Knob values acting "jumpy" all of a sudden...

  • Hey all,

    It's actually been annoying me to death lately, but I haven't really had the time to try any of the potential fixes (e.g. factory reset, etc) it since I was way too busy with other stuff in life. I'll post an update if a reset or something ends up being the cure.

    The Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble and Presence knobs seem to have this erratic behavior when I try to dial-in values for their respective settings. Also I should note that it happens when they're controlling whatever value they are supposed to change, e.g. Definition when trying to adjust amp parameters (Bass knob), e.g. Low Shift (Middle knob), Character (Treble knob), Cab Volume (Presence knob) etc...

    They always jump up and down from like -0.3 to 3.5 instantly, or even jump the opposite way sometimes. The only way to use them properly is apparently to turn them VERY, and by that I mean VEEEERY slowly.

    Weirdly enough, I don't seem to have this problem with the Volume, Master Volume, Noise Gate and Mod/Delay/Effects knobs at all.

    Anyone had this problem before? Is it related to the physical knobs (well, encoders in this case) themselves or something at the software side of things? Will I have to send my Kemper in for repair or is it something fixable easily?

    Thanks in advance.

  • On mine the one on the right is like that and has been since brand new. Kemper offered to fix it for me but I couldn't cope with sending my brand new toy off for several weeks when I had just gotten it. The joy of living at the edge of the world. :S

    I've found that gently pushing in while turning the knob makes it track smoothly and the jumping around has pretty much gone.

  • I've recommended turning the pot through its full 360º in both directions repeatedly and at various speeds in order to disperse / clean out gunk to some folks and it has worked, so please try it.

    IMHO it's no different from what one might experience with a mixer's fader or CV pedal; the current leaks through intermittently and the most-common cause is accumulated dust.

    When these things sit for extended periods untouched such issues can arise through uneven accumulation of oxidative particles and dust, IMHO and in my experience. With most electronic equipment, a quick spray of Caig De-Oxit fixes the problem, and the principle action involved is... you guessed it, dispersion, hence my "tip". I haven't recommended the spray for Kempers 'cause it'd be tricky to get it all the way into the area it's needed due to the physical-hardware design.

    Here's hoping...

  • Mine has been like that since new. Its probably the single most annoying think about my KPA. I much prefer twirling physical knobs to playing with an editor but tue knobs are so sensitive that it is almost impossible to get an accurate value much of the time.


    I’ve just seen the video in the other thread. This is much worse than my issue and looks like a different problem. In my case they are just overly sensitive making it extremely difficult to set them but in the video it looks like a fault.

  • Hi, sorry for reviving this thread. I've been having this exact problem, with the bass and presence knobs. I was wondering if any of you experiencing this got a solution anyhow? BTW I did open a support ticket, awaiting a response!

