Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • please continue to posts requests here. at this stage, we'll not be able to comment on every aspect - not everything is set in stone and this will be the first editor release. but keep commenting, it shows us what's important to you.

    Do we have the ability to move the X loop to the front? I'd love to reamp with pedals in SPDIF.

  • Not a request but an endorsement that showing the morphing settings on the editor is a big bonus to me.

    If its possible, I'd liek the ability to set up the remote as well using the editor? I imagine a graphic of the remote and I can set the stomps up against the relevant switch? at present, to set up my live rig I have to unpack my remote etc.

    I imagine its not too difficult because the KPA I assume stores this information anyway? Its not vital but it would be so cool and another advantage of having the remote.

    The only other thing that would be really useful in my mind is if we could see what presets are currently linked to a performance or rig.

    In other words, I'm not sure across my performances which presets have been allocated and which are not used. I'm unsure if I delete one that is allocated to a rig that I lose it?? If not, then its no problem but if it is then it would be very useful. I think some of this was what might have been meant by preset management.

    It would help in the housekeeping of my KPA as I'd know what I can safely delete.

    ...and I've not said thank you yet for listening, but thank you Kemper team!

  • If its possible, I'd liek the ability to set up the remote as well using the editor? I imagine a graphic of the remote and I can set the stomps up against the relevant switch? at present, to set up my live rig I have to unpack my remote etc.

    So far, I've only been using performances to invoke profiles and haven't used the stomps. I can use Rig Manager to set the profile for a performance slot but didn't realize you had to use the physical remote hardware to configure the stomps, so I'd like to second this suggestion.

    I'm unsure if I delete one that is allocated to a rig that I lose it??

    My understanding was that a performance stores a copy of everything it uses. Is that not the case with all aspects?

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • The only other thing that would be really useful in my mind is if we could see what presets are currently linked to a performance or rig.

    Chris Duncan

    The question is if you can do the 1 st stomp assignment with the new editor on the screen.

    Sorry to appear dumb, but I'm not sure I understand.

    In the second half of his post, he was talking about what presets are linked to a performance and the concern about deleting something that was in use. Is that somehow connected to the 1st stomp assignment? I don't have a lot of experience with the stomp stuff so I'm still learning about this.

    Were you maybe talking about the first part and whether or not you have to use the physical remote to assign stomps?

    Need. More. Coffee. :)

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

    Edited once, last by Chris Duncan (January 29, 2019 at 3:48 PM).

  • My understanding was that a performance stores a copy of everything it uses. Is that not the case with all aspects?

    I tried to vote this , but the Forum software did not allow me any inpute of quote. (do not know why)

    Sorry to appear dumb, but I'm not sure I understand

    For effect assigment till now you have to press a stomp button at the KPA and one of the 4 assign buttons at remote in the same time .

    It would be a helpfull feature if you can do this via editor without a connection of the remote.

    A stomp assignment to a select button on the remote will be stored in the rig, but you have to assign it at first

  • So far, I've only been using performances to invoke profiles and haven't used the stomps. I can use Rig Manager to set the profile for a performance slot but didn't realize you had to use the physical remote hardware to configure the stomps, so I'd like to second this suggestion.

    My understanding was that a performance stores a copy of everything it uses. Is that not the case with all aspects?

    You need the remote to assign the effects to particular switches on the remote. So for example, if I have a clean profile in slot 1 but I also want to be able to switch chorus on and off like a stomp. I can allocate Chorus to the slot but not to a button on the remote, I need the remote to do that. Its dead easy, just hold the relevant foot switch down at the same time as the button on the KPA but you need the remote to do it.

    I think you are right on the second part but I was hoping someone would say its not needed...which means I could just delete rigs and custom renamed stomps....someone clever will tell me ( cue Nicky/ingolf/paults/sambrox/sharry etc ;) )

  • I think you are right on the second part but I was hoping someone would say its not needed...which means I could just delete rigs and custom renamed stomps....someone clever will tell me ( cue Nicky/ingolf/paults/sambrox/sharry etc ;) )

    In the absence of someone clever I would suggest making a demo rig with a test preset. Stick it in a performance then delete the test preset in browser mode. If it works as we all expect then you are good to go on a Kemper clear out. If it doesn't then you learned something valuable which you can tell us all about because we are too scared to delete presets ourselves 8o

  • Suggestion for the Editor:

    1) Please let it use saved cabs the same ways as presets. I try different cabs much more often than dabble with FX-presets.

    2) Integrate CabMaker into Editor. Just drag a IR-file onto the "Cab-preset section" and a KPA-cab is created.

  • In the absence of someone clever I would suggest making a demo rig with a test preset. Stick it in a performance then delete the test preset in browser mode. If it works as we all expect then you are good to go on a Kemper clear out. If it doesn't then you learned something valuable which you can tell us all about because we are too scared to delete presets ourselves 8o

    Its easier to ask someone clever ;) I keep meaning to try it but I'm not organised enough to truely test it..

  • V8guitar you can currently assign remote stomps buttons from the KPA without taking the remote out. Under the rig menu (can't remember which page) you can press 'assign' and the FX you want to. That is something I have learned here on the forum as well

    aside of that, great ideas, this would be great to be managed directly from the editor

  • It'd be good to have a proper voting system for all these suggestions. So that it shows each suggestion in a league table, kind of way.

    God, Kemper guys must be battered and bruised after announcing this stuff...only to be inundated with more and more feature requests!

    But they show an amazing will to keep track of the requests. As soon as they are back, first thing was to create and/or merge specific threads about the different new areas of development.