Using Transpose Effect

  • Hello my friends,

    I am having some problems using the Transpose Effect. Usually I am using the effect on Stomp A on Pitch -1 or -2. The sound is fine however it feels like there are some latency issues. It feels kind of sluggish and is annoying in fast high gain riff. For clean tones it is even worse up to the point where I would say it feels unusable. Are there any hidden settings I am missing or is this just the way it is?

    Thank yall for input.

  • No need to use the stomp slot if you are using a recent release firmware. Go into Rig menu and set it there.

    There will always be a slight latency but not one I find too noticeable within 1-2 steps.

    Make sure you are not hearing the natural acoustic sound of the guitar strings over top over the transpose, as that would make things worse. So play louder or wear headphones.

  • No need to use the stomp slot if you are using a recent release firmware. Go into Rig menu and set it there.

    There will always be a slight latency but not one I find too noticeable within 1-2 steps.

    Make sure you are not hearing the natural acoustic sound of the guitar strings over top over the transpose, as that would make things worse. So play louder or wear headphones.

    Thank you. I am not on the latest firmware, so I am going to try updating, maybe it allready brings an improvement. Any remarks on using Transpose effect on clean Tone, never had any problems?

  • Just to add, you will get some latency (as you do on most pitch pedals), but it should be useable. The firmware I don't think has improved latency or sound, just that you don't have to use a slot.

    I use -1 on some songs but I still prefer a detuned guitar if I'm going to play many songs in a different tuning.

  • I have recently started using -2 for a couple of songs and -1 for another. I don't find any unuseable latency yet but maybe I just haven't been paying enough attention as I'm still in the "rabbit in the headlights" phase of a new band :D

    I use it in the rig parameters rather than tying up an FX slot however, I believe the effect should be identical either way.

  • I have recently started using -2 for a couple of songs and -1 for another. I don't find any unuseable latency yet but maybe I just haven't been paying enough attention as I'm still in the "rabbit in the headlights" phase of a new band :D

    I use it in the rig parameters rather than tying up an FX slot however, I believe the effect should be identical either way.

    Its definitely not that bad and certainly usable 1 of 2 steps down but I confess I've gone back to dedicated guitar for those songs as we do about 5 or 6 down 1 step. The other guitarist uses a drop pedal and its definitely comparable.

    I also used it for the whammy intro on Lonely Boy by the Black Keys ( If remember its a 2 octave drop) and it sounds spot on!

  • I've found the Kemper transpose feature useless, Howe or you access it.

    I play in a band who tunes to D standard, but I like to keep my guitars I either E or Eb tuning, so I'm transporting either 1 or 2 semi tonesdepending what guitar I use for the gig.

    I the past ive used a Digitech drop pedal which was great. I tried the Kemper feature and found it to be crap.

    So I'm now using the Digitech Drop pedal in front of the Kemper to handle this for me. It's a much better piece of kit for transposing.

    Less latency, less tone issues, less flabby bottom end, less funky clean tones.

  • I've had good luck with the Kemper Transpose effect, using it with the current firmware that puts it in the "rig" section. Typically if I have to tune down on a gig, I'll just bring another guitar. However, I prefer not to haul a bunch of crap out to rehearsals, so I generally opt for the Kemper transpose in that setting. Like most here I never venture beyond a full step or step and a half. It's been great for me - I've not experienced any perceivable latency at rehearsal volumes.

    I've had the same positive experience during the half-dozen or so times I've used it on a gig (with IEM's) as well. I did a short tour with a pop country artist that had 1 song that required Drop C tuning. Rather than bring a third guitar, I just used a drop-D axe transposed down a whole step. Gave me no issues.

    Additionally, I subbed in for a trad/red dirt country artist that didn't tell me that he had started tuning his guitar down a half-step for live gigs until about 90 seconds before we hit the first downbeat. Meaning that I learned his entire set a half step too high....Rather than frantically tuning my guitar down or trying to transpose in my head, I used the Kemper Transpose. It once again worked great for me, and this was a particularly good test for it since it was two straight hours of fast tempo Tele pickin'. I for one am totally sold on the built in transpose effect.

  • Hey Guys, I bought a Kemper recently, and I needed to drop the song "beat it" in D with my guitar tuned in E .

    I used an EVH rig, and when I play the solo, I have horrible tone issues, like in the tapping part it's a mess (you can hear a sort of tremolo phase on each notes ) . I did it in the rig menu directly. Is there any advices (I was playing this song on the helix before and had no issues).

    I'm new at it so maybe I missed something,


  • Im assuming the phase issue you are hearing is from the transpose only i.e. if you play it in E its OK?

    Many people have found that the phase issue they hear has been related to hearing the acoustic sound of the guitar ( In E) clashing with the transposed. What is the context you are hearing this?

    Also I do know that the Helix does not transpose as well, so pretty sure its a set up issue.

    BTW you doing the fall out boy version ( In D) or Van Halen) which is Eb ? I assume Van Halen as the fall out boy doesn't have the tapping in the solo...

  • Thanks for your answer, I hear this in live, or in studio, I only hear this phasing issue with transpose.

    Also it's the Van Halen version, so any tapping part will sound like crap.

    Can anyone try a EVHIII amp model with delay and reverb with a guitar tuned in E and use any transpose stuff in D and try ?

    Because I have found nothing convincing to solve this problem, so either I'm doing it wrong with the transpose function or the setup, or it doesn't work as expected.

  • Hey guys, back after trying out multiple patches and effects and guitars for the same issue.

    Any Rig Transpose, pitchpedal , etc. with same results, bad phasing when playing tapped notes.

    Can anyone try to do tapping on a distorted sound with a 2 semi tones down ?

    I'm curious about the results.


  • I just tried dropping it 2 semi tones and tapping on a MBritt Fuchs ODS. It sounded VERY slightly darker when transposed but nothing major. Other than that I didn't notice any difference.

    However, this was only true with headphones. Without headphones I could still hear the acoustic sound of the guitar which is a major distraction and could easily be confused as a weird phasey sound. It's often surprising just how loud the amp needs to be to completely cover the natural sound of the guitar.

  • Thanks ,

    I can guaranty you it's not the acoustic sound that bothers, I'm used to it .

    I will try to record it, because in live , during checksound, we found out this problem not only altered the sound but created an awful distorted phasing. I had to tune down one of my guitar just for one song and it's not convenient .