Lead Volume Boost

  • Hello fellow Kemper users out there....I am having a challenge figuring out the best way to boost my volume to play a lead. I do not want to set the volume pedal to do this as I find the pedal position is sometimes almost full up without me knowing and my head room just went out the window. My wish would be to have my rig sound perfect, hit a button, and boost it for a solo, while not changing the tone at all...I would like to do this in any rig style...Simply just have the volume boosted and then come back....Thanks for the help....Rich

  • are you aware of the morphing function? This may help you get there. I just boost the sojnd i have with certain parameter in volume, eq etc.

    once a purist, then analog pragmatic and finally a digital believer who found out that you can't hear a mosquito fart in a band-context.

  • What I do is set up by performance so that my main rhythm sound occupies both positions 4 and 5 on my foot controller. I'll use 4 as my rhythm, and then in slot 5 I'll have the same thing but just turn up the volume on this slot. Maybe add a little delay etc. depending on what you like. You can also adjust the EQ to suit as well e.g. take some top end off if you want a thinker tone, add some mid if you prefer that.

  • In addition to the above mentioned methods you can also use a locked post-stack boost-fx (slot X). You loose slot X in case you need other post-stack effects, but you can OTOH switch directly between different solo-sounds in adjacent slots. If you use morphing for solo-boost you have to step two times on the slot-switch when moving from one solo sound to the other.

  • +100 for Morphing...I use it to boost for riffs ( for solos I use a different sound), where I add a bit more volume and a touch of mid and presence..

    Note you can change the "speed" of morph so it slowly increases or does it instantly...

  • if you don't want to use morphing (as it may be set for something else), I'd suggest using the Pure Boost in the X slot after the amp. It's volume boost goes up to "5" (whatever that is) and provides a nice solo boost on any slot selected. Takes up one Effect button, wherever you'd like.

  • if you don't want to use morphing (as it may be set for something else), I'd suggest using the Pure Boost in the X slot after the amp. It's volume boost goes up to "5" (whatever that is) and provides a nice solo boost on any slot selected. Takes up one Effect button, wherever you'd like.

    that always sounds great - I just figured out that two pure boosts work best for me - one in the A oder B slot to fire up the amp a bit and one in the X slot for the boost, you can link them together with the remote and it will open up great, full and sustainy

  • Yep, morphing is the way to go. You can change all the parameters of what is "on" already. Increase gain, add compressor, delay, etc.. I go to the amplifier section and boost the volume there. What you can't do, is turn on or off stomps or effects only change values. So if I want to add a compressor to get some sustain on a solo but I don't want it on the regular rhythm sound, I just set all the values to zero so it has no effect on the regular "non morphed position" click the button to go to the "morph" (top light) and change the parameters. and store. Don't forget to store! There are videos and tutorials about this, it's very easy and awesome. I use a separate foot switch (you don't have to) just for the morph function so I don't have to worry about hitting the wrong button or two buttons on the remote (it's kind of small and buttons are close together)and screwing up the solo. Sometimes you can get over excited going into a solo part. I've done that a few times and it is embarrassing, that's what prompted me to add a switch on one of the pedal slots on the remote.

  • Here's what I got from Flying Heel Hook 3 years ago. It works wonderfully. Its just what you need:

    My current approach might not work for you but... its actually working quite well for how I currently use my Kemper in two different projects.

    First, I have performances set up with specific amps going from Clean > Increaing Gain. I then go and volume balance the individual rigs by clicking on the 'Amplifier' button in the 'Stack' section, and accessing the base rig volume (using the stock Crunch rig as reference).

    Next, I use the Morph function (without an expression pedal) by using the Slot select buttons on the remote. So, say I am in Slot 1. I hit the same button again and it changes to the Morphed version of Slot 1. I then go back into the 'Amplifier' menu, and adjust the volume 3db louder. I do this for each rig. (note: I may also tweak other things like EQ but for these rigs I am not doing any cool stomp/effects morphing, just setting up a base boost).

    So, in essence, my morph for these rigs is a 3db volume increase with minor EQ tweaks.

    However, I also have two 'universal' presets for my Effects section that are loaded in these rigs. In the X spot I have either a Pure Boost or 'Cut Through The Mix' EQ with another 3db boost. That way, depending on how the band is cooking, I can morph for a moderate boost, and if I need more mojo, kick in the additional boost when I need it.

  • This is the way to do it. I use it too. But dont ask me how to set it up. i have to go back to an old post every time I need to do it because, like alot of things on the Kemper, its not intuitive.

    Its pretty intuitive...click the slot button again to select the morph, change whatever settings you want ( Gain, volume etc), save. Done.