Have a Kemper arriving in a few days, will my interface suffice?

  • Hey guys

    Super excited about getting a Kemper in a few days. My buddy thought I was nuts to buy one in 2018 when you have the Helix/AX8 etc - but I wanted something with the smallest amount of tweaking.

    Anyway, I currently have a Steinberg UR22mk2 interface. Will this be good to record with, or should I opt for something with SPDIF?

    If you do recommend SPDIF, what interface would you suggest for under £500?

    Thanks ^^

  • I have a cheap Behringer UMC22 and it works fine

    I'm sure people will say you have to buy a $700 interface, but this is just IMHO and YMMV etc.

    Some people swear by SPDIF, others (check forums or google) here say that the difference between analog and SPDIF is too indistinguishable to tell.

  • In addition to my main setup in the control room, I have a smaller room with a UR22. As others have said, analogue is fine, you don't have to go SPDIF. I actually prefer analogue for compatibility and simplicity.

    The preamps in the UR22 are very clean and, to my ears, transparent. What you play is what you get. It's also, as you've doubtless experienced, rock freakin' solid gear, so you're good to go.

    Unbox Kemper. Plug into interface. Rock out. :)

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • Not that you need another +1 or anything, but everyone is of course correct. Your interface will serve you just fine.

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • Thank you to much guys!

    Have a driving lesson, then it's arriving for when I get back :love:

    2 more quick questions if you don't mind :

    1) Will I lose any tone if I play a long to backing tracks with it hooked up to my interface? So instead of plugging an aux in, I just run everything through my interface? (backing through usb, kemper through the inputs etc).
    Or do you think it'd be better plugging my laptop in via the aux in/alternative input?

    2) I have a loop pedal that I'm going to want to use with it. Should I plug this into the front of the Kemper or into one of the pedal plugs?

    I still find it crazy how this relatively old piece of technology is still preferred by many people to modern offerings (Helix etc)!

  • Thank you to much guys!

    Have a driving lesson, then it's arriving for when I get back :love:

    2 more quick questions if you don't mind :

    1) Will I lose any tone if I play a long to backing tracks with it hooked up to my interface? So instead of plugging an aux in, I just run everything through my interface? (backing through usb, kemper through the inputs etc).
    Or do you think it'd be better plugging my laptop in via the aux in/alternative input?

    2) I have a loop pedal that I'm going to want to use with it. Should I plug this into the front of the Kemper or into one of the pedal plugs?

    I still find it crazy how this relatively old piece of technology is still preferred by many people to modern offerings (Helix etc)!

    As long as the DA/AD of your interface matches the PROFILER in terms of quality there should be no difference in the perceived sound quality. The pedal inputs on the back of the PROFILER are for expression pedals and foot switches. A Looper pedal needs to be either used in front of the PROFILER or inserted in the FX loop of the PROFILER or between the line level outputs of the PROFILER and the inputs of your interface. Each of these locations will give you different options regarding the type of signal that you want to loop.

  • As long as the DA/AD of your interface matches the PROFILER in terms of quality there should be no difference in the perceived sound quality. The pedal inputs on the back of the PROFILER are for expression pedals and foot switches. A Looper pedal needs to be either used in front of the PROFILER or inserted in the FX loop of the PROFILER or between the line level outputs of the PROFILER and the inputs of your interface. Each of these locations will give you different options regarding the type of signal that you want to loop.

    Sorry to sound dumb, and I realise this is a guitar question not a Kemper question, but could you really briefly tell me where you'd use each?

    • Loop in front - Loops everything. So I can't lay down a clean loop and switch to a dirt pedal to solo over.

    I've got that but unsure on the others.

    Thanks again!

  • I'd say, wait try it out , and then if you're not happy with your interface buy a better one...

    But in the meantime you'll have enough to do to learn the Kemper curve. My suggestion concentrate on the Kemper for a month or two and fix the rest after, if needed

  • Sorry to sound dumb, and I realise this is a guitar question not a Kemper question, but could you really briefly tell me where you'd use each?

    • Loop in front - Loops everything. So I can't lay down a clean loop and switch to a dirt pedal to solo over.

    I've got that but unsure on the others.

    Thanks again!

    if you place it at the very end you will loop the fully processed sound. Depending on the location of the FX loop (A,B,C,D,X,MOD,DELAY) you will loop the partially processed sound at that particular location.

  • I still find it crazy how this relatively old piece of technology is still preferred by many people to modern offerings (Helix etc)!

    If it's not superseded or improved upon, it is by definition new / the latest technology.

  • I still find it crazy how this relatively old piece of technology is still preferred by many people to modern offerings (Helix etc)!

    Some people still prefer little glass bottles (positively antique technology) to modern offerings. Plenty of folk would take a 50's tweed fender or an 18w non master volume Marshall to new technology. If it works and gives you the sound you want it doesn't matter how old it is. Any technology is just a means to an end - making music whether it be to pay the bills, just have fun or both.

    The Kemper is capable of producing fantastic tones and is really easy to operate so have fun!

  • I still use wheels and those really are old tech ^^

    If you want a clean track and a driven looped, put it post stack and effects. You can also use the built-in looper with the remote - or an external MIDI controller, like the FCB and configure it pre, or post.