Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • BTW- On the midi thing, I use a Midisport 4x4 to control 3 Strymon pedals to bring up different settings (patches) in each one on seperate Midi channels "per Helix Snapshot". I can set this up in the "Control Window" inside HX-Edit. It works very well and sounds amazing. I'd use it on my Kemper too, but Ive found the FX in the KPA are good enough that I dont really need the Strymon pedals for it (even if the Strymon pedals may sound better on different patches). So midi is still a big deal and thats amazing in itself for an idea that came about around 1980... :)

    I do hope that the Kemper Editor has a "Control Window" thats like this so that I can play with this same thing on the KPA!

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • @Dimi

    Rock'n'Roll was NEVER about efficiency.

    I can't say it in a better way.It was always about transporting a certain feel of anger and energy which had never ever anything to do with convenience,"efficiency" or being "reasonable"..Rock'n'Roll was ALWAYS about anti-efficiency,in-conveniece,suffering and rageing against any idea of "workflow" in the right sense of this word.This was also expressed for a big(actually huge) part through the gear used.Bigger,heavier and louder..transporting the band gear was a huge part of the glue which kept a band together.It was a huge part of the "common band experience" and a huge part of the "story" of each group.Maybe it is even today.I hope so.Sorry to sound so graphical..I can fully understand when some younger guys laugh about this.

    But for me it is funny and for sure no coincidence that when Rock'n'Roll started to "smell funny" it was also exactly the same time when "UI" and "midi" became more important than pure sound and 4x12 stacks.Anyway..

    As an older guy now producing music I can't wait for the editor.Fact.For the workflow.

    Not sure I see the anology...punk was simple and efficient in getting its message across. Same as 70's rock, Les Paul and Marshall stack. Simple, which to me equals efficient? Think I get what you are saying but this came out of necessity. There wasn;t a choice but to lug these things around. Back then if there had been a fly rig that sounded good, I think many would have used it...

    I do agree that its not about looking at it like a scientist and it should be less about the gear and more about the feel....

  • *eyeroll*


    Rock'n'Roll was NEVER about efficiency.

    I can't say it in a better way.It was always about transporting a certain feel of anger and energy which had never ever anything to do with convenience,"efficiency" or being "reasonable"..Rock'n'Roll was ALWAYS about anti-efficiency,in-conveniece,suffering and rageing against any idea of "workflow" in the right sense of this word.This was also expressed for a big(actually huge) part through the gear used.Bigger,heavier and louder..transporting the band gear was a huge part of the glue which kept a band together.It was a huge part of the "common band experience" and a huge part of the "story" of each group.Maybe it is even today.I hope so.Sorry to sound so graphical..I can fully understand when some younger guys laugh about this.

    But for me it is funny and for sure no coincidence that when Rock'n'Roll started to "smell funny" it was also exactly the same time when "UI" and "midi" became more important than pure sound and 4x12 stacks.Anyway.

    As an older guy now producing music I can't wait for the editor.Fact.For the workflow.

    I think I see your point, but suggest the analogy to Rock n Roll is flawed.

    There is nothing more efficient than the likes of Keith Richards - "The right guitar into the right amplifier." Or Malcolm Young using the same, one pickup guitar straight into a Marshall his entire career. Joan Jett and an LP Junior with one pickup. Heck, EVH *was* the model of efficiency, because he had no money. One pickup, castoff parts and desire. Or the foundation of Rock built, for all intents and purposes, entirely on a 12 bar blues and three (or less) chords. I mean....Link Wray's Rumble? It doesn't even have vocals....how much more efficient at expressing one's self can you get? It was a *banned* song!!

    At its core (in my mind) Rock is all about efficiency. Whatever allows you to express what you're after, but as little as possible.

    "Without music, life would be a mistake.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    Contact - Kemper Amps

    Edited once, last by Ruefus (November 26, 2019 at 5:55 PM).

  • @Dimi

    Man I am very sad to hear about your problem.Indeed reading stuff like this makes me feel "not worthy" because I really dont know shit about "real problems"..this is about the editor.This is about gear so I will try..


    Simple yes..the music..the gear?Lets agree to disagree..I have completely other memories.More like "the bigger the better"..I remember guitar players all doing the double stack thing "because it has the looks" and the much more "efficient" Mesa MK series being for the "snobby doctors and lawyers" who needed an amp "to fit into their porsches":|..add the fx-racks to all this..pure fun..

    I really would like to see "sales charts" from the 80s when some "more practical solutions" were on the market.Man..did I hate to lugging these massive tomtom racks,the dozen overheads and heavy double kicks around..not to mention the nice SVTs(tube) and their 8x10 cabs..this is what I remember from the 80s.

  • I find it interesting that the ToastMe app worked up to version 6 and the version 7 upgrade crippled it. I wonder if the same things slowed down the editor release? The editor shown at NAMM was before the 7 upgrade.:/

    ToastME will still work. It just can’t do preset management.

    "Without music, life would be a mistake.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    Contact - Kemper Amps

    Edited 2 times, last by Ruefus (November 27, 2019 at 1:55 AM).

  • You will not convince me to like Apple just like I made no attempt to make other dislike them. I did not even state my reasons for disliking them until I was asked. I have been in the IT field since 1992 and have many certs and degrees, A+, Net + , CCNA, ITIL, AAS in Networking and Systems, BS in Information technologies which all started with a cert in computer repair in 1992. I am also current the most senior support tech at my company. I have skin in the game, decades of it.

    to be fair I wasn’t even trying to make you like them. I don’t have stock in them and couldn’t care less.

    I was anti apple also until I got sick of pulling the battery out of my Android every single day from lockups, switched to iPhones and they just work so I’ve stuck with them.

    Not trying to dis your Field experience either, I was just saying that if someone wanted to work on them you’ve got to get certified. Dell is the same way, I was a software systems engineer at a school district for a bit and got Dell certified on everything we had so I wouldn’t have to pass tickets to the hardware techs when I’m perfectly capable of replacing any hardware in Dell workstations or servers. I got the dispatch cert also so I didn’t have to schedule their field techs, just send me the parts thanks :)

    somehow I ended up as a sales engineer, which pays about double what I made in support but adds travel. It also allows me to be able to afford nice toys :)

  • somehow I ended up as a sales engineer, which pays about double what I made in support but adds travel. It also allows me to be able to afford nice toys :)

    I would enjoy being a sales engineer for my company. The pay increase, bonuses and travel do make it a very appealing position but I am no longer in the office that does the sales.

  • A status report would be nice, however it wont speed things up any if it's not yet ready for release. If it was ready, we'd already know it and wouldn't need an update. So, it isn't ready yet. Problem solved. Throw money now... ^^

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • @V8

    Simple yes..the music..the gear?Lets agree to disagree..I have completely other memories.More like "the bigger the better"..I remember guitar players all doing the double stack thing "because it has the looks" and the much more "efficient" Mesa MK series being for the "snobby doctors and lawyers" who needed an amp "to fit into their porsches":|..add the fx-racks to all this..pure fun..

    I really would like to see "sales charts" from the 80s when some "more practical solutions" were on the market.Man..did I hate to lugging these massive tomtom racks,the dozen overheads and heavy double kicks around..not to mention the nice SVTs(tube) and their 8x10 cabs..this is what I remember from the 80s.

    Yeah I getb what you mean, more working class vs high end.

    I also recognise the bigger stacks race, still some of it I still see now. Did a gig few months ago and the guy had a Marshall head and 4 x12 plus a fender hot rod as a slave ( I think....) it was so loud, sound guy had to tell him to keep turning down on his backline..interestingly he was young...I was the old fart with the digital gear...who would have thought :)