Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • Not holding my breath, Just waiting..

    I did. Woke up the next day with a knot on my head and still no editor! I KID-

    It'll be here soon (there's that awful word again), if we keep on breathing. :)

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • I see one major thing missing from many of these posts that are defending a lack of an editor. They announced and editor at wind NAMM 2019 and even showed a demo of it. No Ford wouldn't upgrade the electronics for free after 12 month, no Gibson wouldn't offer to upgrade your pickups for free but neither of them promise those things either. Now before everyone starts flaming me (actually left the Facebook group over the crap this topic starts), I doubt I would use the editor much after the first use. I left the Helix because I was sick of all the tweaking.

    Forums and social media would almost die off with no editor or reverb to bitch about.

  • A current status would be desirable. If they say that the editor won't come this month or this year then so be it. That would be very annoying but at least you could adjust to it. The latest status reports have given the impression that the release is imminent. Now it is almost mid-November and there is still no editor and even no new status. Nobody knows what's going on now and it's not good to leave people with it.

    Before somebody says again that Kemper doesn't have to give status reports: Correct. But it would be both consistent and more considerate towards the users after the last reports.

  • waiter, theres a fly in my soup ???

  • A current status would be desirable. If they say that the editor won't come this month or this year then so be it. That would be very annoying but at least you could adjust to it. The latest status reports have given the impression that the release is imminent. Now it is almost mid-November and there is still no editor and even no new status. Nobody knows what's going on now and it's not good to leave people with it.

    Before somebody says again that Kemper doesn't have to give status reports: Correct. But it would be both consistent and more considerate towards the users after the last reports.

    They have been consistent. One update on September 30th. Then another on October 22nd. November will either see the release or an update advising we won't see it. But based on history, we're at least ten days early on an update.

    The issue I think people are having isn't with consistency. It's that they want all the details. Or a hard date, neither of which we will get.

    "Without music, life would be a mistake.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    Contact - Kemper Amps

    Edited 3 times, last by Ruefus (November 12, 2019 at 2:58 PM).

  • They have been consistent. One update on September 30th. Then another on October 22nd. November will either see the release or an update advising we won't see it. But based on history, we're at least ten days early on an update.

    The issue I think people are having isn't with consistency. It's that they want all the details. Or a hard date, neither of which we will get.

    It is not only about when the updates appear but also what they contain. Personally, I think it would be better to show a schedule tendency that may allow more time than is needed than speaking about "a few days" or "we are close".

    I know it's well meant and I'm glad Kemper is letting us know anything at all but I don't think it's such a good idea to communicate it in such a way that people drag themselves from update to update and repeatedly get false hopes.
    Such information, however well meant it may have been, has certainly also influenced the one or the other purchase decision regarding Profiler Stage for people which are now in need for an editor. And you can't really blame them for trusting that informations or get wrong expectations from it.

    So after it has already changed now from late summer to late year and maybe get even later, I'd rather communicate a period further into the future than feed people repeatedly at short intervals and raise false hopes.

    This is meant to be constructive criticism, not complaint or moaning.

  • It's just my perception, but I highly doubt an integrated market for profiles within an editor would be something kemper thinks is worth doing. I don't see the big need for that myself either.

    Working for a (business-) software company myself marketplaces become more and more important (almost) regardless of what you're selling. Comparability of features and prices - especially for products and services that integrate third party products - at one central location is likely to become standard. RM (closer to an editor than business software) gives access to third party profiles already so it seems Kemper considers this well worth thinking about.

    Other than that I agree.

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band: vimeo.com/10419626[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

  • might point was, as above. Very easy to critisise other people, especially with hindsight.

    I would have done this, and i would have done that.


    I want the editor as much as anyone else.

    The reality is, it will be ready when its ready and not before.

    Im sure the guys are doing the best they can with the resources available, and other on going projects to get on with too.

    Suck it up and stop moaning.