"Ghost" wah - Wah turns on but no one's stepping

  • Hi friends,

    I didn't find another thread like that. I use the Kemper Power Rack with the Kemper Remote and a Mission GP1-KP. It's the one where a spring pulls the pedal back to the starting position.

    In all presets in which a wah is set a strange behaviour happens. Suddenly the wah turns on for about a second and is off again. It's like someone is stepping shortly on it. The pheomenon appears irregularly but quite often. I would say each 1 to 3 minutes. Sometimes shorter sometimes longer spaces in between. The wah efx is configured in the preset. This only happens when the wah-footpedal is connected to the kemper.

    I don't see any parameters turned in the kemper. Also the pedal is calibrated and configured correctly.

    Has anyone the same problem? Or what coult it be?

    Thanks 8o


    Kemper Power Rack, Remote, Mission GP1-KP, PRS, Strat

  • It happens everywhere. In the rehearsal room which has really soft carpets on the floor. Even at home with headphones on...

    Kemper Power Rack, Remote, Mission GP1-KP, PRS, Strat

  • how did you configure the pedal mode? Bypass@stop? In that case the pedal must be sending a short burst of control data to the PROFILER which causes the Wha effect to become active. Could be the cable or something in the pedal electronics. Have you tried different pedal inputs?

  • I have the problem that I hear the Wah during the „Morph“ from A to B after hitting the button on the remote. Strange ... I ignored it until now since I have really short morph times (use Morph only for dB boost for soli).

  • I have the problem that I hear the Wah during the „Morph“ from A to B after hitting the button on the remote. Strange ... I ignored it until now since I have really short morph times (use Morph only for dB boost for soli).

    How is your wah bypassed?

    I had a similar but more extreme situation when using bypass at toe and changing perfomances.

    It could be the the bypass setting is being recognised during the morph phase.

  • That’s what I was thinking. I was wondering if it take the KPA a moment to recognise that it is stopped and if morphing triggers it to check. Might be worth trying another bypass option just in case.

    I don’t know if that’s the cause just trying to think outside the box. I would be interested to hesr if miakes a difference or not.

  • It's possible but I doubt that's the cause....I always had my wah locked in slot A and byppass@stop but never had a problem while morphing....like I wrote in the other thread(link obove) I haven't had a "ghost-wah-experience" for several months now... not sure but i think it stopped when I unlocked the wah and saved it per rig

  • I have the problem that I hear the Wah during the „Morph“ from A to B after hitting the button on the remote. Strange ... I ignored it until now since I have really short morph times (use Morph only for dB boost for soli).

    Check if "MorphPEdal to Wah" is engaged. In this case the Rig Buttons of the Remote simulate a Morph Pedal move while the Wah Pedal is linked to it.

    The other possibility is that you accidentally included one of the continuous wah parameters in your Morphing. Cehck if any of the wah parameters e. g. Manual shows an "M".

  • Could be a defective pedal or cable. Check on page Pedal Links in System Settings, if the Wah Pedal controller bar and value are moving when the issue happens and you don't touch the pedal. If the resistance in your pedal pot and cable is changing, the PROFILER recognizes this as a moving pedal.

    Check the Pedal Mode in the wah effect. Is it set as intended to Bypass@Heel?

    Is MorphPedal to Wah activated? Deactivate if not intended.

    Are other PEDAL sockets configured as Wah Pedal? Set those to off.

  • Check if "MorphPEdal to Wah" is engaged. In this case the Rig Buttons of the Remote simulate a Morph Pedal move while the Wah Pedal is linked to it.

    The other possibility is that you accidentally included one of the continuous wah parameters in your Morphing. Cehck if any of the wah parameters e. g. Manual shows an "M".

    Thank you - will check this.

  • If you park the expression pedal at heel or toe you have such a threshold already. In those positions the PROFILER doesn't immediately respond to small deviations.

    You could also mechanically adjust the pedal to make it a bit tighter.

  • If you park the expression pedal at heel or toe you have such a threshold already. In those positions the PROFILER doesn't immediately respond to small deviations.

    Ah, ok... thank you. I didn't know that.

    It would be nice to have a threshold at *all* positions. During the action on stage I usually don't think about correct parking positions ;)

    You could also mechanically adjust the pedal to make it a bit tighter.

    I'll also try this.

  • During the action on stage I usually don't think about correct parking positions

    Neither do I, which is why "bypass to stop" is an option, usually a very good one... only it's NOT foolproof. Many times I'll step off it and the tone remains whatever mid-wah position the pedal was left at. It will then stay there until I pick a new rig and come back to the original rig. This doesn't happen a lot or with any pattern, but when it does it's annoying, and mine is a dedicated wah pedal. I may have to try another option such as heel or toe. I'll see.

    Gary ô¿ô