Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • Anyone else get excited about the post announcement in the 'Announcements' forum.... only to then have all your hopes and dreams crushed when you see it's just a minor OS update...

    My fear is that they're still not really close to a candidate release but actually they are still quite far behind. I hope to be disproved very soon about this.

  • Anyone else get excited about the post announcement in the 'Announcements' forum.... only to then have all your hopes and dreams crushed when you see it's just a minor OS update...

    I guess getting the features of the products that are out now working 100% will always become priority over finishing and fixing features/products that haven't even been released yet.

  • Anyone else get excited about the post announcement in the 'Announcements' forum.... only to then have all your hopes and dreams crushed when you see it's just a minor OS update...

    I would like to imagine that minor update from end user / user interface point of view would translate big in OS internals, API and libraries etc. that the remaining issues have been related to holding RM3 release.. :saint:

  • AXE FX might be expensive and they loose market value like crazy once a new version comes out but at least there are quality of life improvements with each refresh.

    And just now with the latest iteration is getting close to the Kempers' 7 year old technology....not sure how that is a Pro to you or why you would want that for the Kemper.

    Do you really want ckemper to release a refreshed version every year with some minor "quality of life improvements" but keeping the core sound to the same high quality, forcing you to buy a new unit and your old unit going down in value? The way Kemper is doing is doing it is the most ethical and best for the consumer. They know they can make more $$ buy charging for incrementally revised units but refuse to do so b/c it is not for the benefit of the consumer and would be a bigger headache for the company when it comes to manufacturing. He said so himself in an interview with Andertons.

    I don't get your logic, unless you're insinuating that the unit could actually be made to sound better but they aren't doing that.

  • That would imply they’ve either been lying or are incompetent with their updates.

    Neither of which I consider remotely plausible.

    I don't think they're incompetent at all. They're not lying neither 'cause the editor is coming out (soon) and that's true. I think they're just buying time as they did since the beginning. As i said i hope to be disproved very soon.

  • I don't think they're incompetent at all. They're not lying neither 'cause the editor is coming out (soon) and that's true. I think they're just buying time as they did since the beginning. As i said i hope to be disproved very soon.

    I don’t see where they’re buying time.

    They announced at NAMM. Said ‘Summer’. They missed (and told us) and have updated us once a month since.

  • I don't think they're incompetent at all. They're not lying neither 'cause the editor is coming out (soon) and that's true. I think they're just buying time as they did since the beginning. As i said i hope to be disproved very soon.

    I agree.

    It looks like they are having a hard time with the recent change from FW 6 to 7 and the hardware issues with the Stage, plus the development of the kone and whatever else they have up their sleeves. These guys are a small team and have their hands full is my guess.

    The recent stability/quality issues are not good for their business, especially given the highly competitive landscape, and I am sure they are under a lot of pressure internally to get this rig back on track. Even 7.1.3 is still a buggy release, so If I was in their shoes I wouldn't want to repeat/continue the FW7 experience.

    Even if it takes more time, and may annoy a few forumites, I'd rather sort out FW7 once and for all, then make sure RM3 and the editor are fully stable before release so they can put this year behind them.

    Complaining and calling them incompetent or misleading will do nothing to speed up the process. At the end of the day this is a first world problem fellas.

  • My fear is that they're still not really close to a candidate release but actually they are still quite far behind. I hope to be disproved very soon about this.

    GString actually said in this post earlier this month that they have a “release candidate “ version so that would tend to contradict your assumption that they are still not really close to a candidate release.