Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • Plus every cheap asian company like NUX, Mooer, Joyo, Hotone. My old Digitech, Two Notes... Every audiointerface and cab loader.

    And the most of them are great, let me tweak EVERY function of the device and have an appealing graphic design.

  • Ugh......such a ridiculous set of comparisons.

    “ridiculous”, how, exactly? Small shops selling cheaper, less quality hardware, yet find a way to provide buyers an easier way to interact with their product via software? Only thing ridiculous is this ticking clock on software that should have been in the making 7 years ago. Period.

  • “ridiculous”, how, exactly? Small shops selling cheaper, less quality hardware, yet find a way to provide buyers an easier way to interact with their product via software? Only thing ridiculous is this ticking clock on software that should have been in the making 7 years ago. Period.

    Old arguments. Boring arguments.

  • Old arguments. Boring arguments.

    I am still new to Kemper and this forum but from what I have read since I have been here says that "Old arguments. Boring arguments." are indeed valid since that is also the nature of this issue. I also do not know how many times lines have come and gone but I have noticed a conflicting method of release. Editor was announced at Winter NAMM 2019 and has yet to appear even as a public beta. On the other hand the Stage was dropped and no one in the public knew it was until it was here. Now there are generally two release models release an operational version, then harden and improve or fully flush out all issues and release a completed version. The Stage followed that pattern and I have enjoyed the product even though there has been a few bumps in the road. While releasing a product that is not hardened do make for some loud customers, Kemper did handle that very well by providing RMA's with overnight shipping (I received 2). Announcing a product and missing deadlines combined with sparse progress updates makes for very loud active customer base. With all that said "Old arguments. Boring arguments." will continue as well as old boring meme's and everything else that comes with multiple 100 + page thread on the same topic.

    I work for an IT company and I am also ITIL certified so I do have a certain level of experience when talking about tech and tech product releases.

    I also came from the Helix the requires many hours of tweaking to get good tones. Other then swapping out effects in performance creation, I doubt I will use the editor much myself once it is released. While yes you can do it from the Kemper unit that is not a valid argument for not having an editor.

  • “ridiculous”, how, exactly? Small shops selling cheaper, less quality hardware, yet find a way to provide buyers an easier way to interact with their product via software? Only thing ridiculous is this ticking clock on software that should have been in the making 7 years ago. Period.

    Kemper now seems to sell less quality hardware too ;) Thinking about the Stage quality issues - I never heard about so many faulty buttons and issues on any existing floor board.

    I play my Kemper head because it SOUNDS best! But without a GOOD editor (we don't know yet, what we'll get) and with the known quality issues, the Stage is passing up opportunities in its segment. And I know a few people, shaking their heads, being shocked and see the good reputation of Kemper crumble lately.

    I look forward to the editor release - better late than never. What else can we do?

  • Ibot39

    Strange,isn't it?All these talk about qc-issues with the stage but this thing is "out if stock" everywhere because it sells like crazy..still after months number one from Thomann to Sweetwater etc..

    I don't know but maybe the best explanation for this is that Kemper is not for customers who come from "other modellers"...Kemper has its customer-pool within all these 90% of guitar players..who play tube amps.. folks who give a @#£& about an editor..it is all about sound for them..

    So..there are still a few days left to talk about the missing editor but in reality the (obviously rushed) release of the stage met all the objectives..Kemper won this war..and let me ad that they don't started it..

  • I am still new to Kemper and this forum but from what I have read since I have been here says that "Old arguments. Boring arguments." are indeed valid since that is also the nature of this issue. I also do not know how many times lines have come and gone but I have noticed a conflicting method of release. Editor was announced at Winter NAMM 2019 and has yet to appear even as a public beta. On the other hand the Stage was dropped and no one in the public knew it was until it was here. Now there are generally two release models release an operational version, then harden and improve or fully flush out all issues and release a completed version. The Stage followed that pattern and I have enjoyed the product even though there has been a few bumps in the road. While releasing a product that is not hardened do make for some loud customers, Kemper did handle that very well by providing RMA's with overnight shipping (I received 2). Announcing a product and missing deadlines combined with sparse progress updates makes for very loud active customer base. With all that said "Old arguments. Boring arguments." will continue as well as old boring meme's and everything else that comes with multiple 100 + page thread on the same topic.

    I work for an IT company and I am also ITIL certified so I do have a certain level of experience when talking about tech and tech product releases.

    I also came from the Helix the requires many hours of tweaking to get good tones. Other then swapping out effects in performance creation, I doubt I will use the editor much myself once it is released. While yes you can do it from the Kemper unit that is not a valid argument for not having an editor.

