solution but there is also potential for compatibility issues.

  • Users have choices. Just a few examples:

    Use a PROFILER in a rack, mount a PoE injector close to the PROFILER in that rack, use whatever cable you like with up to 300 feet length, fasten that cable with Neutrik plugs or a cable tie.

    Use a PROFILER Head in combination with powered cab or in-ears, place a PoE injector in its trunk with whatever cable you like and fasten it with welco tape.

    Use a PROFILER PowerHead with the standard cable. Its stiffness makes sure it stays flat on the ground. And if you want to give it a particular shape, use gaffa tape.

    Use whatever model in combination with a "fluid" 3rd party cable. But keep it short to not compromise power supply of the Remote.

  • It may be that I'm a doofus and don't know how to properly roll/unroll the original cable in order for it to lay flat on stage. The other cable I got lays flat without fuss, however I rolled/unrolled it.

    Both cables are excellent, but I am lazy and don't want to mess with tape.