I need motivation to take the money and BUY a remote ...

  • You know... to spend about $500 just before Christmas where i got a lot of things to buy also, so I would need the motivation from you owner , YOU who can't live without your Kemper remote, yes YOU who don't regret the decision to buy . SO PLEASE tell me the reason why I should pick my credit card and order one right now






  • It's built like a tank

    It's made for playing live

    Performance mode

    Stomps at the ready

    Single cable

  • 1. It works. Out of the box and always.

    2. No extra power, no extra cabling, no extra rats nest. One ethercon cable to the toaster and done.

    3. It looks cool.

    KPA Unpowered Rack, Kemper Remote, Headrush FRFR108s, BC Rich Mockingbird(s), and a nasty attitude.

  • 1. Hassle free use - fully integrated including tuner, looper, morph etc.

    2) single cable - yes I know its been mentioned but its a massive benefit

    3) Its Kemper green

    For me, if you use the KPA live, the remote is essential to maximise the KPA's potential. Most other solutions require workarounds.

    Im sure you've been good and deserve an early Christmas pressie..

  • I like very much also the looper.. when you set it in the system settings as Looper Loc: INPUT than you can loop some riff and with your free hands shape your sound till you love it.. and all mentioned above.. :)

    ps: if you set the looper as Output you can use it as a normal looper..

  • For me it is a matter of priorities.

    The remote is the best integrated solution for the KPA HOWEVER it isn't essential. You can do nearly everything that the Remote does with any midi controller. Yes the Remote is the easiest way of doing it and I am glad I bought the Remote but I had an FCB1010 with UNO4Kemper chip which worked fine and I also have a an RJM Mastermind PBC which also did a great job.

    You need to decide what matters most to you right now. If you have an existing midi pedal it will work just fine for now and you can spend the money on something else that's more urgent until you can afford the Remote. If you don't have an existing midi pedal but can get by with just simple PC changes then any cheap midi pedal will work fine leaving you around $400 of your $500 budget for other things and you will still have a backup pedal when you finally do get a remote. If you only need to step through rigs in sequence then even a simple 2 button switch will do the job.

    The Remote can do so much more and does it so easily that it is the natural controller and I'm certainly glad I bought mine but I didn't need to forego buying something else to allow me to afford it. It's a matter of priorities. You, and only you, can know what is most important to you.

  • I wish the remote was perfect for me. I want to keep my floorboard size of pedaltrain jr. And have room still for the midi control, expression pedal and OD stomp. I would have to have more real estate for this. Also the OD stomp need power separate from the remote. Maybe after Kemper update the OD stomp i will look again at the remote.

  • I wish the remote was perfect for me. I want to keep my floorboard size of pedaltrain jr. And have room still for the midi control, expression pedal and OD stomp. I would have to have more real estate for this. Also the OD stomp need power separate from the remote. Maybe after Kemper update the OD stomp i will look again at the remote.

    Could you not put the OD Stomp in the Kemper loop and leave it back beside the profiler (velcroed to the spare space inside the toaster if you have an unpowered toaster or inside the flight case if you are using a rack) rather than on the pedal board. That way you would have access to your favourite OD stomp but your pedal board would be just a remote and exp pedal.

  • ^ this. And, if you want to get funky, add into the mix a decibel eleven loop expander and you can midi switch pedals out in front of the kemper.. and still keep your floor clean.

    KPA Unpowered Rack, Kemper Remote, Headrush FRFR108s, BC Rich Mockingbird(s), and a nasty attitude.

  • If i place the stomp inside the Kemper loop and leave beside the profile this will not work as i am not able to switch the pedal off/on. THe loop expander sounds great workaround for this. But for the added cost of remote plus loop expander i think for me this is best to wait for the new Kemper firmwares.

    But for the OP maybe this is is a great option.

  • Vinny the loop on the KPA can be turned on and off just like any stomp effect so the OD could be turned on/off at will with one of the FX foot switches on the Remote. Not only that but each rig can have the loop in a different place so you could change the order of your FX by having say a phaser in Stomp A and OD in stomp B in one rig but OD in stomp A and phaser in Stomp B in another; all with instant access or pre-programmed as required and without unplugging anything. 8)

  • It works ...but so do others with Kemper...for me the button numbers should be lit up.....a wrong selection is easy to do on a dark stage...Im not a massive fan to be honest.

    Fair point about the button numbers but do you use it in performance mode? Do you still find it an issue even though all the slots in use are lit at a lower level and only the selected button is fully lit? With only 5 slots I find that quite an intuitive navigation system.

  • Having 1 cord to power the remote is great as others have mentioned. The ability to have 4 separate controllers (I only use 2) is nice (if you have room on your board :)). It works flawlessly (for me), just disable the looper for live use, or assign the looper button to control another parameter (i have it set up for delay hold). I don't think it is over sized for what it does, as some midi or analog boards can be huge enough that you almost need to step sideways to get to all the buttons or "tippy-toe" to upper levels hoping not to activate the wrong switch(s). You can set up morphing (sans exp pedals) using the 5 lower switches if you don't have room for additional exp pedals.

    Cons...I think the design was well thought out, however I do agree that lighted numbers on the unit would have been an improvement. The LED screen is smaller than some of the competition out there.

    IMHO, it is a must have if using the KPA live. After using very large pedal boards for years, less is more for me (size/footprint vs functionality). This thing just gets it done without having to run 3 or 4 cables from an analog floor board to amp/ EFX loop which makes it fast, easy and efficient and decreases the possibility of a bad cable between pedals or out to the amp issues or loss of signal with large boards loaded with multiple pedals.