    The reason they're old and boring is a bit like Godwin's Law. We always circle back around to these complaints and rehash.

    I'm not doing it again, but I will poke fun at the absurdity and call a spade a spade.

    As for announced at NAMM and sparse updates since......So was the Wampler Terraform. Except that was in a playable state and people were permitted to mess with it. It was just released yesterday with few updates beyond "It's coming". The number of jokes and comments on the Wampler gear page never descended into the ridiculousness that's seen here. You don't even have to be an owner to take part on there. Everyone here *is* an owner.

    The whole thing has long become less-fun because so many feel some level of entitlement and come here to piss and moan.

    Old arguments, boring arguments.

    Even mine.

    "Without music, life would be a mistake.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    Contact - Kemper Amps

    Edited once, last by Ruefus (November 16, 2019 at 6:41 PM).

  • Ibot39

    Strange,isn't it?All these talk about qc-issues with the stage but this thing is "out if stock" everywhere because it sells like crazy..still after months number one from Thomann to Sweetwater etc..

    I don't know but maybe the best explanation for this is that Kemper is not for customers who come from "other modellers"...Kemper has its customer-pool within all these 90% of guitar players..who play tube amps.. folks who give a @#£& about an editor..it is all about sound for them..

    So..there are still a few days left to talk about the missing editor but in reality the (obviously rushed) release of the stage met all the objectives..Kemper won this war..and let me ad that they don't started it..

    They won the "good sound" war the day the first Kemper was available - years ago.

    But let's be honest, the reputation of Kemper was better before the Stage was there. I don't know how many units have been send back for repair - but I would never have expected any of that in that price range.

    You really think all the people who are responsible for the Stage to be "sold out" are tube amp guys? This really is a myth in my opinion.

    All people I know that own a Kemper have been through all kind of gear (transistor amps, plugins, Helix, cheaper modellers...). So who is right? And does it really matter?

    And it is never ONLY about sound - never! The whole concept of the Kemper profiler is based on making the life of musicians easier!! If only sound would matter people would play their tube amps instead!

  • I don't know but maybe the best explanation for this is that Kemper is not for customers who come from "other modellers"

    A rather ridiculous thing to keep suggesting. Lots of players come to Kemper and even leave Kemper from and for "other modelers", respectively. But to Ibot39 s point, it seems weird to suggest that maybe Kemper isn't for guys from "other modelers" who don't want broken buttons, faulty firmware, and lack of features. All those thing will certainly be rectified, but that's not the point you're making.

    Kemper has its customer-pool within all these 90% of guitar players..who play tube amps.. folks who give a @#£& about an editor..it is all about sound for them..

    That 90% figure doesn't feel real to me, not even on this forum. And given the deluge this thread has produced, not to mention in the FB group, official Kemper FB page, official Kemper IG clamoring for the editor, I don't know how you can seriously suggest folks don't give a "@#£&" about an editor. What you mean is that you don't give a "@#£&" about an editor, which is fine, but irrelevant to someone who does.

    Kemper won this war

    What war? The floorboard is certainly a formfactor that players have long been asking for, and good on Kemper for releasing one. But something new will come along and unseat it eventually in terms of units sold. That's just the inevitability. It's like if someone on the Line 6 forum suggest that the Helix "won this war" because it was the #1 sold digital amp emulator for a few years running. Eventually some new shiny toy comes along and guitarists clamor for it. The Stage happens to be that at the moment.

  • They won the "good sound" war the day the first Kemper was available - years ago.

    But let's be honest, the reputation of Kemper was better before the Stage was there. I don't know how many units have been send back for repair - but I would never have expected any of that in that price range.

    You really think all the people who are responsible for the Stage to be "sold out" are tube amp guys? This really is a myth in my opinion.

    All people I know that own a Kemper have been through all kind of gear (transistor amps, plugins, Helix, cheaper modellers...). So who is right? And does it really matter?

    And it is never ONLY about sound - never! The whole concept of the Kemper profiler is based on making the life of musicians easier!! If only sound would matter people would play their tube amps instead!

    Look at the sales..no further comment is needed..

    No matter the real teething problems the stage outsells the helixlt which is half the price..they ditch the nonexistent fm3..people out there still are buying the stage like crazy..

    So is it "my impression"..no it is a fact.;)

    All this while all gearblogs are full of threads about the missing editor and "broken foot switches"..well..:/

  • Look at the sales..no further comment is needed..

    No matter the real teething problems the stage outsells the helixlt which is half the price..


    The longer Stage problem persist, the less confidence customers will have and sales will suffer. If it's turned around quick enough, that's not as much of a concern. And let's not forget that the Stage is new, the Helix is not.

    Anyway, I digress as it's OT.