Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • I’m predicting somewhere between the 9th and the 20th of December, because I’ll be out of the country for a week then grinding out a week of being out of office stuff plus the day to day before my 2 weeks of holiday break while all the customers are trying to crunch their end of year stuff for me to finish up in a week.

    Or January 6th when I return after said break.

  • I’m predicting somewhere between the 9th and the 20th of December, because I’ll be out of the country for a week then grinding out a week of being out of office stuff plus the day to day before my 2 weeks of holiday break while all the customers are trying to crunch their end of year stuff for me to finish up in a week.

    Or January 6th when I return after said break.

    I predict winter NAMM 2020, so they can tell the YouTubers they have something 2 years in a row.

  • An off-handed comment on what really amounts to an obscure podcast, about something most assumed was already happening. From a company that's provided brief monthly updates.

    With 13K subscribers on their YouTube channel I'd imagine ToneJunkie podcasts are hardly 'obscure'... and revealing that private betas are already being tested is indeed an update that should've been made by Kemper themselves (assumptions are the root of all fake news) if they actually cared about what their customers think. Either way, its good news and hopefully it won't be restricted to private beta for another year...

    The older I get, the better I was.

  • I actually also think the Podcast is obscure, having never heard of it, though I do have Tone Junkies on my Instagram.

    I think it was pretty obvious that the new librarian/editor was being tested. They actually demoed an early iteration of it at the last NAMM, which clearly means this isn't vapourware like some people have contended.

    WhenI first joined this forum I started going through ALL the threads from back in 2012ish and was impressed by how civil, helpful and level headed all the users seemed to be, then this thread happened....good times.

    I lol'ed at this. But having been here since 2013, I can safely tell you that it's because of all the new riffraff that joined the forums ^^

    This used to be such a nice neighbourhood. "Get off my lawn!" :thumbdown:

  • I’m predicting somewhere between the 9th and the 20th of December, because I’ll be out of the country for a week then grinding out a week of being out of office stuff plus the day to day before my 2 weeks of holiday break while all the customers are trying to crunch their end of year stuff for me to finish up in a week.

    Or January 6th when I return after said break.

    what year?? :)

    Edited once, last by st33l (December 4, 2019 at 12:09 PM).

  • Anybody have details on the new Kemper Editor? I heard they will have ability to change settings in rig manager like the ToastMe app. Also a new Kemper Cabinet and IRs.

    And there it is, Post #1 and a living legend in Kemper forum history. The person that started the longest forum thread in Kemper history. I can't wait to tell my grand kids about this one someday. And to think I was part of that year long saga. Boy it was a rough one, but we all managed. As everyone gathers around the campfire I open the nightly stories with "And this one time at band camp..........." You have to work up to this story.

  • With 13K subscribers on their YouTube channel I'd imagine ToneJunkie podcasts are hardly 'obscure'... and revealing that private betas are already being tested is indeed an update that should've been made by Kemper themselves (assumptions are the root of all fake news) if they actually cared about what their customers think. Either way, its good news and hopefully it won't be restricted to private beta for another year...

    I'm really not trying to be a jerk here. 13k subscribers on Youtube is of no consequence. Sounds like a big number, but it isn't. Not when the first time YT recognizes you is at 100,000 subscribers and definitely not on the second most searched website on the planet. Besides, the question isn't their Youtube channel. It's their podcast. A podcast has a far more limited audience than a YT channel. So small that Apple doesn't even provide contributors subscriber numbers.

    As for an announced private beta...........announce.......private. Think about it.

  • To say that something is "obscure" is an evaluative statement. It involves a judgement that is based on some framework where there's a threshold below which A is justifiably "obscure". People will clearly have different ideas about what these standards are, should be, some perhaps making more sense than others. I listen to some sources I'd call "obscure" that are pretty darn amazing. Them being obscure doesn't have to be a ding on them. And I was aware of the tonejunkie podcast, kemper users linking me to it, but haven't spent much time listening (not that it's bad).

    In so far as the beta goes... not so surprising to see that someone (or some) have this.

    The bonanza

  • Kemper staff mentioned in this thread that they had a release candidate in preparation for internal testing. That is what the closed beta team will be evaluating. If it seems ready, a public beta will be released. This process is pretty standard for digital hardware products and computer software and will have been followed with all previous KPA OS updates of any significance.

  • Tone junkies being well known or “Obscure” or not is besides the point. Either way It’s info coming out from a third party, not an announcement from kemper and perhaps not an announcement they were pleased the third party shared. In any case the fact that there are some beta testers perhaps tasked with looking for specific issues doesn’t tell us that there aren’t other issues kemper told the beta guys they are still working on. There could have been beta testers back in January who tested the seemingly perfectly functional and demoed Namm version of the editor. However the moment Kemper officially announces beta testers, this inevitably ramps up the “any day now” assumptions and rumors leading to more disappointment if it takes longer. Last quote I saw from the company first hand was perhaps weeks it might be ready, barring unforeseen issues. Apparently a half dozen pages back on this thread there was an indication of possibly even days? So if they’re at one of those two stages, baring potential and unpredictable setbacks, is there really a compelling reason they need to make an official announcement about beta testing?

  • THowever the moment Kemper officially announces beta testers, this inevitably ramps up the “any day now” assumptions and rumors leading to more disappointment if it takes longer

    Do you think this is more or less dangerous than announcing "a couple of days" when the product is months from being ready ?

  • Gstring is not able to give a precise release date because the beta is really imminent. It is now clear that they are making the last adjustments, so it makes no sense to continue discussions about discussions on this topic. Let's just wait a little longer.
    I'm also one of those who complain about the delay but now it seems clear that we're almost there.

  • hey guys!

    while celebrating those great discussions with max devotion, let's not forget, that we are talking about our kempers... boxes full of implemented miracles! every time i play my kemper, i instantaneously got a big smile on my face :) wouldn't have thought, that such an impressive digital "emulation" of the real thing is ever possible... been searching for such a device for about 3 decades and finally i found it. thank you, kemper!

    then i go to bed - much too late because i couldn't stop enjoying the sound & feel playing this wonderful piece of gear... then i wake up in the morning - quite a bit sad - because this must have been an illusion... a dream for sure. but a nice one. for sure it won't sound as real next time. and then again: i play it - cannot believe it - and keep on smiling... i call it my happy vicious kemper circle ;)

    it's the stage unit. i own it for about 2 months now. took quite awhile for me to understand how to tweak it, but it works. just the way it is. and i didn't buy it because of the editor option.

    but things will even get better! more efficient..

    ..with the editor

    ..coming soon :) (i hope.. aarghh ;) i better go on playing..)

    (sorry for my english - i'm german - and no. not from kemper. just a very happy new user. great community by the way!!)