Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • Editor due for release in summer 2019.

    According to Google, summer in the northern hemisphere ends on 23rd September. That's 2 weeks away from today.

    @anyone who works on the Kemper product team -

    Is the editor release on schedule? Will we have it in the next 2 weeks?

  • Editor due for release in summer 2019.

    According to Google, summer in the northern hemisphere ends on 23rd September. That's 2 weeks away from today.

    @anyone who works on the Kemper product team -

    Is the editor release on schedule? Will we have it in the next 2 weeks?

    They said a week ago that it was still on schedule for Q3 2019 so let say end of the month.

  • Actually I'd be extremely surprised if the current latest firmware releases (v7) for the Stage and standard units are not already ready for the editor. You probably won't have to upgrade your Kemper when the editor is available (if you've already upgraded to OS7).

    I'm also surprised the editor wasn't released at the same time the Stage was. Even though the onboard UI of the Kemper is excellent, the idea of having to sit on the floor to do any real editing in the Stage just doesn't make sense. I'm sure the editor is soon to arrive for that reason alone.

    Kemper probably won't release the editor until they have internal support resources available to answer questions and deal with potential issues in a timely manner, and all those folks are probably just now winding down from the Stage release. We might need to be a bit more patient, and surely the results will justify the wait.

  • For what it's worth, Rig Manager is fantastic. If that is any indication of the level at which they're aiming for the Editor, I'm all for the wait.

    Having spent a significant amount of time as a developer, it really is beneficial to all for them to get their software right, right out of the gate. Half-cooked software, ala Windows 8, is just more frustrating than it is worth!

  • Here's something that Nonlinear Labs does that would be really cool if Kemper implemented:

    The C15 (a synth) can create it's own access point, so from any device with a browser (i.e., Desktop/Laptop/iDevice/Android/etc.) you simply jump onto its network and pull up it's editor/patch librarian. Super intuitive and super useful. Also, there is no need for a physical connection with any computer/tablet/phone.

    If you wanted to, you could go nuts and have different parts of the synth module editable on as many different screens as you have! You could also have someone else tweaking parameters as you're playing onstage 50 feet away.

    Now, wouldn't that be cool? Nonlinear Labs is another German company, btw, started by the founder of NI.

    Have a look at the Metagrid iPad app.

    When the editor comes out I’m going to see if Metagrid will be able to control it from my iPad.

    I have been using it with Reaper for a while and it’s great. Apparently it can control any app/program on that’s open on your computer but I’ve never tried doing that. Works like a charm with Reaper though so I figure it’s worth a shot.

    Might not work but man would it be great to play guitar at my desk, working with the editor there, and then move to the couch while still being able to edit rigs on my iPad ?

    Kemper team....you’ve got to be thinking about this angle, right? ?

  • Wow...not been on the forum for a bit...not sure what is being debated here...what is clear is:

    1) Many people want an editor. I don't think all will feel the benefit but almost all will use it indirectly as the replacement for RM. There is no debate on if Kemper should work on one because they are doing it - so no point arguing its merits

    2) When is it coming, Sept 28th or 29th? Kemper are doing it and have a release timeline but not being specific on a release date which I think is not unusual and is fair. That could slip? Yes. Do we know if it will, no. Is it an issue if it does, no because we all want it stable

    3) Should Kemper have released one at the start because all modern digital equipment has one/cannot be used effectively without? My view is if it delayed the whole release of the KPA, no. I treat mine more like an analogue amp than digital tour de force - but that's just me.

    4) Have Kemper been criticised in the past for not giving advanced notice of new functions? Yes. So now they do and its an endless stream of impatience. Please note I was one of the people pushing for an editor, so I do get it. I also keep looking in the hope its been released, but I'm not losing sleep over it.

    5) Should we shut up and play more guitar? No because otherwise we would not have this rich conversation. Has this thread reached a natural conclusion...me thinks so...

  • Have Kemper been criticised in the past for not giving advanced notice of new functions? Yes. So now they do and its an endless stream of impatience. Please note I was one of the people pushing for an editor, so I do get it. I also keep looking in the hope its been released, but I'm not losing sleep over it.

    You expect fairness in a world which has become 100% narcissistic and full of negative energy.Dont do this.I live my life much better learning with time that each good deed will be punished with no remorse...if not instantly shown off & advertised on Facebook,Twitter & Instagram to get the clicks and the add money..
