Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • I know everyone is going to jump to Kemper's defense, but, It's been 7 months. The editor is much needed and the current editor is kind of a joke in 2019. Setting up performances is very clunky and time consuming. Why show a working editor if it is nowhere near ready.

    Damned if they do, damned if they don't...

    When they don;t show things, people ask " why are they not doing anything about this"...they show an early version and get the " why is it not ready yet"...

    Also, they have asked for peoples input, hence this thread, so they have been collecting requirements... 7 months ain't long in software Dev terms!

    I'm not jumping to their defense, but acknoledge that every time they release something:

    1) It exceeds expectations

    2) It works

    That is rare, and I'm happy with the delays if this is the case.

  • It was referring to people who have the KPA since the early days so nothing personal :)

    I didn't even know they were available in August 2011.You must've gotten one of the very first ones off the production line?

    They weren't. I was, if not the first, one of the first people outside the Kemper company to get one as I was one of the very first beta testers. It's been my primary unit since then.

    And, for the record, I didn't feel insulted at all regarding the OAP thing. I'm looking forward to retirement so I can spend more time with the KPA. :D


    Mats N

  • Yeah a few units were floating in the wild way back when, you can spot them by the headphone and input being on the opposite sides. Some unscrupulous testers even sold their units before the release which was at the end of 2011, the second batch came out I think February 2012, I managed to snag one of the that group.

    People begged for an editor right from the beginning. But there was also pretty solid trust that it would happen and would be really well thought out when it did because of the Access Virus and the great job done there. Although having said that I do wonder if it ever would have happened if people hadn't kept on asking, I didn't get the feeling it was originally on the official roadmap. I think it's a good thing that they did, even if it did cause some tensions in the community between the askers and others who didn't want to rock the boat or felt things were perfect and that those asking were just stirring up trouble.

    Anyhow, however it happened, it's happening and now all we can do is sit and wait. I'm very glad that Kemper has opened up about this, has responded to user questions and feedback about this product. Personally I much prefer that to the silence, so I'm all for encouraging more of it and hope that regardless of people's perhaps extreme eagerness they don't regret the choice for a moment. I think it's been a real boon to the community.

  • No, They showed a working editor seven months ago. When you tickle my a** with a feather, I'm gonna want some more tickling. I'm saying it's long overdue for a proper software editor. For 2019 the current rig manager is not good. for 2011, the current rig manager is not good. I love the Kemper for what is does and how I use it, it's the best guitar tool I've ever had. Why shouldn't it exceed expectations, And also work. I didn't think I was purchasing a toy, I assumed I was buying a professional piece of audio gear.

  • No, They showed a working editor seven months ago. When you tickle my a** with a feather, I'm gonna want some more tickling. I'm saying it's long overdue for a proper software editor. For 2019 the current rig manager is not good. for 2011, the current rig manager is not good. I love the Kemper for what is does and how I use it, it's the best guitar tool I've ever had. Why shouldn't it exceed expectations, And also work. I didn't think I was purchasing a toy, I assumed I was buying a professional piece of audio gear.

    As stated, it was never shown as complete and in fact we have been asked to input...so its in development. Kemper have been criticised in the past for keeping things quiet up until release, so I stand by my "damned if they do..." statement.

    @G String - great to hear its on track.

    Even if its late, these things happen, I'll take the time delay for stable software any day. I'm happy they don't rush to market.

    Rig Manager has never been billed as an editor, its to mange rigs. I bought mine knowing what I was getting, the editor a lower priority.

    Its a question of priorities - I, believe it or not, have campaigned for an editor because I think its important...not essential, but important. Some users think its un-necessary. I don;t really use reverbs or delays but I fully understand why they were first.

    Few products in my experience live up to the hype/exceed expectations - its a difficult thing to do as everyone, including yourself has high expectations. For example, I have a focusrite interface which is a semi pro piece of gear...that is by no way exceeding my expectations. In fact its been a pain...so I don;t think its the norm...if fact it can;t be ...as things improve expectations rise and the norm "bar" gets higher. ...In other words everyone thinks they are an above average driver, but by definition they can't be....

  • I didn't think I was purchasing a toy, I assumed I was buying a professional piece of audio gear.

    i’m not sure I see the connection between toys, editors and professional audio gear. I am fairly agnostic towards the editor. It might be nice to have and might make my life a little easier but it won’t make the Kemper any more of a professional pieces of audio gear. Like not having an editor doesn’t make it a toy.

    I bought a bit of pro audio gear that didn’t have an editor. I knew that at outset. The fact that Kemper are now going to make one available to me without extra charge is a bonus not a right as far as I am concerned.

  • i’m not sure I see the connection between toys, editors and professional audio gear. I am fairly agnostic towards the editor. It might be nice to have and might make my life a little easier but it won’t make the Kemper any more of a professional pieces of audio gear. Like not having an editor doesn’t make it a toy.

    I bought a bit of pro audio gear that didn’t have an editor. I knew that at outset. The fact that Kemper are now going to make one available to me without extra charge is a bonus not a right as far as I am concerned.

    To add to that thought, as a point of reference, when the Axe-FX Standard and Ultra came out (and for several years afterwards), there was no editor. It wasn't until much further in the life cycle of the product that an editor showed up... and it was rife with bugs. To the point that I don't ever think it got out of Beta status. I can't say if/how far they may have come with the change to the Quantum OS and the Axe-FX III, but I guess that begs the question as to whether you think the Axe-FX line of products is a "toy" or piece of pro gear, as well? Some people seem to feel unfulfilled if they don't have something to gripe about. I personally am happy to have such a wonderful tool at my disposal, editor or not. YMMV.

    Shred 'til yer dead,

    Jeff in Houston