Profiling pedals or profiling my amp with pedals in front

  • I'll keep this as short as possible.

    For simplicity sake, I have been using my Kemper all by itself without outside pedals (which is great so far btw).

    There is one pedal I miss though... my Monte Allums OD-308 (seriously, the best OD/tubescreamer/distortion pedal ever!).

    I read a bunch of old posts about how you can technically profile pedals but you can't slot them in the "stomp" sections

    1.) Is this still the case? You CAN profile a pedal but CAN'T put that into a "stomp" location in front of other profiled amps?

    Additionally, I would like to profile my AC15 WITH the OD-308 in front of it.

    The sound I get from the OD-308 with the drive halfway up into a slightly broken up AC15 is really an amazing sound.

    2.) I have been watching lots of videos of profiling amps, but can I profile my amp with the OD-308 pedal connected in between the Kemper and AC15-input during the profiling process?

    Thank you in advance.

  • Yes you can deuprofile the full signal chain of pedal and amp together.

    You might be able to profile the pedal on its own but you wouldn’t be able to load it in frontof an amp profile. The pedal profile would be loaded onto the Amp section so you would need to feed it into a real amp for a full signal path which seems a bit crazy compared to just using the real pedal in front of the Kemper or making a profile of the pedal and amp together.

  • Just Profile 'em together as you'd normally hook 'em up.

    The beauty here is that due to your ability to make and store an "unlimited" number of Rigs, placing your real pedal into a stomp slot is effectively taken care of; you simply switch Rigs and the result will be the same.

  • Just Profile 'em together as you'd normally hook 'em up.

    The beauty here is that due to your ability to make and store an "unlimited" number of Rigs, placing your real pedal into a stomp slot is effectively taken care of; you simply switch Rigs and the result will be the same.

    Exactly. Or "correct weight" as they say. ;)

    No need for it to be more complex than this.

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • Just Profile 'em together as you'd normally hook 'em up.

    The beauty here is that due to your ability to make and store an "unlimited" number of Rigs, placing your real pedal into a stomp slot is effectively taken care of; you simply switch Rigs and the result will be the same.

    That's a great idea!!! Thank you

    I was also reading about the most effective way to profile and every one seems to say that the best way to get a good profile is run the amp pretty loud.

    Since I live in an apartment, I probably shouldn't profile my amp then right? Haha, or does it need to be THAT loud? I have my amp in a padded closet so it's not TOO loud when I play, but is profiling with the dubstep noises that much louder?

    I want to be considerate of my neighbors so I might just have to wait until I can profile at my family's house or something.

  • If your amp can produce the sound you want to profile at a low volume, there’s no need to turn it up to profiling.

    However, if the sound you want to profile is the sound of your amplifier turned up, you will need to turn it up to that Volume to be able to get that sound in the profile.

    Got it, makes sense. Thanks!

    Maybe I am overthinking, but say I figure out where I want the volume, but when I start the profiling dubstep, it's WAY TOO LOUD.

    Is there a way to abort mid-dubstep so my neighbors don't complain?